Had appt for High Grade Anal Dysplasia Lesion

sfcharm Member Posts: 16

Hi all, had my appt today at UCSF for the High Grade Anal Dysplasia Lesion. I can't say enough good things about this appt.  I had Dr. Berry at UCSF, he was just as kind and professional as it get's. I read all good things about him and would agree, he was wonderful. I did have biopsies done and will have the results in about 10 days. He answered every question I had. He said that if it's not cancer I will still need treatment for the High Grade Dysplasia that was found on my colonoscopy. I will keep you posted on the results. I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to help me through this. Support groups have always worked for me and this is no different. Thank-you.


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  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    You sound so relieved! Im so glad you liked Dr Berry, it sounds like he knows his stuff and has a great bedside manner. I am curious to know what treatment he recommends so keep us posted if you can.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I am so happy to know that you saw Dr. Berry and liked him very much.  I had a feeling you would.  You are in excellent hands.  Please keep us posted.

  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    High Grade Anal dysplasia Lesion

    I got my biopsy results from UCSF and my lesion is not cancer. I do however have a high grade lesion and will have it treated next month. I want to thank all of you for walking me through this difficult time. I appreciate it more than you can know. I am relieved and looking forward to treatment. I would like to continue with the forum support as I am the type of individual that needs it. I will keep you posted on how it goes and again, thank you all.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited July 2017 #5

    Wonderful news for you! I'm so glad your lesion isn't cancer. What will the treatment be? The Da Vinci procedure? I'm very glad this group has helped you and you will keep us updated. It's good to know some of these lesions can get caught before they turn into cancer. 

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited July 2017 #6

    That is such good news!  I am very happy for you and, by all means, please stay in this group for support.  I hope your treatment goes well.

  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    High Grade Anal dysplasia Lesion

    My treatment is called Hyfrecation. It is a form of electrosurgery used to destroy the tissue involved. I will be followed for several years, maybe longer. I have a lot of questions for the Dr. treating me. I know I'm in good hands as this Dr. is very well known in this field.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited July 2017 #8

    Thanks, I will read about that. (when I typed the term auto correct changed it to "hug reaction"! Lol)

  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    Hyfrecation/Electrocautery for High grade anal dysplasia lesion

    Hi everyone,


    On Tuesday I go in to have my treatment for the high grade lesion found during my colonoscopy in June. I had complained for over two years of something very wrong in my anal canal. I had a colonoscopy done three years ago and nothing was found. I also saw a colorectal surgeon at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia two years ago and a colorectal surgeon twice at UCSF in San FRancisco. Neither saw anything. My understanding is the light that the specialist use are not available to the two colorectal surgeons I saw.

    I am really worried about tuesday morning. I am seeing a very well known Dr. who specializes in this. He was just wonderful when he took my biopsies and said no cancer was found. But he did say I have an area where there is a high grade lesion and it has to be treated. I also read the pathology report and saw that there was a low grade lesion taken during the colonoscopy also. 

    I still feel like it might be cancer or develop into it. I just feel so crummy down there. It's been a month since I had the biopsies done and I just have itching and severe gas.. I feel guilty even writing this since I know that many of you on this forum are suffering with anal cancer. I'm wondering if you have any suggestions or advice on what I can ask the Dr. on tuesday when I go in for my first treatment? 

    I'm the type of person who worries about whether the Sun will come up? Thank you all for reading this and I welcome all your comments, advice or suggestions..

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited August 2017 #10

    First of all, don't worry about whether or not the sun will come up tomorrow.  Even on August 21st., the day of the total eclipse, the sun will still be there!  Kidding aside, I understand your concerns, but it sounds like you are in very good hands.  This lesion will be zapped and you will be closely monitored afterwards.  At least you are fortunate in that it has been caught prior to becoming cancer, which is not the case for many of us.  However, do not feel like you are not entitled to your fears because it's quite understandable.  As for questions to your doctor, I would find out how often you will be re-examined and for how long.  You will definitely want to know of any type of restricted diet you might need to follow until you heal.  I had anal fulguration surgery for anal condyloma and was told to follow a soft/liquid diet for a few days.

    I wish you all the best on Tuesday and I hope all goes well for you.  Please let us know how you're doing when you are up to posting.  Take good care. 

  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2017 #11
    mp327 said:


    First of all, don't worry about whether or not the sun will come up tomorrow.  Even on August 21st., the day of the total eclipse, the sun will still be there!  Kidding aside, I understand your concerns, but it sounds like you are in very good hands.  This lesion will be zapped and you will be closely monitored afterwards.  At least you are fortunate in that it has been caught prior to becoming cancer, which is not the case for many of us.  However, do not feel like you are not entitled to your fears because it's quite understandable.  As for questions to your doctor, I would find out how often you will be re-examined and for how long.  You will definitely want to know of any type of restricted diet you might need to follow until you heal.  I had anal fulguration surgery for anal condyloma and was told to follow a soft/liquid diet for a few days.

    I wish you all the best on Tuesday and I hope all goes well for you.  Please let us know how you're doing when you are up to posting.  Take good care. 

    High Grade Anal dysplasia Lesion

    Thank you for all your reassuance, I really appreciate it. I only have two people I can discuss this with. I feel very comfortable here and hope to learn more as I go through this. I have a list of questions for my Dr.. I feel confident knowing he's treating patients like me each and every day! I will keep you posted..


  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member
    edited August 2017 #12
    high grade anal dysplasia lesion

    From you description, it sounds as if your lesion was discovered  because the doctor used a High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) ; you said the light was the key!   Consider yourself fortunate in that your lesion was discovered before it transformed itself.  I'm on another site (BFAC) blog for a cure (anal cancer forum) where there have been many conversations about HRA and how and why so few drs do this procedure...the reasons are not convincing. The number of cases of a.c. are rising , so hopefull more people will be diagnosed with dysplasia .

    On this site and on BFAC we discuss everything (bodily functions, hopes and fears,etc) in great detail,,,we share information and provide lots of support.

    Hope your treatment goes well and the Dr responds to your questions and concerns

  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2017 #13
    tanda said:

    high grade anal dysplasia lesion

    From you description, it sounds as if your lesion was discovered  because the doctor used a High Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) ; you said the light was the key!   Consider yourself fortunate in that your lesion was discovered before it transformed itself.  I'm on another site (BFAC) blog for a cure (anal cancer forum) where there have been many conversations about HRA and how and why so few drs do this procedure...the reasons are not convincing. The number of cases of a.c. are rising , so hopefull more people will be diagnosed with dysplasia .

    On this site and on BFAC we discuss everything (bodily functions, hopes and fears,etc) in great detail,,,we share information and provide lots of support.

    Hope your treatment goes well and the Dr responds to your questions and concerns

    High Grade Anal dysplasia Lesion

    Thank you for all your kind words. I am very relieved that the pain and discomfort I felt for over two years was finally discovered. I was beginning to believe It was all in my head. I pushed my new GI Dr. for another colonoscopy (had one three years ago and nothing was found). I'm glad I did. She found a precancerous polyp which was removed and the high grade lesion. I will check in with you after treatment and let you know how it all goes.


  • sfcharm
    sfcharm Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2017 #14
    Hyfrecation/Electrocautery for High grade anal dysplasia lesion

    I wanted to check in and let you all know that I had my appt at UCSF yesterday to have my High grade anal lesion cauterized. It was an hour procedure that went well. The worst part of it was just the anesthetic they used to numb the area. They had to insert three needles to numb it and that was not pleasant. Once the Dr. started to cauterize the tissue I felt nothing. I can't say enough about the Dr. who did the procedure. He was kind, informative and had me in a very relaxed atmosphere. One of the recomendations he made is to make sure my stools are soft to avoid pain with bowel movements. I told him I take Natural Calm or Natural Vitality. It's a magnesium supplement found in health food stores. I've tried miralax, metamucil, and nothing ever did the trick for me. He said there would be bleeding with bowel movements for a week or so. 

    I am only twent four hours out of the procedure and I feel pretty good. I am taking tylenol and a pain pill when needed. They recommend ibprofen but I have bleeding issues so I take tylenol. I do have to go back in four months for follow-up care.

    My lesion was HPV and the Dr. made a referral for me to be checked out by a gynecologists for any cervical, vaginal or labia issues. I received a call from gyn Dr.'s office yesterday and see her in two weeks. I am hoping all of those tests come back negative. 

    I want to thank you all again for reading and responding to all of my posts. I very much needed to post and hear from you. I will keep you abreast of my recovery.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I am so glad your surgery went well and that you are home and in recovery mode.  I hope you will soon have no pain and be back to normal.  May you get good news at the gyn's office that nothing of conern is found.  Take care and rest up!


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