Cold / Allergy Symptoms

Chicklette Member Posts: 225
edited May 2017 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hi Everyone,

my husband is just starting his third week of treatment.  He's been doing really well, but a couple days ago we both came down with terrible allergy / cold symptom.  When he said something to the doctor, they said it was all side effects of radiation.  I have a hard time believing this since I have the same symptoms.  I suppose it doesn't matter, but did any of you have "head cold" symptoms in the first couple weeks of treatment?  Just curious...



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  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    head cold


    I was experiencing head trauma, but no cold.

    Maybe you are having a sympathy head cold (you are too nice).


  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    A sympathy sore throat maybe

    I told my husband that I won't even think about complaining about my sore throat.  I'm sure his is 1000 times worse.  He's starting to get blisters in his throat.  Ouch!  I just found it odd that it was supposedly radiation side effects (and maybe it is) but I never heard mention of cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sneez, coughing) as side effects.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    what was wrong with calling it allergies?


    Now stuffy nose, sneez, coughing, those things happen along with hiccups, dry mouth and a whole host of  other head, mouth, throat and tongue issues, let alone the fatigue.

    But, let’s stay upbeat; after all he is still eating.


  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    Maybe even seasonal

    It could even be seasonal allergies. I have never had an allergy in my life until post treatment. Or at least I think they are allergies. Just think as the neck as a 5 or 6 inch piece of pipe. All of your bodies vital processes run though that pipe. And now we are going to keep hitting with a hammer for 7 weeks. There are going to be all kind of odd symptoms and occurences that nobody will be able to explain. Just watch for the fevers. 100.4 and off to the ER you go. You guys are on your way to a slam dunk finish. You Got This. 

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2017 #6
    Maybe it's both? Since you

    Maybe it's both? Since you seem to have the same symptoms? I know Terry presented with some of the same things and we juat chalked it up to one of the many side effects that he could have. 

    so glad that your husband is still doing OK! Three weeks! You're almost 1/2 way through! Hugs!

  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    MMDowns said:

    Maybe it's both? Since you

    Maybe it's both? Since you seem to have the same symptoms? I know Terry presented with some of the same things and we juat chalked it up to one of the many side effects that he could have. 

    so glad that your husband is still doing OK! Three weeks! You're almost 1/2 way through! Hugs!

    Thank You

    Today was the official 1/3 mark :). Today he was switched from cisplatin to carboplatin because of the ear ringing/ hearing loss.   The doctor said it's just as effective and should not harm his hearing.  Other benefits is that it takes half of the time to infuse and he no longer to take emend and he can take zofran as needed.  The anti nausea medicine was causing terrible constipation.  Today is a good day.  Last night we went out to dinner and he enjoyed the meal very much.  He did have a bowl of Lucky Charms yesterday and he can no longer taste the marshmallows so sweet is starting to go.  But, for being a third of the way done, I think he is doing great.  We are just taking things one day at a time.  I hope you and Terry are doing well! HUG

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2017 #8

    Thank You

    Today was the official 1/3 mark :). Today he was switched from cisplatin to carboplatin because of the ear ringing/ hearing loss.   The doctor said it's just as effective and should not harm his hearing.  Other benefits is that it takes half of the time to infuse and he no longer to take emend and he can take zofran as needed.  The anti nausea medicine was causing terrible constipation.  Today is a good day.  Last night we went out to dinner and he enjoyed the meal very much.  He did have a bowl of Lucky Charms yesterday and he can no longer taste the marshmallows so sweet is starting to go.  But, for being a third of the way done, I think he is doing great.  We are just taking things one day at a time.  I hope you and Terry are doing well! HUG

    Wow!! That's awesome! He

    Wow!! That's awesome! He sounds like he's doing really well. I'm so glad for you both.  It also sounds like your dr took the ringing in the ears seriously. I don't think ours did but Terry's ears are good. :)  Keep up the good work! I'm really happy for you guys! I'll keep praying for a continued smooth ride.  Lots of Hugs!


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