Just came home From Dr.-Found Mass in lower rectum!

Bradnjerzee Member Posts: 17
edited July 2017 in Anal Cancer #1

I went to Dr this morning becuase I haev had blood in my stool like 7 out of 10 stools had bright red blood but I assumed it was was hemorroids so I just used creams etc, but over time I thought I should get this checked.  I'm 51, great shape overall, eat great etc...he did a manual exam and was pushing real hard and ultimately he told me, that he feels a mass, the texture alone indicates is could be cancer, but could not he said. He orderd cat scan of pelvis, and stomach, MRI of pelvis and colonscopy.  He wants these done asap.  Im am very nervous!  I dont know what to think, what to expect, can he really tell just by the touch it could be cancer?  

Has anyone experienced the doctor telling them he feels the mass?  What was your experience.



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  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Sorry you have a reason to join this site, but I hope everything will turn out okay for you.  You asked if anyone else had experienced a similar situation and I would compare mine to yours.  I began experiencing rectal bleeding and my internist referred me to a colorectal doctor--not for the bleeding (which she said was a hemorrhoid), but because I had put off getting my first colonoscopy, which should have been done 4 years earlier.  I went to the CR doctor and, after looking at my paperwork and noticing I indicated the bleeding, she took me into an exam room and did a digital rectal exam and anoscopy.  She told me right then and there that she was 99% sure I had anal cancer.  Unfortunately she was right.  So, to answer your question, yes, doctors who have experience with seeing patients with anal cancer usually do a thorough exam on the anal canal.  I hope your doctor is wrong.  All of the tests ordered should either rule out or confirm a tumor.  I hope you'll let us know what you find out.  I wish you all the best as you seek answers.

  • JHH
    JHH Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2017 #3
    Sorry you are going through

    Sorry you are going through this....I'm right there with you!  My colonoscopy showed a 'polyp' too large to remove, and so I was referred to a surgeon.  The journey pretty much started there and Yes!  The Dr. can feel a mass, my surgeon felt it and took a look right in his office.  Took me a bit off guard for sure!

    I'm 61, great shape, don't feel sick, run daily.  I'm right there with you.  Hang in there.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    I hope your doctor is wrong too. But in case your doctor is right it sounds like all the right tests have been ordered and you are in good hands. Please let us know how you are doing and how the work up comes out. Remember if it is anal cancer there are extremely high cure rates- as I'm sure you've been reading about. 

  • shahrivar
    shahrivar Member Posts: 2
    Hi there all,

    Hi there all,

    Am very new to this site.

    Had colonscopy March 2016, had rectal cancer, small luckily.  then had removal but had leakage afterwards so had two ops in one week - it was a long road and nearly did not make it but surgeon in Delft, Holland was brilliant.  Difficult when you dont speak the language either!  Had stoma for a few months then September had it removed.  Had three months revalidation, which was very good and at end of June after physio started to feel human again.   Sometimes you don't think there is light at the end of the tunnel but please remember it is always quality of life not quantity.  It is possible to survive all of this and, with good medical care, life does get better.  Anyone else had these kind of 'hiccups' in their lives?


  • Bradnjerzee
    Bradnjerzee Member Posts: 17
    JHH said:

    Sorry you are going through

    Sorry you are going through this....I'm right there with you!  My colonoscopy showed a 'polyp' too large to remove, and so I was referred to a surgeon.  The journey pretty much started there and Yes!  The Dr. can feel a mass, my surgeon felt it and took a look right in his office.  Took me a bit off guard for sure!

    I'm 61, great shape, don't feel sick, run daily.  I'm right there with you.  Hang in there.

    Tell me about your experience

    My name is Brad, tell me about your experience, Im also athletic, great shape, great blood work etc..Dr. did exam and he said the texture feels like it could be cancer. Located in the lower rectum.  Nor I have all these test lined up to reveal whats going on.  Ive had blood in stool last 5-6 months, some days no blood, itchy...usesd creams and that helped...now Im faced with this..Bllod is the only sign of something wrong, I dont have change in bowel habits, stomach issues, loss of weight etc..Im stumped.

  • LindaBaehr
    LindaBaehr Member Posts: 47
    shahrivar said:

    Hi there all,

    Hi there all,

    Am very new to this site.

    Had colonscopy March 2016, had rectal cancer, small luckily.  then had removal but had leakage afterwards so had two ops in one week - it was a long road and nearly did not make it but surgeon in Delft, Holland was brilliant.  Difficult when you dont speak the language either!  Had stoma for a few months then September had it removed.  Had three months revalidation, which was very good and at end of June after physio started to feel human again.   Sometimes you don't think there is light at the end of the tunnel but please remember it is always quality of life not quantity.  It is possible to survive all of this and, with good medical care, life does get better.  Anyone else had these kind of 'hiccups' in their lives?



    You are right Shahrivar.  It is very survivable.  The good thing is that anal cancer has good survival rates.  The bad thing is that it is a terrible place to treat!

  • JHH
    JHH Member Posts: 23

    Tell me about your experience

    My name is Brad, tell me about your experience, Im also athletic, great shape, great blood work etc..Dr. did exam and he said the texture feels like it could be cancer. Located in the lower rectum.  Nor I have all these test lined up to reveal whats going on.  Ive had blood in stool last 5-6 months, some days no blood, itchy...usesd creams and that helped...now Im faced with this..Bllod is the only sign of something wrong, I dont have change in bowel habits, stomach issues, loss of weight etc..Im stumped.


    My experience is somewhat , not exactly; like yours.  Went in June 1st, colonoscopy found 'one' polyp , too large to remove.  I was at a rectal surgeons office the next day, he could feel the polyp, and took a look in the office.  I've had an anal-ultrasound , contrast dye MRI,(no transmural invasion and no lmyph node involvement), bloodwork, biopsy from colonoscopy is negative (benign), all tests look to be on the positive. My Dr. still believes it to be a T2, possibly T1.  He is an awesome surgeon, I really like him.  He (opinion) seems to think it must be cancer due to size, yet none of the tests have yet supported his suspicions 100%.  Ultimately, removal and biopsy of the tumor itself will tell.

    I too am athletic, and in great shape.  It's a hard pill to swallow, that you may have something serious yet you don't feel sick.  I have no weight loss, no blood in stool, I feel great!  I"m wondering / concerned that the only option is to do a lower resection, and I go from feeling awesome to being not able to do all the things I now do.  I"m going to get a 2nd opinion, not because I don't trust my surgeon, but because I want to make sure I'm not a candidate for the TEM procedure for removal vs. the lower laproscopic resection.  I want to make sure.  Like you, I"m stumped.  Keep doing what you're doing and stay healthy whlie going through all these tests.  I"m new to this, started all this June 1st 2017.  Be in charge and proactive...get the answers you need to get through and make the right decision.  Sorry that we are all here and going through this.

  • Bradnjerzee
    Bradnjerzee Member Posts: 17
    Update. Mass confirmed

    Had colonoscopy Today. Found 3x3cm mass in lower rectum  it looks small but now need MRI and cat scan to see if has metastized  not. Sr said most likely cancerous and after my other teats a treatment plan will be discussed 

    really nervous become I don't know what is next. Surgery? Radiation? Chemo? Will I be ok?  

    Thano you for reading my post

  • jcorum
    jcorum Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited July 2017 #10
    Bradnjerzee, theres a great chance you will be fine!!

    I was diagnosed on sept 13th 2010, after having rectal bleeding for a year of so. My gym felt something in my exam in jan 2011 but said it was hemorroids. My GP was concerned when i mentioned in Sept & ordered a colonscopy. A mass was found. I was stage 2 with no lymph node involvement. I had chemo & radiation. Which radiation in that area is pretty brutal. But there is an end in sight. (pun intended) This cancer is VERY survivable/curable. After my treatment ended, my chemo doctor said "you're cured. This will all just be a blip in your life , that you will forget in time."  I am almost 7 yrs out & have no risidual side affects from the treatment & he is right. It was 7 years ago, just a bad memory & my life has gone on and been better than before. So, while its crazy scary at first, you will feel much better mentally when you start the treatment. Its the waiting for scan results, etc that really works your nerves. Once you start treatment, you feel empowered & have a plan to get rid of the nasty bugger! There are a few long term survivors on here that can give you tips on how to make it thru the treatment easier. You have come to the right place for encouragement

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    Im sorry you have to go thru this. At this time you have to wait- the hardest part- for all the results before they will give you a plan. The pathology will tell them what type of cells the tumor is made up of and of course the other tests will be to check for metastisis. If it anal cancer (squamous cell)and if it hasn't metastisized the standard treatment is a combo of two rounds of chemo given five weeks apart along with six weeks of five day a week radiation. Colorectalcancer is a different beast and has different treatment. How long do you have to wait for results? 

  • JHH
    JHH Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2017 #12

    Update. Mass confirmed

    Had colonoscopy Today. Found 3x3cm mass in lower rectum  it looks small but now need MRI and cat scan to see if has metastized  not. Sr said most likely cancerous and after my other teats a treatment plan will be discussed 

    really nervous become I don't know what is next. Surgery? Radiation? Chemo? Will I be ok?  

    Thano you for reading my post

    Hey Brad

    I have a mass about the same size, had MRI, CT and CEA tests. (I'm not wanting to be repetitive) So far, all tests have confirmed size of mass, the biopsies taken during colonoscopy were negative for cancer, MRI and CT and sonogram show "no lymph node involement", only thing I have is this 'dumb a** tumor'.  I'm scheduled for DaVinci laproscopic surgery and am praying it is successful.  So hang in there!  It may just be something that needs to be removed, although the surgery is a daunting thought. (for me!)  I'm in good health, as you are from your post, so that all works in your favor.  Please keep us posted!  ~JHH


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