Winter Marie has passed away



  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    No words

    no words. So empty, what is left to say , soar high in the sky Marie, free of pain, like a Phoenix rises of the ashes, be free my sweet lady. 

    My thoughts go out to her family, she was a great lady, full of compassion and love. 

    Be assured that we all will miss her,


  • karen40
    karen40 Member Posts: 211 Member
    Winter Marie - A True Warrior

    Dance with the Angels.

    My condolences to all that loved her.


  • Aud
    Aud Member Posts: 479 Member
    So sad to hear of Winter

    So sad to hear of Winter Marie's passing.  My condolences to her Family.  Winter, you are a wonderful Spirit and I hope you have peace.  

    In the Light,


  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Aud said:

    So sad to hear of Winter

    So sad to hear of Winter Marie's passing.  My condolences to her Family.  Winter, you are a wonderful Spirit and I hope you have peace.  

    In the Light,


    I'm late

    Just saw this...after posting to her and wishing her a pain free transition. I do feel bad. >.< But I do hope still that she did not suffer much and that her family will be able to accept quickly that this is the best for her. I hope she sees these messages from Heaven and smiles. I wish strength to the family!!!!

  • lilpep1972
    lilpep1972 Member Posts: 80

    May your soul,strengths and kindness remain on the board forever...

    another angel has her wings today ...  

  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Member Posts: 123
    So sorry to hear this. My

    So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with her family during this time. :(

  • aggie0053
    aggie0053 Member Posts: 110

    I just read this so sorry to the family of one special lady

  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    so very sad

    Oh I am so sad to read this.  Winter Marie was a friend who gave so much to so many.  Very, very sad.



  • Luv2lunch
    Luv2lunch Member Posts: 270
    So sorry

    We are so very sorry to hear this news. I don't come on much but did tonight and saw this terrible news.

    Winter was always there for us and I can't believe she is gone. But I know she is in a much better place.

    Prayers to her family. God speed Winter. We love you.

    Linda and Miss Ellie

  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    Missing Winter Marie

    Haven't been posting for a while, so sad to hear of winter's passing.  She was so strong and so nice to everyone on the board.  She will be sorely missed.  Rest in peace Winter Marie.  Traci

  • Hello Everyone,

    Thank you so much for the wonderful words and the steady stream of tears. It's almost been 7 years since my mother passed away. I still miss her and always will. But I'm so overwhelmed by how much of a positive impact she had on other's lives. I wanted to share her final words since I know many of you enjoyed her as much I do. She really enjoyed every one of you and cherished all the friendships she cultivated here. Thank you!

    "I did not go peacefully into the night. I was busy kicking and screaming at the grim reaper when he came. I looked that b@stard in the face and told him that I was not ready to go anywhere with him. I had children and grandchildren to enjoy and to keep loving for many more years. I told him I didn't need his ugly head looming over me. The grim reaper didn't listen to me now, did me?

    I was raised in Homer, Alaska spending years weeding the large family garden, raising horses, participating in rodeo's, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, bought my first motorcycle at 14, was Alaska Civil Air Patrol Cadet of the year in 1974, took flying lessons, joined the US Air Force at 17. I lived in Springfield, Ohio for 20 years, lived in Washington, Oregon, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana and finally California. At 52, after being diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer (age 50) with the encouragement of my children and just a ninth grade education and a GED in hand, I attended/graduated from Cabrillo College with an AA in Political Science.

    My greatest joys are two of the most wonderful children that I am leaving behind, my precious daughter Christina Maria Hillard, and her children, my beautiful grandchildren Dylan Audie and Preston Heath, and my precious son David Ray Scott II and his wife Siobhan and their children, my beautiful grandchildren Nicolas Anthony and Kane Amzi Amor. I wanted to watch you two children growing old and being your older annoying Mama for a lot more years, I wanted to watch your children, your precious ones, grow up and to attend their graduations and weddings. It was not my choice to go. But know this, I'm still here in spirit, I have always believed part of me will still exist, watching over you, holding my arms around you still, wiping your tears away, please know a piece of me remains within you, the blood of my blood beats strong still in your hearts and soul. My love for you has no end. You are my legacy and I am so proud of both of you, so very proud.

    I also leave behind my darling husband Mark N. Egbers, (Love you baby! Please take care of yourself) my dear Aunt Wanda Hammond (we had great "adventures"), my step-brother Gary Anderson and Lynn, my brother Walter W. Mantor, my brother Bil W. Mantor, my brother John W. Kodiak and Lorie, my sister Kathleen M. Mantor and many nieces and nephews. And to my fellow cancer friends at CSN, thank you.

    Those that rode the spirit path before me are my father Walter Wayne Kodiak, my beloved mother Reba Ramona Anderson, my baby brother Anthony Wayne Kodiak, my brother John (Randy) Anderson and my first born.

    To all reading this, please, do your body a favor and when you reach the age of 50, get a colonoscopy, cancer sucks.

    I enjoyed life very much, more than most I think. I remained as long as possible upon this sweet earth, but...cancer came and shortened it, I fought tooth and nail, so very hard to live, managing a few years extra, undergoing chemo and surgeries, with the help of Dr. Yen who extended my life (thank you Dr. Yen) as well as the skilled surgeons at Stanford.

    No, I did not go easy in the night." - Winter Marie

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member

    I remember her, full of life, laughs, and fight, it's nice, and appropriate that she got to say her goodbyes and speak her 'piece/peace' before giving way to life's end. I was just pondering the day and month, Sep. makes me recall a lot of things. Today is 8 years since i went in for the last liver resection, that has thankfully been enough to leave me NED, since. Mostly I was recalling that your mom passed 4 months after my wife, Cindy, that year. Cindy slipped away quietly Apr. 30th, and with the brain tumor pushing into her ear canal, unconsciousnes was the best we could hope for. Cindy lived quite well much of the 6 1/2 years after diagnosis, and fought as hard as any could, but a Glioma is as deadly as they come, she was in the >1% to live that long. I still feel the loss of every little thing that made her unique. I miss your mom's voice and humor, and she is remembered, as well as many who shared their feelings for Winter Marie here, and now are silent. I do remember much................................................Dave

  • DanNH
    DanNH Member Posts: 186 Member

    God bless you dear woman…

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    I missed this in 2015 or my brain didn't retain it. I'm sitting her bawling like a baby. Winter Marie and Arub. So devastated to hear this even now. Its new in my brain.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member

    So sorry to hear this! She was truly one strong and brave woman; a long-term survivor who was encouraging and inspiring. So sad :'(


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