Working through chemo.

So I got a job offer that I wanted the day I was diagnosed and I am fortunate they are working with me. Allowed time for surgery. Allowing days off after treatments. Keeping me on duty I can tolerate. Couldn't ask for more. 

I wanted this. I asked for this. 

Im told by family and others how great it is that I can work while going through treatment. Even docs are impressed. 

ive only had three rounds over the last 6 weeks and now I'm hurting. I'm exhausted. I want to cry. I suck it up and get through my shifts. Each round comes with more and more side effects and longer lasting days of fatigue. 

i was a stay at home mom for 20 years. Up till about two years ago. I like working. But this sucks. I feel like if I quit everyone will be disappointed or feel sorry for me not being able to hack it. I just don't know what to do. 

do i suck it up till it gets better, will it get better? After round 4, I do 12 treatments at 1x/week. The drugs will change, but once a week? Damn. At least now so far, I have the majority of a whole week feeling semi normal. 

feeling like crap for so many reasons! 



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  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2017 #2
    I start treatment soon and my

    I start treatment soon and my hope is that I can continue to work.  I want to work for several reasons,  one is mainly financial. It's great that your job is understanding and flexible, but you have to do what's right for you.  Taking care of yourself is the most important thing.  Are you going to be talking Taxol weekly? I have heard that for a lot of people is easier than A/C, I'm assuming thats what you're currently getting,  right? But,  with anything its not easy for everybody.  Listen to your body

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    I am so sorry that you find yourself here. Good for you for going out and getting a job and for trying so hard. Willow, let's hope that you only have to do cancer treatment once. Your body needs strength to fight this cancer. Everyone is different, but you need to put your health first!  You owe it to yourself and to your family to take good care of yourself.

  • Willowtree1822
    Willowtree1822 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2017 #4
    i am hoping this is just a

    i am hoping this is just a bad week. I'm gonna stick it out for a while. But my hands are on fire and I use my hands a lot at work. It's not easy. Ive heard that some docs will stop or change chemo if it's too hard. But I worry if we delay or change treatment then my success rate may change. 

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I would talk to you med on onco

    For a long time i had weekly chemo. It was Much easier than the a/c every 3 weeks. It could

    be bad week. Along with chemo and cancerdepression is common. They can also work with you on that.  I have been fighting it for years now and different chemos can work easier on your body than others.  But talk to you doctor.  There are some chemos that may require something to make any side effects easier.I have been on 9 chemos, some easier than others, so don't feel like whatever you are on is the only thing they have to fight it.They may be keeping you on it because the bloodwork is showing good results!

    None of them are easy, but some are easier because your body may have less side effects. But do talk to your onco. If that isn't satisfactory, always remember you can get second opinions, and I have never had a dr. Get upset when I told them I wanted one so that I knew I was on the riht path.

    I wish you the best and follow your gut.

  • Not.just.cancer
    Not.just.cancer Member Posts: 4
    Willow Tree: Me, too!

    I don't ask, "why me?", because  1 in 8 women get breast cancer, and the numbers are increasing. But just like you, this has come right at the time when I had just gotten a new job I really wanted, after a long search.  They are working with me in some ways, but they could not wait for me to come back with my full hours, so instead I am on an as-needed basis and had to train my replacement., I am in school, since 2011, with 67k in loans, set to graduate in 4 months...and now that is pretty iffy. I am as scared about al my dreams going down the drain (as getting back to this point may not be possible if I have to let school go for now) as I am about treatment failure or recurrence.  So I totally hear you. How it is going now?

  • Not.just.cancer
    Not.just.cancer Member Posts: 4

    i am hoping this is just a

    i am hoping this is just a bad week. I'm gonna stick it out for a while. But my hands are on fire and I use my hands a lot at work. It's not easy. Ive heard that some docs will stop or change chemo if it's too hard. But I worry if we delay or change treatment then my success rate may change. 

    would B-6 help?

    My oncologist sAYS VITAMIN B-6 may help reduce damage to nerves, so maybe ask about that? There are also meds that help with the pain and tingling, if it persists. Some of it is temporary, sometimes all of it. I hope it is for you.

  • Not.just.cancer
    Not.just.cancer Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2017 #8
    Willow Tree, I'm on the same regimen, 1 treatment behind.

    I am having AC x 4 cycles, 2 weeks apart, then wil have weekly Taxol x 12. I've had 2 cycles, and anemia caused me to need a transfusion. I am exhausted, and every day I have doubts, fear I will never get rhough school, etc.  If not, it won't be just a delay or trying again; I may not have another chance and I may lose my home...But just when I feel SURE I'll never make it, a better day happens, or I get past 1 small hurdle and can keep going--so far. I hope you will keep us posted, as it would feel good to support someone in the same situation, especially. Right now I am scheduled to lose my hair this week, and am not looking forward to that...

  • Willowtree1822
    Willowtree1822 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2017 #9
    thank you guys! I love

    thank you guys! I love knowing there are others who can really relate. I will certainly ask about b6! My hands and now my feet are very "burned" feeling. Starting to see some cracks in the creases of my fingers. I'm using lots of creams on my hands. I feel like blisters are popping up under the callouses . We shall see. i feel better this week. My next treatment (#4) is July 10th. 

    Not just seems like we are on same treatment and close in schedule. I have days I feel I can handle anything. Then I want to cry. The platitude about everyone is different and such, is annoying, but true.

     I Understand your fear about your hair! I had long hair, close to my waist for my whole life. I had one of those dads who felt like girls should never cut their hair. I cut my hair to very short length right before treatment started. i saw it as a challenge to get a cut I was never brave enough to do before. Then it started coming out very rapidly the day after round 2. my hair is...was...very thick so after couple days of it coming out in clumps, I decided to shave it off. Couldn't imagine going to work with it falling out that way. my daughter and granddaughter saw me the next morning with a scarf on. I asked if they wanted to see my bald head. Lol my granddaughter said right away yes! :) I pulled the scarf off and my 10 year old granddaughter looked at me and said omg gramma you have a beautiful head! Lol I felt so much love. I'm not brave enough to go out in public without a scarf. But I'm getting more comfortable every day. 

    I hope to hear how you handle your treatment and hope we can support each other in some way! 

  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    Good morning Willowtree, I

    Good morning Willowtree, I hope this is a good day!  I had my first treatment of A/C on June 29th and returned to work today, July 5th.  With the holiday and the weekend off, I only had to take 2 days of vacation time.  I plan to work through the next 3 treatments and will be having them every 2 week.  What I experienced so far I think was minor.  On Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I completely relaxed, took the medication before any side effects could get out of control, binged watch TV and watched what I was eating.  Sunday I decided to get up shower, take a walk and return some phone calls.  Monday was the holiday and I ate a little barbecue and a hot dog and watched the fireworks from my backyard.  Today back at work and feeling good.  I have a very considerate supervisor who is experiencing chemo treatments with her husband so she gets it completely and is very supportive.  I am indeed blessed and thanking GOD for his grace and mercy.  Ladies we can do this together!  Praying for everyone!!!

  • booksandnumbers
    booksandnumbers Member Posts: 30
    edited July 2017 #11

    The A/C infusions were rough. When I started on Taxol though the side effects were much less and I was able to work even though I did tire easy. Hopefully once you start with Taxol your side effects will be more bareable too. All the best. Thinking of you.

  • Willowtree1822
    Willowtree1822 Member Posts: 13
    I saw onc today. He offered

    I saw onc today. He offered to let me delay a week to let my hands heal some. He said its hands and feet syndrome. Like the skin is burned a little. Round 4 may make the skin peel. He also suggested vitamin b6. So I'll try that. Worry about taking week off. Will that reduce effectivenes? Hubby says he wouldn't suggest it if it did. But idk. Just another worry lol

  • booksandnumbers
    booksandnumbers Member Posts: 30

    I saw onc today. He offered

    I saw onc today. He offered to let me delay a week to let my hands heal some. He said its hands and feet syndrome. Like the skin is burned a little. Round 4 may make the skin peel. He also suggested vitamin b6. So I'll try that. Worry about taking week off. Will that reduce effectivenes? Hubby says he wouldn't suggest it if it did. But idk. Just another worry lol

    I also had hand and foot

    I also had hand and foot syndrome. B6 helped some and I used cortisone cream plus fragance free moisturizer. My hands peeled after round 4. Feet were not effectted as much as hands. Once done with the A/C symptoms improved fast. I also delayed treatment and was assured it would not negatively impact treatment results. Even during Taxol treatment I had to skip here and there because of low blood count. Hang in there.

  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2017 #14
    Tiffany's Twenty Terrific Tips for TC

    Hello my fellow warriors.  Hope you are having a great or at least good day.  Have to leave work at little early today to go check my blood count.  Hope all is well.  I've been doing pretty good since my first treatment of AC last Thursday.  I am also on a forum with and came across this thread and thought I should share.  Some good information here:



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