TinyHouse update

I wanted to start a thread for myself so those who found me in the "constipation" discussion could find me.  Don't want my life to be categorized under constipation! ;)

My second Chemo round was last Tuesday 1/10/17. Good news and bad news. Bad news first-I am apparently allergic to Pepcid.  The only time I have been exposed to it was in Chemo round 1. This time as soon as it went in my IV I knew I was having a different reaction. About 30 minutes later, I got nauseous, sweating and very low blood pressure.  80/30 is the last number I remember hearing although it could have gone lower.  Every nurse in the infusion center came running to help.  Don't know exactly what they did but bp came up to normal and I continued with Chemo. No more Pepcid for me ever!

The good news is my CA 125 was 72.6 on 12/30/16.  On 1/9/17 it dropped to 36.6. A 50% drop in 10 days sounds good to me after 1 chemo round.  I have lost my hair. Great gobs were coming out so I used clippers and cut it all off.  Startling to look in the mirror. Hats & turbans & scarves will be my friends for a while at least when I leave the house. 

Ive been given a mission by my tiny house compatriots. I need to research grants for restoration of historic commercial buildings. My new home has a few that are in need of repair. If you know anything about that, please let me know.


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  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    The Pepcid allergy must have been a little,scary.  But now you know and won't use it again.  That was a wonderful drop in CA 125. I am so happy for you.  Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    Good news

    So glad to hear that your CA-125 is heading in the right direction. I think mine kept cutting in half after each of my infusions and I started out in the 70's after my surgery, too. I never had it checked beforehand, though. 

    I don't know anything regarding your grant question, but what a wonderful thing to have to do as a change of pace from thinking about treatments. My escape was continuing family geneology research that my mom had started, so I know how therapeutic it is to have something like that to do during treatment. 

    Are you able to take anything else as an alternative to the Pepcid?  Heartburn was such a big problem for me when the steroids wore off and the side effects of the chemo kicked in and Pepcid was such a life saver. I also used a wedge pillow to sleep on during the worst of it, so maybe you'd want to have one of those on hand just in case you have issues after your next infusion....that and watermelon which also seemed to help a lot with heartburn!

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    That is scary indeed to have a reaction like that!  Glad they figured it out and got your bp back up. 

    I too slept propped up just in case you need to do something to help with heartburn.

    Sounds like your CA-125 is definitely going the right direction- that's great.  Bummer about your hair- mine was kinda still hanging in there until just before 2nd treatment.

    Take good care while you do your research- I don't know anything about that.  Keep us posted.  (((HUGS)))

  • TinyHouseSurvivor
    TinyHouseSurvivor Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017 #5
    Wedge pillow

    Thanks for suggestions about the wedge pillow. I usually don't have heartburn issues. When I do, I take more hydrochloridic acid and that clears it up. I know that's counterintuitive but it works for me.  My mom has a wedge pillow that she doesn't use.  I think I'll borrow it in case I need it. 

    Pepcid and Benadryl are part of my Chemo therapy. They are given before the taxol starts. Guess the doc will have to find a substitute if he wants me to continue that. Benadryl usually makes me sleep for 10-15 minutes after it's infused but who knew pepsin could have such serious side effects--not me!

    The Ca 125 numbers are all pre-surgery. I haven't had any tumors/lymph nodes removed yet. My stage 3 was diagnosed from CAT scan info. The initial Chemo is to reduce tumor size. I can tell it's working because all of my tumor is on the right side of my abdomen.  That side was more distended than the left and it's not anymore.  Plus I can bend over and couldn't do that easily prior to Chemo. 

    Thanks for your support!


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