Himalayan Pink Salt Bath

Fran1 Member Posts: 42

Hello Everyone, 

I had my appt with Radologist on Tuesday. I will need to have Chemo (pills) and radiation on my bum. My Sister-In-Law just beat Stage 2 Ovarian cancer. Her nutritionist had her drinking Himalayan salt water before each chemo appt. She said the Himalayan salt has 94 minerals and a natural antibiotic. The salt helps with nausea, aches and pain, and helps keep the body very hydrated. I also found a website that states to take Himalayan salt baths after every chemo/radiation treatment to pull out of the toxic poisons the radiation leaves behind in our body. 

Has anyone on this forum tried the Himalayan salt baths? 




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  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I have never heard of this.  I would highly recommend that anyone who wants to try this first checks with their doctor.  Some things can interfere with chemo or radiation, depending on the drug used and the area being treated.  I'm glad your SIL had great results from her treatment and I wish her all the very best!

  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    mp327 said:


    I have never heard of this.  I would highly recommend that anyone who wants to try this first checks with their doctor.  Some things can interfere with chemo or radiation, depending on the drug used and the area being treated.  I'm glad your SIL had great results from her treatment and I wish her all the very best!


    Thank you replying and the well wishes for my SIL. My SIL drank the Himalayan salt water before every treatment. She had no nausea and no aches and pains. She was treated with very strong chemo and, she said the Himalayan salt drink worked like a charm. The recipe is 1 tsp of Himalayan salt to a gallon of water. Also to stay throughly hydrated during the day. Drink water half our weight. So, if a person weighs 150, he/she will need to drink 75 ounces of water per day during treatment. 

    I will be assigned a nutritionist through the California Cancer Center where I will receive treatment. I will ask he/she about the salt bath. (Everyone reading my message check with your dr or nutritionist, first)

    So far the cancer is contained. No lymph nodes or organs involved, which I am truly grateful. 

    I hope you feel better soon. I read you are having some issues with the kidneys. I will keep you in my prayers. 



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Friend,

    The benefits of minerals and micro elements are well known when taken internally. The way salts work externally is osmosis. Osmosis takets the irritation and swelling out of the tissues. Just make sure you don't make the solution too strong. Usually it's one half a teaspoon per 8 oz of warm water. 

    wish you good luck with the entire treatment.


  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Friend,

    The benefits of minerals and micro elements are well known when taken internally. The way salts work externally is osmosis. Osmosis takets the irritation and swelling out of the tissues. Just make sure you don't make the solution too strong. Usually it's one half a teaspoon per 8 oz of warm water. 

    wish you good luck with the entire treatment.



    Thank you so much for responding. I have been reading a lot articles on Himalayan salt baths or called "Sol" baths to detox the body from chemo and radiation treatments. I do drink water everyday with Himalayan salt. The information I can not find "will it be ok to have a Himalayan salt bath everyday" while going through treatment. I want to make sure to pull out all the toxins from my body. 

    I will be receiving chemo (pills) for one week and radiation therapy everyday for six weeks and at the end of radiation another round of chemo pills. 



  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    Fran1 said:


    Thank you so much for responding. I have been reading a lot articles on Himalayan salt baths or called "Sol" baths to detox the body from chemo and radiation treatments. I do drink water everyday with Himalayan salt. The information I can not find "will it be ok to have a Himalayan salt bath everyday" while going through treatment. I want to make sure to pull out all the toxins from my body. 

    I will be receiving chemo (pills) for one week and radiation therapy everyday for six weeks and at the end of radiation another round of chemo pills. 




    Hi,  this is not the time to build yourself up.  the cancer treatments brings you to deaths edge for a reason, to kill the cancer.  Please do not fight the treatment.  Build yourself up all you want after the treatment.  I couldn't imagine salt on my radiation burns.  


    good luck!





  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42


    Hi,  this is not the time to build yourself up.  the cancer treatments brings you to deaths edge for a reason, to kill the cancer.  Please do not fight the treatment.  Build yourself up all you want after the treatment.  I couldn't imagine salt on my radiation burns.  


    good luck!






    Thank you for responding. Now, you have me really scared. I never thought about the treatment as bringing to near death. 



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Fran1 said:


    Thank you for responding. Now, you have me really scared. I never thought about the treatment as bringing to near death. 




    ...the treatment as bad as it is, in my opinion is the easiest part of the process. After the shock of the diagnosis, selecting hospitals and doctors finally you are actively doing something to get better. Yes, treatment will make you feel terrible physically, but you are going towards something better. Better to walk through hell then living in hell.

    If you use the physiological concentration  I described it the salt solution should not hurt you Just make sure your skin doesnt get overly hydrated. I also believe that starting to moisterize the are will also benefit you. I used Bio-oil from Target.


  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    lp1964 said:


    ...the treatment as bad as it is, in my opinion is the easiest part of the process. After the shock of the diagnosis, selecting hospitals and doctors finally you are actively doing something to get better. Yes, treatment will make you feel terrible physically, but you are going towards something better. Better to walk through hell then living in hell.

    If you use the physiological concentration  I described it the salt solution should not hurt you Just make sure your skin doesnt get overly hydrated. I also believe that starting to moisterize the are will also benefit you. I used Bio-oil from Target.



    You have made me feel so much better.  The previous person that responded before you stated "This is not the time to build yourself up." In my opinion, if we don't get ready for the battle before hand, it will make going through treatment, even worse. I am a very positive person and take total control of my body and what happens to it during any type of treatment. 

    I believe if we prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually we can get through the treatment. A lot of people survive cancer, some will have a lot of side effects, afterwards and, some will have very little. It all depends on the person's body and, what it can handle. 

    I will share a story about myself. When I was 28 yrs old, I had a complete nervous breakdown and, I mean complete. My therapist wanted to place me in a mental hospital and, I refused. The depression from the breakdown griped my body so bad, I was near death. At one point during the illness, I could not even feed myself, my husband had to feed me. I can't share everything I went through or this post will become a book. It took me 10 years to recover. I clawed my way back to perfect health. With God and my doctors help, I completely recovered.

    I want to come through this treatment a winner, like a lot of you on this forum. 

    Wishing everyone abundant health, unspeakable joy, hope, and peace. 







  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    lp1964 said:


    ...the treatment as bad as it is, in my opinion is the easiest part of the process. After the shock of the diagnosis, selecting hospitals and doctors finally you are actively doing something to get better. Yes, treatment will make you feel terrible physically, but you are going towards something better. Better to walk through hell then living in hell.

    If you use the physiological concentration  I described it the salt solution should not hurt you Just make sure your skin doesnt get overly hydrated. I also believe that starting to moisterize the are will also benefit you. I used Bio-oil from Target.



    Thank you very much for the suggestion on moisturizing with bio-oil. I will purchase today and start moisturizing my bum.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Fran1 said:


    Thank you very much for the suggestion on moisturizing with bio-oil. I will purchase today and start moisturizing my bum.

    Mental and Physical Aspect!

    You are so right. Dealing with things mentally is lot harder, because our emotions can carry us away for a long time as you wrote. I really believe in the physical control though, because we have more control over that. When I felt the worst, the easiest thing would have been just to keep my pajamas on and stay in bed all day. But I got up shaved and dressed up in my favorite clothes. Went to take walks even when I could walk only a few hundred yards before I got tired. I did the things I haven't had time for before. I wrote down my ideas I was thinking about for years and created a whole business. This way I was showing my body and mind that things are as normal as they can be. How can you heal and plan to get better is you don't have a vision of future. 

    You need to feed your optimism and get rid of everything and everybody who will block you from that. This is your LIFE!


  • nonichol
    nonichol Member Posts: 170
    Fran1 said:


    You have made me feel so much better.  The previous person that responded before you stated "This is not the time to build yourself up." In my opinion, if we don't get ready for the battle before hand, it will make going through treatment, even worse. I am a very positive person and take total control of my body and what happens to it during any type of treatment. 

    I believe if we prepare ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually we can get through the treatment. A lot of people survive cancer, some will have a lot of side effects, afterwards and, some will have very little. It all depends on the person's body and, what it can handle. 

    I will share a story about myself. When I was 28 yrs old, I had a complete nervous breakdown and, I mean complete. My therapist wanted to place me in a mental hospital and, I refused. The depression from the breakdown griped my body so bad, I was near death. At one point during the illness, I could not even feed myself, my husband had to feed me. I can't share everything I went through or this post will become a book. It took me 10 years to recover. I clawed my way back to perfect health. With God and my doctors help, I completely recovered.

    I want to come through this treatment a winner, like a lot of you on this forum. 

    Wishing everyone abundant health, unspeakable joy, hope, and peace. 








    I will steal a line from another member on here" treatment is difficult but doable"

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    lp1964 said:

    Mental and Physical Aspect!

    You are so right. Dealing with things mentally is lot harder, because our emotions can carry us away for a long time as you wrote. I really believe in the physical control though, because we have more control over that. When I felt the worst, the easiest thing would have been just to keep my pajamas on and stay in bed all day. But I got up shaved and dressed up in my favorite clothes. Went to take walks even when I could walk only a few hundred yards before I got tired. I did the things I haven't had time for before. I wrote down my ideas I was thinking about for years and created a whole business. This way I was showing my body and mind that things are as normal as they can be. How can you heal and plan to get better is you don't have a vision of future. 

    You need to feed your optimism and get rid of everything and everybody who will block you from that. This is your LIFE!



    Throughout treatment I used salt in a portable bidet to help soothe the burns. It may, or may not be, because I used the salt baths that my burns were not that bad, just like a bad sunburn. I was off all pain relief within 3 days of completing treatment. I am a big fan of salt and it's healing properties. I have some Himalayan Pink salt in my cupboard, but so far not used it. Never thought of ingesting it.

    What I found helpful was being one step ahead of the game. I kind of knew at which points I was likely to have upped the pain relief and had it at hand in readiness. My oncologist and I think that control was helpful in my recovery. Knowledge, as they say, is power.

  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    lp1964 said:

    Mental and Physical Aspect!

    You are so right. Dealing with things mentally is lot harder, because our emotions can carry us away for a long time as you wrote. I really believe in the physical control though, because we have more control over that. When I felt the worst, the easiest thing would have been just to keep my pajamas on and stay in bed all day. But I got up shaved and dressed up in my favorite clothes. Went to take walks even when I could walk only a few hundred yards before I got tired. I did the things I haven't had time for before. I wrote down my ideas I was thinking about for years and created a whole business. This way I was showing my body and mind that things are as normal as they can be. How can you heal and plan to get better is you don't have a vision of future. 

    You need to feed your optimism and get rid of everything and everybody who will block you from that. This is your LIFE!



    Thank you for responding and for all your help and suggestions. It's very much appreciated. 



  • Fran1
    Fran1 Member Posts: 42
    pializ said:


    Throughout treatment I used salt in a portable bidet to help soothe the burns. It may, or may not be, because I used the salt baths that my burns were not that bad, just like a bad sunburn. I was off all pain relief within 3 days of completing treatment. I am a big fan of salt and it's healing properties. I have some Himalayan Pink salt in my cupboard, but so far not used it. Never thought of ingesting it.

    What I found helpful was being one step ahead of the game. I kind of knew at which points I was likely to have upped the pain relief and had it at hand in readiness. My oncologist and I think that control was helpful in my recovery. Knowledge, as they say, is power.


    Thank you for responding. Yes, "knowledge is Power."

  • harold123
    harold123 Member Posts: 1

    has anyone wsed cannibusoil

  • ellend
    ellend Member Posts: 109 Member
    harold123 said:


    has anyone wsed cannibusoil


    I started using the CBD oil from Charlotte's Web after my chemo/radiation round of treatment was over. It does seem to help with nausea and to take the edge off the pain. This oil has very little THC, so doesn't have the psychoactive component of the plant and is legal in all 50 states. Some studies show the oils to have anti-tumor effects and help make the radiation treatment more effective. Here's a link: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/cam/hp/cannabis-pdq#section/_7


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