Lou Ann updating

Lou Ann M
Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

Saturday evening I had a mild heart attach.  It was probably caused by the new chemo that I was on.  So I won't be getting any more of that.  So disappointing as it seemed to be working.  SThey forgot to give me the moraine extended tabs that I was taking for my back pain so now I am also dealing with morfine withdrawal good this I am back home and resting.  Hugs and prayers for all of you. Lou Ann


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  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Lou Ann

    I am so sorry to hear this.  I am in awe of you and the strength and courage you face all these trials with.  I hope I can do half as well if the need arises.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Oh Lou Ann!   So sorry to

    Oh Lou Ann!   So sorry to hear about that.  Sending you prayers and hugs!  Glad to hear you are back home and resting.


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Sorry to hear this, Lou Ann.

    Sorry to hear this, Lou Ann.  And sorry to hear that the new drug is the suspected cause of the heart attack.  Now that you're home, you can rest.  And let's hope they get those pain pills to you fast.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I'm so sorry, LouAnn!!  Just

    I'm so sorry, LouAnn!!  Just when things seemed to be going good with the new chemo treatment.  This is the pits!  I hope they can get your pain meds regulated again.  (((Lou Ann)))



  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    edited May 2016 #6
    Oh no!

    Darn chemo...especially since it was working!  Know some of what you are dealing with.  I had to have my first aortic valve replaced(birth defect)BEFORE I could have chemo.  It has a life expectancy of 10 years.  After chemo, four years later the new valve is shot and last March I had to have another valve.  The chemo is rough on all organs.  Could they maybe give you a watered down version kind of like a less toxic amount?  Lawd, you are strong!  Keep the faith, we are all pulling for you!  Feel better!  Best, Debra

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    Oh Lou Ann! I'm so sorry to

    Oh Lou Ann! I'm so sorry to hear this. What a triple whammy! I hope they can find a way to keep you on the chemo without giving you another heart attack- maybe lowering the dose but at more frequent intervals? I hope your doctor gets that prescription right out to you, a little bit of relief for you. Love and Hugs, Sandy

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I'm so sorry Lou Ann. You

    I'm so sorry Lou Ann. You have really been through this all. Prayers for new pain meds and your recovery.

  • Hi Lou Ann

    I can only send you hugs and prayers at this moment.  It's good that your heart attack was mild and you seem to be recovering, but bummer that they took you off the newest chemo.  I hope they dig deep and find a solution to this problem so you can continue to receive a chemo that works for you.  And I hope that the back pain med kicks in soon so you can get some pain  relief.  Hugs Nancy

  • namedropper
    namedropper Member Posts: 102 Member
    Lou Ann updating

    Hugs and prayers to you. I hope you feel better soon.     Sue

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Darn it Lou Ann! So so sorry

    Darn it Lou Ann! So so sorry to hear this!

    Since a couple of others here have started Opdivo, I wonder if that is a possibility for you as well? Still looking for that magic combination that will make you well.

    Please know that we are all sending positive thoughts and energy your way. Let us know the next steps when you feel up to it.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Red Corvette
    Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member
    edited May 2016 #12
    Star Smile Strong

    Miss Lou Ann, hang in there. So sorry to hear your news but know we're all proud of you and that lots of love is going your way.

    Red Corvette

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited May 2016 #13
    Quick recovery

    Lou Ann, so very sorry to hear about your heart attack. I guess it never even crossed my mind that chemo could have that type of effect! Please rest peacefully knowing that we are all sending you healing thoughts and hugs for a quick recovery.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Oh, Lou Ann, I wish for you a speedy recovery

    and peace of mind. You amaze me with your strength and positive attitude. You are an inspiration to me. I am glad that you are at home recovering as there is no better place to heal and relax than home.

    Warm Wishes,


  • BC Brady
    BC Brady Member Posts: 70
    edited May 2016 #15
    oh no so sorry!

    Lou Ann - sending my strongest prayers to you. In times like these I think of some Pooh wisdom: "You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think." You are living this right now. Reach out to those around you and hold on tight - you can and WILL get to the other side of this!

    xoxox, Billie

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited May 2016 #16
    Starting up the mountain

    Thank you, my freinds,  I am starting to feel a little better.  My Dr.'s PA tole me o take two Oxicodone tablets every four hours hor a few days and gradually lower the dowsage to exam my self off of the morfine.  It seems to be woking. She also has me taking two pills for my stomach. She didn't want my body to be under any more stress from the withdrawal.  It is helping and I am getting a lot more rest. Hubby waiting on me hand and foot. Both my Dr.s say their are other options and we will talk about them whem I am stronger.  Hugs and prayers to all of you, Lou Ann

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Lou Ann M said:

    Starting up the mountain

    Thank you, my freinds,  I am starting to feel a little better.  My Dr.'s PA tole me o take two Oxicodone tablets every four hours hor a few days and gradually lower the dowsage to exam my self off of the morfine.  It seems to be woking. She also has me taking two pills for my stomach. She didn't want my body to be under any more stress from the withdrawal.  It is helping and I am getting a lot more rest. Hubby waiting on me hand and foot. Both my Dr.s say their are other options and we will talk about them whem I am stronger.  Hugs and prayers to all of you, Lou Ann

    The mountain

    Thank you for the update.  it's good to learn that your pain management is on track and I hope you are able to sleep tonight.  Tell your husband we all think he is terrific.

  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    Lou Ann - sending hugs

    So sorry to see this.  I had three DVTs at the end of March and ended up in the hospital for ten days.  I was given morphine for back problems and had to wean off of it using oxycodone too.  My DVTs and back weakness were brought on by IBRT radiation that I had in February and March.  Now I am on a blood thinner in addition to other meds.  I feel like a walking pharmaceutical lab!  I hope you feel better soon.  keeping you in my prayers - Anne

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited May 2016 #19
    Hugs Lou Ann! Hoping for

    Hugs Lou Ann! Hoping for continued recovery and new treatments!

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    Adding my best wishes

    Hope you get all of this resolved soon.  It is a shame that you've had a heart attack due to the chemo when it was working so well.  But, your doc says they have more options, so you go girl.



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