Tumor shrinking?

MMDowns Member Posts: 318

Phew! I've posted a lot lately. But I'm full of questions. My big one is this; does the tumor go away completely? That may sound dumb but I'm slightly worried. My husband had his right lymph node involved and i can still feel it. It's clearly not as sizable as it was at the beginning. I have to push in to feel it. Some days it feels so small but then on other days it feels bigger. I don't know if that's even possible but that's the only way I know how to describe it.  Our rads dr told my husband the radiation still works for 4-8 weeks after the last treatment. Anyone else still have a lump they could feel after treatment? Or have their rads dr tell them the same time frame. I just want this to be done with. I don't want to feel the lump after 8 weeks. Thoughts? Words of wisdom?


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  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Jim's tumor was obliterated

    But there is still, seven years later, a palpable and clearly visible from the outside mass of scar tissue.

    I think you are so early in the healing the waxing and waning of swelling is to be expected.

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited April 2017 #3

    Jim's tumor was obliterated

    But there is still, seven years later, a palpable and clearly visible from the outside mass of scar tissue.

    I think you are so early in the healing the waxing and waning of swelling is to be expected.

    I didn't even think of scar

    I didn't even think of scar tissue. You're right we are in the very early stages. Thanks for easing my mind. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Tumor, get out and take that lump with you


    Phew, you are an active poster and I will be recommending you to the H&N caretaker Hall of Fame (if there ever is one).

    Many feel and see the lump go away, but a number are like Noellesmom and there is still something left over and it is not cancer.

    Your husband’s team is confident that they are heading for an ALL CLEAR ahead.  As tough as it is having your question and concern button pushed daily, I think his new normal will be filled with recovery stories and good ones at that.

    Keep moving forward.


  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited April 2017 #5
    CivilMatt said:

    Tumor, get out and take that lump with you


    Phew, you are an active poster and I will be recommending you to the H&N caretaker Hall of Fame (if there ever is one).

    Many feel and see the lump go away, but a number are like Noellesmom and there is still something left over and it is not cancer.

    Your husband’s team is confident that they are heading for an ALL CLEAR ahead.  As tough as it is having your question and concern button pushed daily, I think his new normal will be filled with recovery stories and good ones at that.

    Keep moving forward.


    Hah! I am getting ahead of

    Hah! I am getting ahead of myself, aren't I? So many new questions but I promise to chill out a bit. :) But I will gladly accept the nomination if there ever is a Hall of Fame! 

  • mskitty137
    mskitty137 Member Posts: 73
    edited April 2017 #6
    I understand your worries!

    I understand your worries! Remember my xanax comment?  Hubby's nurse practioner,  who we love love love, told us on Tuesday that the radiation is definitely still doing its thing.  I have to practically tie my hands to keep from poking around hubby's neck area but I am practicing restraint. Oh and every time he has a coughing fit, I start worrying about lung cancer. We are in the worrying phase and I believe this is our "new normal ".  Hang in there.  Hugs, Susan 

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    edited April 2017 #7
    Im at the poking part too,

    Im at the poking part too, because I could feel the edges on my neck before.. , so I know where you're coming from.

    Before we started, when I interupted my ENT with "Is it curable?" (Only question I had) he told me that after, if there is anything left, he'll go in and remove it.

    My appt with him isn't until next friday, we'll see what he says then.

    Don't panic Maria, I'm sure your Drs are all over it, just like you :) *hugs* Sue

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318

    I understand your worries!

    I understand your worries! Remember my xanax comment?  Hubby's nurse practioner,  who we love love love, told us on Tuesday that the radiation is definitely still doing its thing.  I have to practically tie my hands to keep from poking around hubby's neck area but I am practicing restraint. Oh and every time he has a coughing fit, I start worrying about lung cancer. We are in the worrying phase and I believe this is our "new normal ".  Hang in there.  Hugs, Susan 

    Oh I am in that boat. Today

    Oh I am in that boat. Today my husband told me to stop pushing on his neck, that i was making the coughing worse. (Which I was). I just put aloe on his neck and I had to refrain from prodding. I can still feel it but it's only been a week. I may need xanax. I just need to have faith in the dr.'s plans and expertise and have faith. That's all I can do. 

    P.S. Lung cancer was my paranoid fear before the PET scan, so I know how you feel. Literally. 

    Let's both of us have a good weekend!! 

    Hugs for you


  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    SuzJ said:

    Im at the poking part too,

    Im at the poking part too, because I could feel the edges on my neck before.. , so I know where you're coming from.

    Before we started, when I interupted my ENT with "Is it curable?" (Only question I had) he told me that after, if there is anything left, he'll go in and remove it.

    My appt with him isn't until next friday, we'll see what he says then.

    Don't panic Maria, I'm sure your Drs are all over it, just like you :) *hugs* Sue

    Panic has become my middle

    Panic has become my middle name along with paranoia. I loathe them. I've relaxed a little since the post. I know the dr.'s are on it. I really do. It's the irrational fear that has now set up camp in my mind that needs to hit the road. Will it ever? i have to remember to live my life like I did while my husband was doing treatments. Day to day. Enjoy every day. Don't future trip. Pray, have faith, and Live. Easier said than done... but I did it then and I'll do it now. Thanks for your *hug* and for being Here. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care of you *squeezes* 


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