Strange success in killing off Thrush

AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
edited May 2017 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I am now in month two of a war on my mouth Thrush/Candida infestation.  I have consulted experts, used many prescriptions, read many blogs, tried a bunch of folk remedies, conducted basic research in organic chemistry.  I was making no better than minimal progress until I semi-randomly turned up a reference to this product:

I figured what the h### and ordered the gel thru Amazon (Azon seems to be the only US source, and it comes from an affilliate and ships from Canada).

Bingo.  My mouth literally foams a bit, but when I rinse and spit the crud is GONE.  Completely, doesn't come back.  I started out using it in a haphazard fashion, but after I saw it worked, I became systematic and empirical.  Now, I am a fanatic.  Progress that was taking weeks now comes in hours.  How much of this is the culmination of many paths converging I can't say.  What I am sure of is the speed of change.

Digging further, I came across a double-blind study at a hospital in Isfahan, Iran which put it to the test and found that Bioxtra was very effective in wiping out Candida.

and a further study that compared it to Biotene

I got interested in what this stuff is, who makes it.  Principal difference between it and Biotene seems to be it has 'bovine colostrum whey' as an active ingredient.  Also, Biotene is British, and Bioxtra is Belgian.  Significantly tho, Biotene is English-British, were it Scots it would work by now.

 Somewhere in Iran I came across some discussion of the strategy in its use.  They seem to think that a four weeks regimen of steady application results in a significant improvement in drymouth conditions.  What I liked was their observation that Pilocarpine comes with all kinds of hazardous side effects.  My oncols are stuck on Nystatin, won't prescribe Pilocarpine, reluctantly prescribe Diflucan.  I sort of agree, like to minimize drug interactions.

In three days of use of Bioxtra, my Candida infestation has shrunk to about 10% of its previous coverage, I am seeing parts of my tongue not visible since last mid-November, tastes are sharper, and when my tongue is not slathered in goo, or foaming, I detect nice increases in moisture.  I have found that the Candida mold may actually be performing a protective function on damaged parts of my tongue.  As the mold has left and tissue been exposed, I am learning I have isolated points that seem to have swollen taste buds that are particularly sensitive and prone to bleeding if abused by things like disposable toothbrushes. 



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  • rsp
    rsp Member Posts: 103 Member
    edited May 2017 #2
    Thank goodness for your persistance

    I am so happy to hear that you found something that seems to be working!  Your persistance to find something to help your thrush is so admirable.  In turn, you have helped those of us who have the same problem yet lack that "motivation" to continue searching.  Thank you , thank you, thank you!  I am getting on Amazon right now to place an order.


  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    The plot thickens.  Following

    The plot thickens.  Following the web tracks on Bioxtra, I stumbled into many sites on dry mouth.  Biotene and Bioxtra used to be very similar products, including the funky stuff like 'bovine colostrum whey'.  In 2014 Biotene was bought out by Glaxo, and there after it was reformulated and all the funky natural enzyme stuff was removed.  There was a fairly instant revolt by Biotene users, and all the reviews turn uniformly bad.  But, Glaxo is huge, and did the typical marketing push of samples to oncols, who distribute the samples to the suffering masses.

    There was an interesting study done by a hospital in Baltimore which double-blinded Biotene and a placebo as a treatment for Thrush.  Biotene won.  There was also comparison of Biotene and Nystatin, which Nystatin won, but Biotene was identified as an economical alternative.  I relied on that for my treatment, and was doing heavy, almost hourly, Biotene baths.  I was seeing some progress, but it was glacial.  That was puzzling because I had hoped for something instant.  After I found the info on the formulation change I went back and looked, and the Baltimore study pre-dates the change.  I'm speculating, but I think what Biotene does now is try to push the mouth PH towards acid, it just doesn't do it as well.  Funky enzymes matter.  

    Significantly, the Isfahan study reports the Bioxtra also increases mouth acidity, and does it better than Biotene.  That is rather comforting because my kid the ER doc told me to increase acidity, and it turns out he actually knows what he's talking about (seventh grade Algebra homework was a struggle of Stalingrad proportions, memory of which lingers.  There were other misdemeanors).  He also told me to use disposable toothbrushes, and as the Bioxtra began to work, the mold turned to muuush, and came off en masse.  I would suggest spending a bit more than minimum for brushes.  Something softer...

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    I am so glad that you posted

    I am so glad that you posted all of this info on thrush as my husband just informed me he believes the thrush is back.  4 weeks after his last cisplatin round.  So random.  But, I want to have something on hand to combat this.  He is just now starting to try and eat solids and I do not want to suspend that.  Thanks for all of the info

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    Today, four days after I

    Today, four days after I started the Bioxtra offensive, my tongue is CLEAN.  I taste everything, and I like it.  I am also doing Diflucan/Fluconazole and have completed about 20 days of that, so keep that factor in mind.  

    I am waiting on more disposable toothbrushes because it is going to take some scrubbing to get the rest.  My Candida extends down my throat, and covers the roof of my mouth.  I have found it takes DIRECT application of the goo on to my remaining patches of mold.  Proximity and general environment doesn't seem to be enough.   That means I am applying it to my finger and rubbing it on my tongue waaay down my throat.  Good times.  But, my swelling has now dropped way down, and I can actually reach down my throat.  So many new experiences...

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    For future reference:

    For future reference:

    This is my main source for information on the Biotene formula change.

    The main take-away is that studies conducted on Biotene prior to early 2014 were not performed on the product as it exists today.

    I'm finding that in general the Sjogren community is fairly well organized, and has much information that will be useful for Head & Neck vets.


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