Newly diagnosed

HapB Member Posts: 527

Hello, I can hardly believe it, but I was just diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade 2. Positive for horomones and HER2. They don't know the stage yet. I have survived 2 prior unrelated cancers in the past 6 years. This time, I am really, really frightened. I met with a surgeon and so far they will do a lumpectomy and analyze that.  They are thinking that I will need radiation for 4-6 weeks, chemo mix once a week for 12 weeks and the. Chemo every 3 weeks for a year followed by a drug for 5 years. I wrote down the chemo and drug, but don't have it handy. I really just don't think I can do it. I was just starting to feel better from the last cancer treatments for gastrointestinal cancer which involved radiation and short term chemo and surgery. That was 6 years ago.

I am 65 years old and I have a young daughter in her mid twenties who really still needs me and she is my world. 

Has anyone been through this regimen? Can you tell me what it was like? I have so many questions. I am wondering how long I might have if I don't do the chemo. I just don't think I can go through it and survive. I am usually brave, but this all seems so much for me. I am divorced and live alone. The hospital is about an horu and a half away. Will I be strong enough to drive myself to treatments? Would I be able to take care of myself? 



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  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    edited April 2017 #2
    Was the drug Herceptin?

    It sounds scary to take chemo for a year, but Herceptin is easy. It's actually a target therapy so it targets the cancer and not your whole body. You have to get heart scans as you go along but those are easy too. I think the initial shock will wear off and you'll revert to fighter mode. Our kids need to see what it takes to overcome adversity!!

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    Praying for positive outcome

    Hello Hapb, sorry to hear you are going thru this again..but you sound like a REAL FIGHTER!!! you fought through this before and you will AGAIN!!  listen to your doctors and get 2nd opinion if you feel necessary!!! remember things could be a lot worse..  IT was FOUND!! hang in there will be fine...Good luck with everything..Prayers going up for you....


  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    button2 said:

    Was the drug Herceptin?

    It sounds scary to take chemo for a year, but Herceptin is easy. It's actually a target therapy so it targets the cancer and not your whole body. You have to get heart scans as you go along but those are easy too. I think the initial shock will wear off and you'll revert to fighter mode. Our kids need to see what it takes to overcome adversity!!

    Chemo mix

    For the first three months they are talking about Taxol and Herceptin once a week. Then once every 3 weeks for a year. Is that the typical protocol?  

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    edited April 2017 #5

    Praying for positive outcome

    Hello Hapb, sorry to hear you are going thru this again..but you sound like a REAL FIGHTER!!! you fought through this before and you will AGAIN!!  listen to your doctors and get 2nd opinion if you feel necessary!!! remember things could be a lot worse..  IT was FOUND!! hang in there will be fine...Good luck with everything..Prayers going up for you....


    Tired of fighting

    Hi Bee, I am trying to stay positive, but I am so tired of fighting cancer. I was so happy to be cancer free!  I don't know if anyone can tell me how long I would have if I don't do the chemo. I was just starting to feel a little better from the past treatments for the other 2 cancers. The last time I fought cancer, I had been sick for awhile and the treatments were an improvement. But now, I feel fine and they want to give me a year of chemo, make me really sick to prevent the cancer coming back and I just don't know what the odds are that it would come back and they don't know either. It just makes no sense to me. Sorry if I am rambling. 

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited April 2017 #6
    If it helps any

    I did 4 rounds of red devil/ followed by Herceptin.  I could not to Toxel due to my neuropothy being so bad.  The Herceptin for me(and you know we all react differently) is way better than the red devil.  I get it every 3 wks and I have since Oct of 2016.  My last one will be July 20 of this year.  They already started me on the 5 yr pill of the anit hormone.  I am HER2 pos.  The SE from Herceptin for me are the first few days I feel like I am catching a cold or strep throat.  Then that eases up and I have cold chills off and on adn muscle cramps in my legs for a few days and of course I am tired.  Then it goes to about 10 days of joint pain and sometimes that gets really intense and I have to take some pain meds for about 4 to 5 days.  I remain tired up until the day before the next infussion and that is my best day and then you start again.  but the best thing is no stomach cramps like the red devil gave me.  

    Some people have no bad symptoms to it at all.  What ever you decide, I wish you luck and will keep you in my prayers. 



  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    Thanks Annie,  I admire your strength! What is Red Devil and dare I ask why they call it that?  I don't want to get sick again. If don't know if they can tell me they have to make me sick and then I will be well again. It sounds like the chemo just goes on forever. Did your hair fall out? I know that is superficial, but I had chemo before and I miraculosuly did not lose my hair.  I am having a very hard time facing cancer again after thinking I had beat it twice. 

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    Keep Talking HapB

    Keep Talking always helps talking things out..keep asking your doctors questions concerning your options!!  Much Success to you!!  HANG IN THERE! WE LOVE YOU!!!Smile

  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    HapB said:

    Tired of fighting

    Hi Bee, I am trying to stay positive, but I am so tired of fighting cancer. I was so happy to be cancer free!  I don't know if anyone can tell me how long I would have if I don't do the chemo. I was just starting to feel a little better from the past treatments for the other 2 cancers. The last time I fought cancer, I had been sick for awhile and the treatments were an improvement. But now, I feel fine and they want to give me a year of chemo, make me really sick to prevent the cancer coming back and I just don't know what the odds are that it would come back and they don't know either. It just makes no sense to me. Sorry if I am rambling. 


    You really must take the Herceptin. What I read about Her2 cancer is scary. The good news is that Herceptin has drastically reduced death rates from this cancer. Plus it's so easy. I took Taxotere instead of the Taxol. I'm sure that one won't be fun, but the year of Herceptin is so easy. After all you've been thru, don't give up now!!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    button2 said:


    You really must take the Herceptin. What I read about Her2 cancer is scary. The good news is that Herceptin has drastically reduced death rates from this cancer. Plus it's so easy. I took Taxotere instead of the Taxol. I'm sure that one won't be fun, but the year of Herceptin is so easy. After all you've been thru, don't give up now!!


    Thanks. So, you were HER2 Positive also? Are you still on the Herceptin?

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited May 2017 #11
    HapB said:

    Thanks Annie,  I admire your strength! What is Red Devil and dare I ask why they call it that?  I don't want to get sick again. If don't know if they can tell me they have to make me sick and then I will be well again. It sounds like the chemo just goes on forever. Did your hair fall out? I know that is superficial, but I had chemo before and I miraculosuly did not lose my hair.  I am having a very hard time facing cancer again after thinking I had beat it twice. 

    I am sorry HapB

    My onocologist calls  Adriamycin and Cytoxan (AC) that name.  It is the basic chemo for BC.  As most no, it has it's side effects.  But as most know most are treatable.  I had 4 treatments and yes, they sucked big time.  However,  I am still here and I am almost to the end of this train ride from hell.  I look at my grandbabies and I look at my children and I know I would do it all over again if I had to for them. 

    Yes, my hair did fall out.  In fact, when it started to, I went ahead and had it shaved all off and embraced the hats and scarves.  I hated wigs.  They felt hot and itchy.  My hair started growing back after the 4 cycles of the "red devil"  or AC.   Was it worth it.  Yes, I get to hold my grandbabies and I get to see my kids.  Did I like it, get sad about it, get frustrated over it?  OH YES, you can look around here on other older post and see my whining, crying all over the place.  I have been a big baby even on some.  But ya know what?  These pink ladies are awesome and they have your back.  They will help you along.  Give you uplifting words and good advice.  

    I am sorry your facing it again.  It is no fair.  I have lost many family members to cancer.  Over the years, I have seen many changes in the way they treat cancer.  You have your own journey to walk and it is your body, your choices.  Just know that no matter what you choose, I am here to listen.



  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    Thanks Annie

    I just don't want to get chemo sick again when I was just starting to feel better. I just don't know what my life expectancy would be if I don't do the chemo. I don't know if they can tell me that.

  • Kiesmuse
    Kiesmuse Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2017 #13
    i hope everythign is okay now

    i hope everythign is okay now. :( 

  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    HapB said:


    Thanks. So, you were HER2 Positive also? Are you still on the Herceptin?

    Yes triple positive

    I had HER2 cancer. I'm all finished with treatment and will be five years out this summer. I did all treatments the doctors recommended and am doing great. You will too!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    button2 said:

    Yes triple positive

    I had HER2 cancer. I'm all finished with treatment and will be five years out this summer. I did all treatments the doctors recommended and am doing great. You will too!

    Congrats on 5 yrs.

    i know with some cancers the 5 yr. mark indicates that the cancer is unlikey to recur. Is that the case with Her2 BC?

  • dlkillingbeck
    dlkillingbeck Member Posts: 6
    A suggestion

    Hi HapB!  May I make a suggestion?  See if your doctor will work with a plastic surgeon during your lumpectomy.  I had the breast surgeon, plastic surgeon and the radiologist in my surgery with me.  The breast surgeon took care of the tumors, the radiologist did radiation under the tissue and then the plastic surgeon moved my tissue around so that my breasts look rounded like a normal breast.  I've heard from other lumpectomy survivors that they have dimples or curves in their breasts afterwards.  Again, just a suggestion.


  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    Good suggestion

    Thanks for the suggestion. Nobody ever mentioned plastic surgeon or doing radiation during surgery. The surgeon that I have is known to do good breast preserving surgery. I am going to go ahead with the surgery scheduled for next week.The surgeon told me that there will be minimum scarring.

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member

    Good Luck with everything HapB!!  Payers and hugs for you!!  Smile  bee

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    edited May 2017 #19

    Thanks. Prayers are always appreciated. Where are you in the process? I hope that you are doing well.

  • bribby
    bribby Member Posts: 3
    cancer and parkinsons

    i was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. i am scheduled to start chemo at the end of may.  i also have parkinsons disease.  i was diagnosed 6 years ago and have been able to manage it.  my parkinsons really affects the stiffness and pain in my body mostly my back.  i am reading alot of posts and people talk alot about sore muscles and back aches.  i am already suffering with my back and want to know if anyone has gotten injections or treatment for back or joint pain due to the chemo.

  • Deborah62
    Deborah62 Member Posts: 1
    Newly Diagnosed with Stage IV - what now?

    Is there anyone in here that is a 5 year+ survivor of Stage IV breast cancer (HER2 triple Positive)? I was diagnosed in Dec. 2016 a novo and am looking for some home and inspiration!



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