Just for fun, what is, or was, your career?



  • Jgraf9
    Jgraf9 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017 #42
    Software Engineer

    I was in the Tech field for 15 years and looking forward to getting back to it 

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited April 2017 #43
    wow, awesome

    Very interesting thread this is.  Happy it was revived after all this time.  I started out working in the corn fields detasseling corn and babysitting.  Then I was a medical records clerk and from there I became a phlebotomist.  Became a stay at home mom for a few years and then went into retail.  Again, stay at home mom and babysat 7 kids. A few years later, I worked in an envelope factory for 5 yrs.  Went back to school, earned a BA in Criminal Justice and a BS in Criminal Psychology and became a probation officer for 17 years.  Tired of the stress and moved on to a vocational rehab counclor for the state.  Diagnoised with BC and because I did not have enough time in to hold and to not have a fired on my record, I quit.  I have alot of medical problems along with ongoing tx for BC so I have filed for disability.  Please pray it is awarded to me. 




  • sshel55
    sshel55 Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2017 #44
    Medical Technologist

    I am retiring in two weeks after 29 years as a supervisor of a clinical laboratory.    I am a civil service employee and am very lucky to have good health insurance that will come with me into retirement.  I have loved my job but am ready to focus on living for my family and me from here on out.  

  • Mariangel43
    Mariangel43 Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2017 #45
    Now a Program Coordinator

    I have had several jobs.  I started to study medicine but had two kidney failures in the same first semester.  So I finished one year and convalidated my credits to finish medical physics. My first job was medical physicist but I overdosed myself too much (it was just a tiny capsule of Co 60).  So I went to teach instead (1972 till 1988).  Then I went for my psychology degree and loved statistics and decided to teach it and work in the field (while I studied, I continued working as a high school teacher, cathedratic assistant and assistant professor at the University).  When I started losing my voice due to constant soreness, I went to work with computers as a program analyst and later as a system monitoring analyst.  Has been working in this field for at least 25 years even as a program coordinator for HIV patients housing program.  I would like to back to the health field but I have been recommended to stay away from hospital since my defenses are low. I will retire next June; if I reach June.  No, I am not terminal.  Just tired, very much tired. Good night all beautiful ladies, I need to get some sleep hours cause I am going to accompany a friend for her lumpectomy tomorrow.  (She accompanied me to the biopsy, the mastectomy, and the TE surgery.)  

    I need to add I love mathematics, statistics, algebra, chemistry, psychometrics, experimental psychology in all variations, and I hate pure physics and geometry. I love animals so I asked myself why I didn't continue with the vet field; it is more varied than a physician's in terms of daily activities.  I also liked architect; I lve designing houses.


  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    I left college in 1975 to

    I left college in 1975 to marry a real bum.  I was a mail carrier, and after 5 years, I divorced him and went to business school to pick up some skills. I worked for the Army as a civilian and eventually became a legal secretary. I owned and operated an ice cream store, mainly because I had a son in 1988 and didn't particularly care to have him in daycare. That lasted throughout his elementary school years. In 2000, I became a courtroom clerk and am hoping to retire in 4 years.  

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    Apaugh said:

    wow, awesome

    Very interesting thread this is.  Happy it was revived after all this time.  I started out working in the corn fields detasseling corn and babysitting.  Then I was a medical records clerk and from there I became a phlebotomist.  Became a stay at home mom for a few years and then went into retail.  Again, stay at home mom and babysat 7 kids. A few years later, I worked in an envelope factory for 5 yrs.  Went back to school, earned a BA in Criminal Justice and a BS in Criminal Psychology and became a probation officer for 17 years.  Tired of the stress and moved on to a vocational rehab counclor for the state.  Diagnoised with BC and because I did not have enough time in to hold and to not have a fired on my record, I quit.  I have alot of medical problems along with ongoing tx for BC so I have filed for disability.  Please pray it is awarded to me. 




    GOOD lUCK AND BEST TO TO Apaugh with the Disability ..hopefully everything will go well for you  prayers going up!!! 

    Continue to BEEpositive!!!!Smile

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    edited April 2017 #48
    This was a hard one to see so many on here

    That are no longer with u.  I remembered that post and it was fun to re read al the jobs/ careers we have had through the years.  I just saw my ssw and wish that after going back to school after 2002 cancer and getting a  BS in social work, that I would have be n able to afford to give up my IT work for something (advocate for either seniors or drug addicts), which is what I wanted to do.  

    Interesting to see that almost everyone of us went in so many directions in our career path (to me it was whomever or whatever company  was signing the  paycheck determined my career)!  

    Loved so many of my co-workers thru the years.  It was the paychecks and friends that drove me in my choice of work!

    Still fun to get to know people and what makes us tick!


  • Faye1968
    Faye1968 Member Posts: 2
    My Job

    i work as a nurse tech at Annie Penn hospital. I have been there for seven years. I love my co- workers and patients. I have not been to work since December because I have been taking chemo. Good luck to you all and love and prayers.       


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member




  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527




  • lizzie17
    lizzie17 Member Posts: 548

    I see I posted in 2011, which was my 31st year teaching.  I was able to work 35 years and then retired.

    Regardless of my energy level now, I will always miss the kids and teaching.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member

    Receptionist in Special ed School-prior babysat at home for 9 yrs (while my kids were little)-we paln to retire in 5 yrs. (I have 20 yrs in with the state of NY) Upnorth in the Adk Mtns of NYS and camp cross country (before we settle down)




  • marycurbelo1204
    marycurbelo1204 Member Posts: 73

    My last job was as Manager of Emergency Room and Admitting at a large hospital in Chicago (worked for 12 years..)

    Human Resources Manager (worked for 26 years)


  • JJ_Kang
    JJ_Kang Member Posts: 6
    edited June 2017 #55

    I had my dream job of translating (english to chinese to japanese) but once I was diagnosed with cancer I had to quit my job and come home for treatment.

    Unfortunatly my severe reaction to chemo means I cannot even do parttime jobs while I'm doing treatment, so I have to wait till next year before I can find a job again.


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