Finally starting to feel better

EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

My last chemo was over five weeks ago and I'm finally starting to have some energy.  Hopefully this means that my red blood count is back to normal.  I don't gasp for air just walking from one end of the house to the other!!!  My fingers, especially on my right hand, are still numb - I dropped a 2# open box of uncooked spaghetti last night - and my toes are numb making it hard to keep my balance, but I think it's getting better too.  The numbness and swelling of my face continues but that's minor.

I go to see a wound care specialist next Tuesday so hopefully she can come up with a plan to get this gaping port wound closed up and healed.  Even after three months since my hysterectomy I'm still bleeding a bit every once in awhile.  My PA told me not to worry unless it's significant but I still do.  

I just want to feel normal or at least have more good days than bad.  My GP put me on Metformin and my blood glucose has been pretty good so I'm thinking the steroids before chemo were causing those really high numbers and not my Type 2 diabetes going out of control.

i read every post on here and am so thankful for all of you especially the ones who have achieved NED.  You are an inspiration to me that I can still have a good life with this disease.




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  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member

    I am so glad that you are finally starting to feel better.  You certainly deserve some good days.  Things will keep getting better as you get further away from the dreaded chemo.  I am really glad your hands and feet may be getting a little better.  That might take awhile to get completely back to normal.  Hopefully the wound specialist can get that to start to heal soon.  

    My hands don't seem to be numb, but I am always dropping things.  I dropped my IPad last weekend right on the corner.  Luckily only the case broke right on the corner,  I am thankful for Gorilla glue.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Great news to hear you are

    Great news to hear you are finally feeling better!


  • BC Brady
    BC Brady Member Posts: 70
    yay for some good days for you

    Hope you continue to get stronger!

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Lou Ann M said:


    I am so glad that you are finally starting to feel better.  You certainly deserve some good days.  Things will keep getting better as you get further away from the dreaded chemo.  I am really glad your hands and feet may be getting a little better.  That might take awhile to get completely back to normal.  Hopefully the wound specialist can get that to start to heal soon.  

    My hands don't seem to be numb, but I am always dropping things.  I dropped my IPad last weekend right on the corner.  Luckily only the case broke right on the corner,  I am thankful for Gorilla glue.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

    Good News!

    Eldri - so glad you are starting to feel better. I think the neuropothy takes quite a while to resolve. My fingers and toes are still numb. It has been just over 3 weeks since my last chemo and mine  are still numb. However, I don't have any of the stinging pain now so I know it is starting to get better.

    Looking forward to hearing that your darn port site is GONE! I hope you like your doctor and that she has a quick fix for you.


    LouAnn - I drop things too. And, I don't have much strength in my hands either. Buttons are a challenge. My dog's collars are a challenge. Anything that requires pushing together. BTW, you made me laugh with the Gorilla glue comment. :-)

    Love and Hugs,



  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    So glad!

    So glad to hear that you're feeling better!

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations on the last

    Congratulations on the last treatment and getting back to a new normal. Hope your fingers and the port get better. I kept my port jn for almost 2 ye da rs because my dr wanted me to keep it since I had a grade 3 type cancer and was stage 3c1.  I still have twinges sometimes at the site.  Just a reminder of what I went through and how far I have come. Prayers to all. Trish

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    So glad you're feeling better!

    Eldri, what great news! Now that your blood count is improving maybe it will help with the healing process for your port. As far as neuropathy goes, it takes quite a while to go away( or I should say it took a long time for mine to go away!). It will be 4,5 months before it really starts to show an appreciable difference. You know, I was reading another thread and it seems like Metformin also may help in your fight against cancer!  Sandy

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Hurrah for feeling better!

    You have had such a tough time I am so glad to hear you are finally beginning to feel better.  I still have the numbness in my fingertips and toes, but now, a month out of chemo, it seems that it is improving a little bit every day.  I do hope you get that port wound taken care of once and for all!


  • cindy0519
    cindy0519 Member Posts: 173
    Woo hoo for feeling better!!!

    Woo hoo for feeling better!!! I'm so glad to see this too.

    Have you tried any accupunture for the neuropathy in your fingers? I do accupunture and massage, each once a week, through interventional care at my cancer center. The accupunture has helped immensely with nauseau/gastro issues and neuropahy in my fingers and toes.  It gets bad during  the cycle but has all but disappeared by the time I am up for the next cycle.

    Just a suggestion.....maybe it would help and if not its a great way to just relax for a 1/2 hour to 45 minutes :)

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    cindy0519 said:

    Woo hoo for feeling better!!!

    Woo hoo for feeling better!!! I'm so glad to see this too.

    Have you tried any accupunture for the neuropathy in your fingers? I do accupunture and massage, each once a week, through interventional care at my cancer center. The accupunture has helped immensely with nauseau/gastro issues and neuropahy in my fingers and toes.  It gets bad during  the cycle but has all but disappeared by the time I am up for the next cycle.

    Just a suggestion.....maybe it would help and if not its a great way to just relax for a 1/2 hour to 45 minutes :)

    I haven't tried acupuncture

    I haven't tried acupuncture for my hands and feet.  I don't know if there is one here in Green Bay.  I dropped an almost full mug of coffee this morning - what a mess -and I can barely even sign my name.  If I go out by myself, I use a cane for balance.  It's been almost six weeks since my last chemo.  I'm still queasy too especially after eating.  I just eat small meals to manage it.  I believe a 4th chemo would have killed me.  My doctor gave me no other alternative such as splitting the chemo up or using a different drug.  I don't see him until mid March.  Hopefully the wound care doctor will have some ideas about getting my port site healed!!!



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I haven't tried acupuncture

    I haven't tried acupuncture for my hands and feet.  I don't know if there is one here in Green Bay.  I dropped an almost full mug of coffee this morning - what a mess -and I can barely even sign my name.  If I go out by myself, I use a cane for balance.  It's been almost six weeks since my last chemo.  I'm still queasy too especially after eating.  I just eat small meals to manage it.  I believe a 4th chemo would have killed me.  My doctor gave me no other alternative such as splitting the chemo up or using a different drug.  I don't see him until mid March.  Hopefully the wound care doctor will have some ideas about getting my port site healed!!!



    Poor Eldri

    With that much neuropathy, sounds like you were wise to call a halt.  Seems like almost everything that could go wrong, has.  It's time for your luck to do an about face.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    ConnieSW said:

    Poor Eldri

    With that much neuropathy, sounds like you were wise to call a halt.  Seems like almost everything that could go wrong, has.  It's time for your luck to do an about face.

    LOL, Connie, the only

    LOL, Connie, the only possible side effects I didn't have were mouth sores and death!  Ha ha!!!




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