debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

Ok everyone!  Time for a search for some of the ladies(and gents?) that have gone MIA.  We do not want to intrude or stalk anyone, but we have not head from some of these ladies in some time now!  Some of us make contact by CSN e-mail or private e-mail or face book.  I do not have a full list of the missing, but if you know of someone who is still with us, just not posting, PLEASE just give us a heads up.  I am only familar with the Ovarian and Uterine bords and a few on the other boards, but just of the few I am missing are: Northa. Tiggers do Bounce, Sarah Zapora, AWK,Rosamund,Flecia, Old Beauty, Nanciebee...just to name a few.  If you are following us here, just not posting, please just give us a thumbs up!  If you are in contact with any of these or anyone else, please let us know!

If they are "done" with cancer and would rather not be mintioned, thats fine...we are just worried about y'all!

Not everyone is able to let us know themselves, like Alexandra or to have a family member let us know, like Ro10 or Dasiey365.  If I ever go MIA I will be at Del Rose Cemetery in Vidor, Texas, through Memorial Funeral home! LOL!  Best, Debra(Jo)


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  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    It is worrisome not to hear

    It is worrisome not to hear anything.  I have given one of our daughters my passwords and sites I go to so she could let people know if I'm gone.  I can understand that sometimes people just need a break from thinking about cancer especially if they're really doing good.

    Hope we hear from some of the MIAs.



  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    Saying hello.

    Debra , You never cease to serve ,thanks for your record keeping,LOL. I thought a lot about AWK but hoping that she is all tired out from last set of treatment and taking a break,Maybe she still checks in but not post . I really hope she is keeping the fight in the ring.I learnt a lot from her Journey, I am grateful. Joanne is also in my thoughts  and i hope the same for her, although I often check in briefly very late ,sometimes at dawn just before going to sleep, I am often too tired to post or respond, but I am here , cleaning up and painting  before my move which is in a few days. Hope you find all the ladies listed and then some.

    To all my sisters having treatment or troubling issues , also to those that are doing well I pray ,hope, and  wish  showers of NED blessings. Nuff Love, Moli.


  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514

    Put Del Rose on hold ,we love and need you.

    Moli hugging.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    molimoli said:


    Put Del Rose on hold ,we love and need you.

    Moli hugging.

    Agree Moli! Del Rose must

    Agree Moli! Del Rose must stay on hold for many  more years.  Good luck on your move. And, then onto your surgery. I can't wait for you to be done with that and bring us back great news. :-)

    Debra Jo - thanks for posting this. I have been really concerned about AWK and based on how she always stayed in touch, I fear the answer for her.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Agree Moli! Del Rose must

    Agree Moli! Del Rose must stay on hold for many  more years.  Good luck on your move. And, then onto your surgery. I can't wait for you to be done with that and bring us back great news. :-)

    Debra Jo - thanks for posting this. I have been really concerned about AWK and based on how she always stayed in touch, I fear the answer for her.

    Love and Hugs,



    I was thinking about Cucu Me?  I think she had just had a recurrance, but haven't seen her posting lately.  Keeping all the ladies in my thoughts.  Hugs Nancy

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I'm not missing, but I just

    I'm not missing, but I just saw you mention Vidor, Texas. That's where my daughter's in laws live

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I had emailed CuCu in

    I had emailed CuCu in mid-February and she said she didn't come on the board because she didn't want to discourage anybody.  She was trying to decide what to do after she had turned down a clinical trial.  I see she was last online today!!

    CuCu, we are here for you and worried about you.  Don't worry about discouraging us, we're a tough bunch and we miss you!!!



  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Love y'all!

    Del Rose is on hold, hopefully a long time, especially since I haven't finished paying for the plotts!  LOL!  You all are doing great!  Just knowing someone is on line is a big WHEW!  Hopefully by tonight some of the others will be here!  Best, debra

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Soup52 said:

    I'm not missing, but I just

    I'm not missing, but I just saw you mention Vidor, Texas. That's where my daughter's in laws live

    @ soup

    I am probablly either related to, know of, went to school with, or raised my kids with your daughters in-laws!  I have been here since 1957, when we move here, but I am 7 generations Texan, so I am kin to over half the population!

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    Anne posted yesterday on a Facebook board.  She's underoing radiation on a new met to shrink it and reduce the pain it is causing.  She is taking a month off from her other treatments to rebuild strength and gain weight.  Says she hasn't been on the boards because she's just really tired.  

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Editgrl said:


    Anne posted yesterday on a Facebook board.  She's underoing radiation on a new met to shrink it and reduce the pain it is causing.  She is taking a month off from her other treatments to rebuild strength and gain weight.  Says she hasn't been on the boards because she's just really tired.  


    That is such a relief Chris!  Thank you...several of us were worried about her particulary!  Feel Better Anne, and praying the treatment to srink the problem blasts it into dust!  Best, Debra

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    debrajo said:


    That is such a relief Chris!  Thank you...several of us were worried about her particulary!  Feel Better Anne, and praying the treatment to srink the problem blasts it into dust!  Best, Debra

    Chris - thanks so much for

    Chris - thanks so much for letting us know! You lifted the sadness that I had been feeling for AWK.

    I miss her and hope she gets better soon.


  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43

    Chris - thanks so much for

    Chris - thanks so much for letting us know! You lifted the sadness that I had been feeling for AWK.

    I miss her and hope she gets better soon.


    Joanne checking in

    Moli, this is Joanne checking in. I read posts a lot late at night but don't often post. beader's digest; husband had  bilateral kidney cancer, one kidney removed; tumor on other kidney was frozen last Sept. CT scan last week does not show glowing tumor now so that is good news. He feels fine.

    I was UPSC 6/13 Stage 3, grade3C - one nasty lymph node out of 23. 18 rounds carbo and taxol followed by 4 brachy. The good thing that came out of cancer is bew short hairstyle abnd the bad is the neuropathy. Just my feet but it is ugly. I have recovered fine from shoulder surgery followed 7 weeks later by falling on it and fracturing my humerus right at the sbhoulder. Now am looking at back surgery for spinal stenosis. However I justt has my two year post chemo checkup and all is well. I ffully expect it to stay that way. Our daughter that had double masectomy 12/14 is doing well and getting tattoos done on breasts. I'm not a fan of tattoos but these are gorgeous and she feels so good about them.


    There are so many great posts on this site; sometimes I forget a little of how hard it was. Our miracle now is my niece Lucia bornb at 25 weeks gestationb and weighing 1#7oz. Now 30 days old and 2#4oz and doing well. Life is a miracle and I want to wring all the time out of it I can. My beautiful granddaughter is getting married this fall and two more babies due in family.I've moved on pretty mucbh from the CANCER scare but I guess you never get it too far back in brain.


    I'm always happy to answer questions, I'm just lazy about postinbg. I have never laughed so hard as the long thread about the brachy radiationb and aftereffects. We need more of those laughs. Take care one and all I am reading a thinkingb of all of you. Chin up - you can do this.


    ps - keyboard is actinbg up; stickup etc. I'm not correcting mistakes. Not all my fauld! lol

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514

    Joanne checking in

    Moli, this is Joanne checking in. I read posts a lot late at night but don't often post. beader's digest; husband had  bilateral kidney cancer, one kidney removed; tumor on other kidney was frozen last Sept. CT scan last week does not show glowing tumor now so that is good news. He feels fine.

    I was UPSC 6/13 Stage 3, grade3C - one nasty lymph node out of 23. 18 rounds carbo and taxol followed by 4 brachy. The good thing that came out of cancer is bew short hairstyle abnd the bad is the neuropathy. Just my feet but it is ugly. I have recovered fine from shoulder surgery followed 7 weeks later by falling on it and fracturing my humerus right at the sbhoulder. Now am looking at back surgery for spinal stenosis. However I justt has my two year post chemo checkup and all is well. I ffully expect it to stay that way. Our daughter that had double masectomy 12/14 is doing well and getting tattoos done on breasts. I'm not a fan of tattoos but these are gorgeous and she feels so good about them.


    There are so many great posts on this site; sometimes I forget a little of how hard it was. Our miracle now is my niece Lucia bornb at 25 weeks gestationb and weighing 1#7oz. Now 30 days old and 2#4oz and doing well. Life is a miracle and I want to wring all the time out of it I can. My beautiful granddaughter is getting married this fall and two more babies due in family.I've moved on pretty mucbh from the CANCER scare but I guess you never get it too far back in brain.


    I'm always happy to answer questions, I'm just lazy about postinbg. I have never laughed so hard as the long thread about the brachy radiationb and aftereffects. We need more of those laughs. Take care one and all I am reading a thinkingb of all of you. Chin up - you can do this.


    ps - keyboard is actinbg up; stickup etc. I'm not correcting mistakes. Not all my fauld! lol

    Thanks for the update joanne.

    So much is happening with and around you , your whole self must be doing or thinking 24/7 .Sorry to hear of the setbacks.

    Great to hear you are riding out the storms and enjoying life in spite. Stay strong

    Moli , cheering for strength and resilience. Nuff love.

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514

    Agree Moli! Del Rose must

    Agree Moli! Del Rose must stay on hold for many  more years.  Good luck on your move. And, then onto your surgery. I can't wait for you to be done with that and bring us back great news. :-)

    Debra Jo - thanks for posting this. I have been really concerned about AWK and based on how she always stayed in touch, I fear the answer for her.

    Love and Hugs,


    Oh ! surgery , don't remind me.

    Thanks Cindi ,I will need luck big time as this month marks my 2nd year  without additional treatment except for the initial surgery. Initially the first set of oncologist told me that  without treatment I will have  1 maybe 2 yrs. top.So if I should credit them for being anything but self serving I am now on borrowed time and smiling.  As the surgery draws near my brain is requesting more time but I dare not voice that to my oncologist/surgeon. You know the saying : be careful what you wish for (in my case fought for) you may just get it. Any way it's cut, I am in for the haul, win or lose. Oh yes I will come back with details.You will regret that you ask for news , you all shall surely get it blow by blow. I promise.

    Moving is a horrible ,draining manouvre, I caught myself talking to me telling me that I hope I don't live long enough to ever move again, what a horrible conversation with self.No one should hate any task that much to warrant such a thought but unfortunately  I HATE MOVING.

    I too fear for AWK,Anne, she has gone through so much ,some in an effort to save the next generation from this disaster.Wherever she is I hope she knows that we appreciate the effort and the education.Wishing her well.

    Glad to see you're doing well Cindi, I hope Ned has found you and the others doing or finished with treatment.

    Moli, hugging

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    molimoli said:

    Thanks for the update joanne.

    So much is happening with and around you , your whole self must be doing or thinking 24/7 .Sorry to hear of the setbacks.

    Great to hear you are riding out the storms and enjoying life in spite. Stay strong

    Moli , cheering for strength and resilience. Nuff love.

    Thanks for the update, Joanne

    You are one of the ladies I've been wondering about.  Things are very busy for you.  Hope you have lots of energy.

  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43
    ConnieSW said:

    Thanks for the update, Joanne

    You are one of the ladies I've been wondering about.  Things are very busy for you.  Hope you have lots of energy.


    You're right there also seems to be a lot going on in all of our lives. However, I'm so lucky to feel good for the most part. I may not have as much energy and before the big C but I feel good. The neuropathy in my feet is bad but I've just learned how to deal with it as best I can. I am ready for warm weather as that really helps. The Northwest has had rain, rain and more rain the last two months. However - trees are starting to bud and bulbs are coming up - spring has to be here soon. I'm going to see our new preemie niece this week and she is now over two pounds. Really puts everything in perspective. Thinking of all of you - I will try to check in more ofter instead of just lurking and reading.


  • treebee
    treebee Member Posts: 17
    oh no did RO10 pass away?

    oh no did RO10 pass away?  Feeling sick, she was the most encouraging...

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    treebee said:

    oh no did RO10 pass away?

    oh no did RO10 pass away?  Feeling sick, she was the most encouraging...

    Yes, Treebee

    Yes we did lose Ro, in late July-early August of last year.  It was a great blow to all of us.  There have been several in the last year from both the Uterine and Ovarian boards.  Glad to hear from you!  Best, Debrajo


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