Chemo didn't work

So we went in today for a repeat scan for my dad. Chemo hasn't helped at all. ☹️ So his oncologist seemed to think since chemo didn't even shrink it that radiation wouldnt help at all and would be way too much to put him through. we actually miss a treatment last week because of how sick he was and he has been hospitalized once From the side effects. Radiation who hasnot seen him at all was like oh we have 50/50 chance of maybe this workin. He said he looked great but if he would have seeN him a week ago it was a different story. I am so confused about all this. Oncology said we are looking  at months to live. Why would I want to put him through treatment that is going to make him  miserable and sick if it's not going to work. Has anyone else had this happen what was your experience. I just don't know what to do at this point. 


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  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    edited July 2017 #2
    I am so sorry to hear this.

    I am so sorry to hear this. Can you get a second opinion?

  • rstrong
    rstrong Member Posts: 5
    swopoe said:

    I am so sorry to hear this.

    I am so sorry to hear this. Can you get a second opinion?

    Second radiation opinion Wednesday This w

    We are going Wednesday for a second opinion for radiation. I am so worried that he will spend what time he has left  miserable from treatment. They had to stop Chemo because they were afraid it was killing him faster then the tumor. ☹️ This week that he missed he was able to get up and go to the marina with us. His idea. We pushed him in his wheel chair down to the boats. During treatment he couldnt even get out of bed. 

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Do you ming sharing some

    Do you ming sharing some additonal informsation?: Your dad's age, type of cancer, stage when diagnosed, etc.

    Thanks, and I'm very sorry you all are going through this.

  • rstrong
    rstrong Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2017 #5
    OKCnative said:

    Do you ming sharing some

    Do you ming sharing some additonal informsation?: Your dad's age, type of cancer, stage when diagnosed, etc.

    Thanks, and I'm very sorry you all are going through this.

    More Info

    My dad is 63 years old. He has been a diabetic for 30+ years. He also has survived a major heart attach and had a triple bypass. He has never taken good care of himself at all. He has been on his own for 16 ish years so TONS of fast food. (insert HUGE eye roll haha) 

    He has squamous cell carcinoma. Stage IVb His tumor started out at 7.8x7.6x6.8 and has grown. He was diagonised about 10 weeks ago. He has lost about 35-40lbs in that 10 week period. 14 lbs in 1 week which landed him in the hospital. He has on two fentyal patchs and takes about 5-8 pain pills on top of that a day. Onoclogy really stressed that they didnt think radiation would work since the chemo did NOTHING at all for the tumor. The plan from the beginning was if treatment with chemo shrank it or it didnt grown then we would do radiation if not we would just see what the tumor did. Now radiation is like well lets try and see. They havent seen how badly chemo kicked his butt. They looked at him today and said oh you dont look too bad. I am sitting there thinking you havent seen him at all in the last 9 weeks and how bad he has been. I tried to mention it but was shut down. I dont want my dad to be their "test subject" on this. That was kinda the feeling I got today. I have a doctor that has been with us the last 9 weeks telling me this really isnt looking good and we are talking months to live and raditation wont help since chemo didnt work. Then we have another doctor say hey you know you look ok today lets just do this but everything I origianlly told you isnt 100% the truth. (we have to travel to get to the hospital now which once a week is ok but they offer radiation here in our town managed by the same hospital and doctor. We were told that will be an awesome option for us so we dont have to travel and they  offer the same treatment. Now they told him they want him to travel everyday for 7 week to do this for 5 minutes. UMMM what happened to our town being just as good. Now it is there equipment is better. At that time I was like really its better here vs our town which you as a doctor and same hosiptal run. UM I dont think so.) He also got upset when I said that we already had an appointment that oncology had schedule for us. He siad FINE KEEP IT AND SEE WHAT THEY SAY. (kinda a snarky tone)

    I just want two doctors to agree on something. I only want what is best for my dad and if he only has months left I want his quality of life to be better vs quanity and he is misriable. 4 happy months is better then 6 months of him not being able to function. With Chemo he couldnt function and radiation is suppose to be way harder on him. 

    Sorry if I ramble there is just so much to take in. 

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    Where are you? What hospital?

    Mine was, chemo in ADDITION to radiation, that Radiation is the way to go. I really dont understand that they only gave him the one.

    I'm not gonna lie and say that radiation is going to be a picnic, but I did better with rads, than with chemo, I actually didnt finish my chemo course because my body couldnt take it. (I opted for the 3 bigger than the 7 little)

    I'm just baffled because like everyone else - we were treated by a team, our case was discussed by a team, (a radiation onc, a medical onc, and and ENT at least) it doesnt sound like you got that?

    so, hospital? where are you? and consider calling cancer treatment center of america for a second opinion

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I've been on this site for over 5 years....

    I've seen people get chemo and rads concurrently.....I've seen people get only radiation....and I've seen people get neither, but have surgery. I have never seen anyone get chemo only unless it was a recurrence. Radiation is the true killer of cancer....chemo helps the radiation as well as doing a clean up on possible wandering cells. Personally, I would get a second opinion even if you have to travel. Radiation could afford him a few years or more of living life and feeling good doing it. He might be miserable for a while....but it gets better. 


  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    Induction Chemotherapy

    Ok - I AM NOT MEDICALLY TRAINED - that being said, a quick, I repeat, QUICK search of treatment protocols of Head and Neck Cancer in patients with advanced cancer, taking into consideration the size and location of the tumor,  INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY is sometimes used prior to radiation.  LOCATION of the tumor may be such as surgery and radiation may be contra-indicated.

    Not all radiation is the same, some are better at pinpointing the treatment area.  I don't know the technocaloties, I did not ask.

    My husband's advanced primary tumor ran from behind his ear, down his throat and was wrapped around his larnyx.  Not a candidate for surgery.  Being a senior citizen, diabetic, previous open heart surgery after a major heart attack, previous kidney problems, he wasn't considered a candidate for chemo.  He had Erbitux and radiation.  

    I did not like my husband's radiologist at all.  But, he did get the tumor and my husband was cancer free for four years. He really tolerated the treatment pretty well.  Even now, after a recurrence, he is in remission.

    I hope your second opinion can help your father make his decision.  

    Wishing your familly all the best,




  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    edited August 2017 #9

    Treatment and response to treatment is different for everyone.  My husband was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer and he did chemo and radiation together and yes the chemo and radiation hit him hard.  They did a follow up PET/CT scan too early and told us he was clear.  Two months later after being seen several times by the ENT and being told everything was okay he was having trouble breathing.  So I made an appointment with the radiologist.  She was very concerned and immediately scheduled an appointment with the ENT's partner.  He said he needed a trach and biopsy asap.  We did that and were told that the tumor was back and larger and then were referred to a specialist in head and neck cancer.  Surgery followed and we were told healing might be hard because of the radiation but no problem.  He was cancer free for one year when they found a second primary this time surgery was ruled out so he underwent more chemo and radiation.

    My husband's health before that was good for his age.  But the radiation really took a toll both times.  He was 73 when he had his first round of radiation and 75 with the second round.  He lost his battle after the second primary came back and spread within 4 months.  I am forever grateful that the second ENT immediately referred him to a head and neck specialist since we were told they were the best to do the surgery because they could handle other problems that might arise which did when he had surgery because we found out that the radiation completely closed off his throat and it had to be reconstructed and this specialist was able to do that.  Of course, not all doctors are that competent but we were lucky because ours was.  Our first oncologist was great but the second one left a lot to be desired.  In fact the second oncologist told us when we found out that the cancer had spread to his lungs that since he wasn't having any problems no need for anything else.  But by then my husband had decided no more.

    You have to have confidence in your doctors and the doctors need to answer your questions if not then you need another doctor.  This means all doctors providing the care you need.  Hindsight is that I feel if my husband had had surgery first, he might still be here today because there was no spread at that time so I often wonder did the chemo and radiation cause the second primary.

    Wishing you and yours peace and comfort

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2017 #10
    I think it's important to do

    I think it's important to do what your dad wants so ask him and then honor and support his wishes.

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    edited August 2017 #11
    When I read these stories, I

    When I read these stories, I'm always so grateful for my first oral surgeon who did a biopsy of my gum and insisted I go to MD Anderson in Houston for treatment.  My surgeon in my city had sent off the biopsy to pathology and it came back positive for SCC of the gum.

    I am sorry you're having such an awful time with the oncologists, and that they can't seem to help. Please get another opinion at a cancer hospital if possible.  I remember my sister being told that chemo not radiation would help her and she had 3 months to live!  She was being treated at a local hospital.  We had to fight for treatment.  She lived four years.  She got to do some things that were important to her. Had we listened to those useless doctors, she would have been dead in the 3 months.

  • sondrahays
    sondrahays Member Posts: 23 Member
    My husband was diagnoised

    My husband was diagnoised with stage 4 small cell. we were told if the PET scan came back and MRI with no evidence anywhere else. he would get chemo and radiation same time. and be considered limited stage, both came back negative, than his doctor said the tumor was too big he would only get chemo, after a couple of treatments we would discuss radiation but he would no longer consider my husband curebale. he put him in the extinsive stage and told us he was given him quality of life only. and that my husband had 12-18 months. we were in shock, let alone I was pissed at the doctor. the two chemo treatments my husband had he responded above average to the chemo, tumors had shrunk 50%. not once did our doctor tell us this. he just said the chemo was shrinking the tumor. but still no radiation. we went for a third opinion at the Cleveland Clinic. and come to find out my husband they said could be considered limited stage because there was not enough evidence proving otherwise, and the only shot for a cure was radiation and chemo together. which is what we have heard from the beginning. had we stayed with this doctor he did have my husband would be planning what he wanted to do his last days. now we can have a little hope for the future for how ever long he is in remission. nothing is guaranteed. but you have to believe in your doctor and also you have to want to fight. I know my husband is about to be sick doing both. but we hope for the bigger picture it is worth it.

  • papertiger45
    papertiger45 Member Posts: 6
    paliative radiation could

    paliative radiation could make your dad more comfortable if the tumour is the source of pain for him. I haven't posted much, in fact I don't remember if I've posted at all since early in my diagnosis but I've been on the journey for three years.  I've never been given the all-clear. After treatment it was found that my tonsil cancer was clear in my neck but had spread to my liver making me stage 4c. There is no next stage. Unfortunately i had too many tumours in my liver for surgery or radiation. BUT, I was told that if it spread to other areas that cause pain such as the brain or bone, they could treat those areas with radiation - not with curative intent but to reduce pain and pressure. Chemo is notoriously ineffective as a stand alone treatment for head and neck cancers. If the radiation oncologist thinks a bit of radiotherapy might help, even if it just reduces the mass a little as part of a paliative care plan I think it's worth trying.  Medical oncologists sometimes believe they are the only oncologists who know anything, but radiation oncology is a highly specialized field, not "oncology-lite". I was told I had a few months when they found the mets in my liver, and my decision was to hold off on more chemo until I actually felt sick. But I always said I would take all the radiation they could give me if it could help with pain. I think this is a choice for your dad to make. Some people feel the need to go down swinging, they see fighting cancer as a holy wa. Others prefer to accept the inevitable, take  palliative care, and spend some quality time with the people they love doing some of the things they enjoy. there's no right or wrong way. Everyone in the end has to make this choice for themselves. 

  • rstrong
    rstrong Member Posts: 5

    paliative radiation could

    paliative radiation could make your dad more comfortable if the tumour is the source of pain for him. I haven't posted much, in fact I don't remember if I've posted at all since early in my diagnosis but I've been on the journey for three years.  I've never been given the all-clear. After treatment it was found that my tonsil cancer was clear in my neck but had spread to my liver making me stage 4c. There is no next stage. Unfortunately i had too many tumours in my liver for surgery or radiation. BUT, I was told that if it spread to other areas that cause pain such as the brain or bone, they could treat those areas with radiation - not with curative intent but to reduce pain and pressure. Chemo is notoriously ineffective as a stand alone treatment for head and neck cancers. If the radiation oncologist thinks a bit of radiotherapy might help, even if it just reduces the mass a little as part of a paliative care plan I think it's worth trying.  Medical oncologists sometimes believe they are the only oncologists who know anything, but radiation oncology is a highly specialized field, not "oncology-lite". I was told I had a few months when they found the mets in my liver, and my decision was to hold off on more chemo until I actually felt sick. But I always said I would take all the radiation they could give me if it could help with pain. I think this is a choice for your dad to make. Some people feel the need to go down swinging, they see fighting cancer as a holy wa. Others prefer to accept the inevitable, take  palliative care, and spend some quality time with the people they love doing some of the things they enjoy. there's no right or wrong way. Everyone in the end has to make this choice for themselves. 

    6 months or less

    The only thing we can do is Paliative care. The tumor grew even with chemo. We just started Rad and he is just so sick. The doc did call me and let me know with the new scans he is looking at less then 6 months to live. Some days I am not sure that he will make it a month. We did go and pick a funeral home and things like that. Now we are enjoy the time we have. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I am very sorry, that is difficult news to process.  Sometimes this forum just listens and prays.



  • MyJourneywithCancer
    MyJourneywithCancer Member Posts: 82
    edited August 2017 #16
    Hi rstrong,
    Sorry. Any discussion about PD-1 blockade? Even in a clinical trial setting?
  • Briskey
    Briskey Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2017 #17
    My first post on here

    My mom 30 years ago was given 4 months to live brain cancer - tumors all that crap , radiotion , chemo and she joined a experimental program. I think the Doc could have lost his job but he told her if she wanted to live take this I only leave one bottle in my shelf. I think he knew what would work but it's not FDA approved and he probably could have lost his license but I am glad he separated from whatever evil keeps natural things out of the medical field. To be I find it a dishonor as a dr to be called a doctor but not use natural things also to cure people.  My mom is alive and well and still takes what the doc gave her 30 years ago. I do write this that hope can build up in you even when things seem so hopeless. Cancer sometimes and tumors can get cleaned out even when it's at the stage my moms was ....TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER ......30 years ago !!!! -----  SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL . Not all black salves are the same and my recommendation would be that a person takes a pinch of magnesium chloride everyday and about half a pea size of "black salve aka compound x blood root zinc chloride" two times a day but make sure you take it after you eat. Yes womens noses have gotten eaten off by the strong stuff but even in vegtables theres oxalic acid and it flows in our viens and if you got a bunch of that in one spot like the black salve it would also eat your nose off. Now don't let people that don't know what there doing with the stuff scare you from the best stuff in the world in my opinion and I been studying this for 30 years so I could understand cancer better and learn from the one that had the worst of the cancer.  30 years later she is healthy and well. Now 30 years ago about it was she was almost dead but them paddles where used and luckily her heart started pumping agian. Now many will rely on prayers but if you want to go that route the person should be faithful otherwise why would the enemy of God get healed is my thought. But my mom was prayed for also by faithful Christians the strongest ones i've ever seen in my life in the Church Of Christ . Only in the Church Of Christ have I heard truth so well spoken and have I seen faith so faithful in all to do with what we are to do by that word.  My moms status is well she has time to walk in that light but she won't have forever in this lifetime she's lucky to be alive.  Now to get you all the details lets goto her diet now well she eats healthy meals could be like oatmeal , egg sandwiches , eggs , salads , vegtables , greens but overall stay away from fast foods and garbage food if you got cancer that deli will kill you even without cancer. Doesn't mean separate from all the enjoyable garbage we have always liked to eat but don't over do it. Either way if the compound x is taken 2 times a day it destroys alot of the stuff in food that messes a person up and it cleans the blood allow all other organs and stuff to also start fixing and it makes tumors start to go away and results are noticed fast as you work it only works if you work it's faster than chemo it's faster than radiation it really should be approved is for your dog if your dog got cancer the vet would maybe give you some to give your dog.  You can order this make it comes form a lab, Im not sure if I can post links on here my post already seems bigger than most. I am not a doctor , I doubted that compound x was the main thing that started to help my mom fight her cancer and that it had such a big effect but as the years went by and I read and study into all these things and keep in mind all these things that one day I could share them with you all. My whole conclusion comes to be that we in the USA have a corrupt medical field that doesn't use natural things like herbs and many people die everyday and our so called doctors could have saved lives , but laws against ....against good things ? What kinda evil is this ? Greed? Pharma? Yeah as your bank account is emptied and then you die. The world needs a change and we are sadi to be the nation under God and what made us so strong I believe is that. A change for us the people needs to be made  especially when for $60 you can get enough compound x to fight probably 3 peoples cancer and win the battle because your body got what it needed when it was weak to help it fight the cancer. .   Because the salve got in your blood stream through eating it and it attacks cancer. It's the only thing I know that even when put on the skin draws the cancer to it and then it falls off. The people who lost there nose over doing it not knowing oviously what there doing .....doesn't look like u got cancer there right? Imagine if used properly.  I get docs battling me saying things the try to side track things ...I could have the answer but then it's like who's going to believe you . I don't know my hearts been here for you all for about 30 years to pay attention to this stuff and the conclusion comes to be that people get sick and they don't really know anything and need someone to guide them and there's no one that really can . Doctors don't use natural things that work so a cure could be there but you would never see it because it's not man made.  As people die ....what kinda of doctors don't use natural things ....our doctors in the usa. I hope this is of some kinda help i try to get my mom on here to show pictures when her head was cutt open , tumors worked on , she was like a mummy in a cast and i was young not wanting to loose my mom. I was 12 years old about and now I am 39 years old.  Don't give up hope when things go what they call TERMINAL she didn't .  Doctors won't give you black salve like hers did and said to her if you want to live take this stuff. I am glad that he had compassion on her because he could have lost his license , but he knew what would save her.  Like many doctors today may know what would save you but can't do it that way. Doctors will come under judgement and if they where a doctor that didn't help heal using what hey know is best then I would find that a bad doctor , because we don't go to the doc to heal us no matter what wether its natural things or man made pill to eat we go to the doctor to help us get better using everything they got in this whole world. Any doctor that wouldn't use everything in this whole world even herb etc.... is a shame and a disgrace as a doctor.  

  • MaBrewer
    MaBrewer Member Posts: 2

    My husband - age 52 was treated 3 years ago for acid reflux which led to diagnosis of malignant vocal cord polyp removal followed by radiation,  surgeon mentioned having PET after oncologist felt unnecessary.  One year later my husband felt lump in his right neck, it was biopsied and found to be malignant.  We were given confusing information regarding how and why it would have spread and told out-patient surgury would be performed with follow treatment.  I contacted Mayo clinic and within a week a large mass was removed (5 hour surgery) -we aligned with Mayo radiology and medical oncology teams to have treatment closer to home (Medical College of Wisconsin/Froededrt) .  A course of radiation with Cisplatin chemo which was well tolerated, he never missed a day of work except for chemo day, his team was amazed.  3 month PET follow up 3/15/17 showed NED however concern for suspicious lymph nodes same area of neck dissection field, further tests were done and we were told there was nothing to test or biopsy.  6 month PET - nothing turned into something, very agressive growth -non-operable due to location around carotid.  Follow was done at Mayo who recommended finding a clinical trial, I was suprised that they were not able or willing to help in this pursuit.  I am currently trying to navigate trials he would be eligible for however was advised by Mayo that this is a very tricky thing because if he participates in standard care treatment from his local oncologist he would be disqualified or could be from trial which could prove beneficial.  Mayo recommended trials first- then standard care, however, all is time sensitive.  Any recommendations on navigating this process are more than welcome-




    treatment (radiolo

  • corleone
    corleone Member Posts: 312 Member
    Briskey said:

    My first post on here

    My mom 30 years ago was given 4 months to live brain cancer - tumors all that crap , radiotion , chemo and she joined a experimental program. I think the Doc could have lost his job but he told her if she wanted to live take this I only leave one bottle in my shelf. I think he knew what would work but it's not FDA approved and he probably could have lost his license but I am glad he separated from whatever evil keeps natural things out of the medical field. To be I find it a dishonor as a dr to be called a doctor but not use natural things also to cure people.  My mom is alive and well and still takes what the doc gave her 30 years ago. I do write this that hope can build up in you even when things seem so hopeless. Cancer sometimes and tumors can get cleaned out even when it's at the stage my moms was ....TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER ......30 years ago !!!! -----  SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL . Not all black salves are the same and my recommendation would be that a person takes a pinch of magnesium chloride everyday and about half a pea size of "black salve aka compound x blood root zinc chloride" two times a day but make sure you take it after you eat. Yes womens noses have gotten eaten off by the strong stuff but even in vegtables theres oxalic acid and it flows in our viens and if you got a bunch of that in one spot like the black salve it would also eat your nose off. Now don't let people that don't know what there doing with the stuff scare you from the best stuff in the world in my opinion and I been studying this for 30 years so I could understand cancer better and learn from the one that had the worst of the cancer.  30 years later she is healthy and well. Now 30 years ago about it was she was almost dead but them paddles where used and luckily her heart started pumping agian. Now many will rely on prayers but if you want to go that route the person should be faithful otherwise why would the enemy of God get healed is my thought. But my mom was prayed for also by faithful Christians the strongest ones i've ever seen in my life in the Church Of Christ . Only in the Church Of Christ have I heard truth so well spoken and have I seen faith so faithful in all to do with what we are to do by that word.  My moms status is well she has time to walk in that light but she won't have forever in this lifetime she's lucky to be alive.  Now to get you all the details lets goto her diet now well she eats healthy meals could be like oatmeal , egg sandwiches , eggs , salads , vegtables , greens but overall stay away from fast foods and garbage food if you got cancer that deli will kill you even without cancer. Doesn't mean separate from all the enjoyable garbage we have always liked to eat but don't over do it. Either way if the compound x is taken 2 times a day it destroys alot of the stuff in food that messes a person up and it cleans the blood allow all other organs and stuff to also start fixing and it makes tumors start to go away and results are noticed fast as you work it only works if you work it's faster than chemo it's faster than radiation it really should be approved is for your dog if your dog got cancer the vet would maybe give you some to give your dog.  You can order this make it comes form a lab, Im not sure if I can post links on here my post already seems bigger than most. I am not a doctor , I doubted that compound x was the main thing that started to help my mom fight her cancer and that it had such a big effect but as the years went by and I read and study into all these things and keep in mind all these things that one day I could share them with you all. My whole conclusion comes to be that we in the USA have a corrupt medical field that doesn't use natural things like herbs and many people die everyday and our so called doctors could have saved lives , but laws against ....against good things ? What kinda evil is this ? Greed? Pharma? Yeah as your bank account is emptied and then you die. The world needs a change and we are sadi to be the nation under God and what made us so strong I believe is that. A change for us the people needs to be made  especially when for $60 you can get enough compound x to fight probably 3 peoples cancer and win the battle because your body got what it needed when it was weak to help it fight the cancer. .   Because the salve got in your blood stream through eating it and it attacks cancer. It's the only thing I know that even when put on the skin draws the cancer to it and then it falls off. The people who lost there nose over doing it not knowing oviously what there doing .....doesn't look like u got cancer there right? Imagine if used properly.  I get docs battling me saying things the try to side track things ...I could have the answer but then it's like who's going to believe you . I don't know my hearts been here for you all for about 30 years to pay attention to this stuff and the conclusion comes to be that people get sick and they don't really know anything and need someone to guide them and there's no one that really can . Doctors don't use natural things that work so a cure could be there but you would never see it because it's not man made.  As people die ....what kinda of doctors don't use natural things ....our doctors in the usa. I hope this is of some kinda help i try to get my mom on here to show pictures when her head was cutt open , tumors worked on , she was like a mummy in a cast and i was young not wanting to loose my mom. I was 12 years old about and now I am 39 years old.  Don't give up hope when things go what they call TERMINAL she didn't .  Doctors won't give you black salve like hers did and said to her if you want to live take this stuff. I am glad that he had compassion on her because he could have lost his license , but he knew what would save her.  Like many doctors today may know what would save you but can't do it that way. Doctors will come under judgement and if they where a doctor that didn't help heal using what hey know is best then I would find that a bad doctor , because we don't go to the doc to heal us no matter what wether its natural things or man made pill to eat we go to the doctor to help us get better using everything they got in this whole world. Any doctor that wouldn't use everything in this whole world even herb etc.... is a shame and a disgrace as a doctor.  

    I think you are preaching to

    I think you are preaching to the wrong audience here. All of us have chosen the standard of care (and some participated in research studies) because it is proven to work (or with validated proof of concept in case of clinical trials).  After going through poison (chemo) burn (radiation) and knife (surgery) most of us are here to tell the story.

    You also mentioned your mom was given all that crap, radiation, chemo and she joined an experimental program. Don’t you think this must have cured her? No, of course not.

    Alternative medicine is sometimes useful if used in moderation (and selected after a careful consideration of the effects), and only after the standard of care was pursued. The food you take also makes a difference, but it’s not a cure for cancer.

    If you have been studying black salve for 30 years, perhaps you care to point to some proven cases that have been treated successfully? Except your mother’s case, which I find dubious, for the reason above. Because other than dubious site that explain you how great these things are (or other stuff like alkaline diet, or ketogenic diet, or cesium, or hypochlorite, or B17 or, or, …), and that big bad Pharma is evil, I haven’t seen much.


    By the way, the ingredient zinc chloride (from black salve) is an especially powerful escharotic that might work for some skin issues, but no way applicable to H&N cancers.

  • Harmony09
    Harmony09 Member Posts: 79
    I'm so fortunate to live in the Tidewater Area


    I'm so fortunate to live in the Tidewater Area near Hampton University, where we have a Proton Therapy Center. I hear it's one of less than a dozen. Please look into it for your father. The side effects are  next to nothing, and it's more precise AND stronger than external/x-ray radiation. My doctor can't "recommend it ($ made at his practice doing the conventional Tx); however, since I asked, he will refer me, just as he does several others.

    Please look into Proton Therapy (not photo-therapy)!!!


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