Started tx 8 years ago today.

Doggirl1 Member Posts: 7 Member

Hello all.  I just wanted to drop in to let those newly diagnosed, or those going through tx or those whom have recently completed tx know there is life after anal cancer.  I started chemo (mitomyicin and 5FU) and 28 radiation txs 8 years ago today.  I was Stage II (T2N0M0) with a 4 cm tumor on my sphincter muscle.  Treatment was intense/rough, but was fairly short.  I have a new normal now, and while there are some lingering issues, I am alive, so I will deal with them gladly.  This discussion board for anal cancer was not operational when I went through tx, but it is a wonderful resource for info and tips.  There is no substitute for picking the brains of those whom have walked the path before you.  (And no questions are off limits either.)  And believe it or not, there will come a day (or week(s) or month(s)) where cancer doesn't even cross your mind.  My wish for all traveling this journey is strength and comfort and of course complete healing with few side effects.




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  • AmyD1310
    AmyD1310 Member Posts: 59
    Thank you... much for this post. I recently finished treatment and had the doctors tell me my tumor is gone and that the "hot spots" on my scan are due to inflammation from radiation. It's still a scary time because though the doctors are confident the cancer is gone, I'm left wondering and dealing with the side effects (although, I'm lucky to only have a few). Your post gives me (and I'm sure, plenty of others) hope for the future and what's to come! Thank you, again!



  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited April 2017 #3
    Thank you

    Thank you for posting this and giving encouragement. I'm just over one year out.

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316
    Congrats on 8 years!

    I never tire seeing these posts, they offer so much hope & encouragement to me.

    I celebrated my 4 year post treatment milestone on March 14.  I remember finding this site not long after my treatment ended and being amazed when I saw posts like yours.  It was hard to beleive at the time that there'd be a day when I didn't think about cancer but eventually it happened.   I have been blessed with clear scans, exams & managable long-term side effects.

    Well wishes to all,  Tracey


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Doggirl1, it is so good to see your post!  Congratulations on hitting the 8 year mark!  That is so awesome!  You are right--life can be great after treatment and cancer no longer controls your thoughts.  I am so glad you are doing well and I wish you continued good health and happiness!


  • Doggirl1
    Doggirl1 Member Posts: 7 Member
    AmyD1310 said:

    Thank you... much for this post. I recently finished treatment and had the doctors tell me my tumor is gone and that the "hot spots" on my scan are due to inflammation from radiation. It's still a scary time because though the doctors are confident the cancer is gone, I'm left wondering and dealing with the side effects (although, I'm lucky to only have a few). Your post gives me (and I'm sure, plenty of others) hope for the future and what's to come! Thank you, again!



    Amy, I too had the radiation

    Amy, I too had the radiation hot spots on my follow up scan, but all turned out well in the end.  Yuk, yuk.  (Humor was/is usually my defense mechinism...)   You'll probably have "scanxiety" like so many of us do/did, but I hope for endless days of NED in your future.

  • Doggirl1
    Doggirl1 Member Posts: 7 Member
    Martha,  I knew you would

    Martha,  I knew you would still be doing the yeoman's work on this site.  You (and others) are a wealth of info and helpful tips for those still on the journey.  I wish this site had been up and running when I was going through tx.  I am sorry to read about your other health challenges, but I know you will tackle them as well.  Continued good health and happiness.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Awwww, thank you for your kind words.  I try to keep up on here as much as possible.  I, too, wish I had had the support this site offers when I was going through treatment.  But we are still here and we are doing well, so it's all good!  As for my other health issues, I am holding my own, or at least at last check I was!  Thanks again for being so sweet and be sure to drop in here once in awhile to let us know how you're doing.  Take care!

  • Kmessier
    Kmessier Member Posts: 79
    edited April 2017 #9
    Thank you

     so much for your post. I an post surgery post initial treatments but then have 3 metastasis 1 bone my left hip joint and 2 anus I just went through another endoscopy/colonoscopy PET oh and pill cam that was a new one and I'm waiting on the results of some but I guess the long and sh I feel like it will never end but you and others give sooo much hope and thank you for your post. I don't post much just lurk but I wanted to congratulate you and thank you.

  • Doggirl1
    Doggirl1 Member Posts: 7 Member
    Kmessier said:

    Thank you

     so much for your post. I an post surgery post initial treatments but then have 3 metastasis 1 bone my left hip joint and 2 anus I just went through another endoscopy/colonoscopy PET oh and pill cam that was a new one and I'm waiting on the results of some but I guess the long and sh I feel like it will never end but you and others give sooo much hope and thank you for your post. I don't post much just lurk but I wanted to congratulate you and thank you.

    Kmessier.  Yes, you are still

    Kmessier.  Yes, you are still in the thick of it, and even eight years later I can remember those feelings, but I'm glad my post gives hope.  That was my wish and reason for posting.  May you get good test results and effective tx, and have a long life of NED in your future.

  • ginatom
    ginatom Member Posts: 44 Member
    edited May 2017 #11
    Thanks Doggirl1

    Every "old-timer" post is a gleam of hope for all of us.  Makes me realize I need to go back on the breast cancer sites and say I'm still alive and kicking.  Going there now!



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