how did you choose your surgeon?

krazykaren Member Posts: 2

I am in the early stages of this whole nightmare.  I was diagnosed 5/5/15 and am 55 y.o..  going in for a sentinal lymph node biopsy in the am. The person doing this is a general surgeon that i was sent to when the ultra sound was suspicious and he ordered a ultra sound biopsy and tests came back IDC grade 3 on 5/5/15.  Then he scheduled me for the sentinal lymp node biopsy.  I really don't understand why i am have this and not taking the lympnodes during the lumpectomy/mastectomy especially when grade 3 is fast spreading.  I believe I am estrogen + and Her2 - but not sure.  This surgeon seems to deal with a lot of cancers as well as a lot of everything else a gen surg would.  I googled breast surgeons but they all seem to come up as general surgeons as well but working in breast centers.  Would that mean they are better than him?  I am not sure.  anyway and advice would be appreciated as I am CLUELESS IN CARTERSVILLE!!  


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  • morgamed
    morgamed Member Posts: 75 Member
    Do your research

    I had to fire my 1st and referred onco.  I found this site and seached under oncologist surgery and then went to each and looked at their history and what they did.  The first onc wanted to do chemo first I refused.  That is why he is history.  The one I choose would do the bilateral without any chemo or ratiation first.  I made the right choice because all my nodes came back clean.  All 21 of them.  I know in my gut if I would have gone with the first onco I would be in bad shape now.  You are paying the DR...make them work for you not you work for them.   Please keep us updated and my best wishes and prayers are with you.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    My first lumpectomy was done

    My first lumpectomy was done by a  GENERAL SURGEON in 2009- I had no clue there was such a thing as a BREAST SURGEON! My 2nd lumpecomty (same side) I had a breast surgeon. I just went to the Drs my ob/gyn referred me to.


    IN hind sight, I would have asked around with friends etc. But it was all such a whirl wind-i just did as I was recommended to do.



  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Called my gp.

    I asked him if it was his wife, who would be his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice. This was his second choice. I chise her bcuz she is a breast surgeon. His first choice is a general surgeon who had done my surgery the year b4 and he was booked solid, then going to work i India for 3 weeks. I loved my breast surgeon from yhe first visit which was an hour after my orig call. She had a meeting cancelled and had 2 hours free. When I got there, she had a pathologist from the Univ hosp where they both taaught to do a biopsy (Guided needle). That didnt work, she then sched me for the following Tuesday 4 days later for a biopssy/lumpectomy, it was beyonf the margins)
    Then sched me for the following Tuesday for Mast. Was very honest, funny, and did a great job with the scars. I would and have reccommended her to so many women.
    My thing is I have to be comfrotable with the doctors.

  • Desmonds1
    Desmonds1 Member Posts: 54 Member
    KrazyKaren- sorry to hear you

    KrazyKaren- sorry to hear you are going through this-

    You absolutely should be comfortable with your breast surgeon- I got a couple of recommendations from my breast navigation nurse-I was able to meet 3 surgeons within 10 days and selected the one that I connected with the most-

    i am Er+ , Her-- mastectomy 9/14-

    best wishes- Susan

  • krazykaren
    krazykaren Member Posts: 2
    feeling a little better

    Talked to someone who used the surgeon I am going to tomorrow for her Lumpectomy and loved him and the oncology team.  Also have appt. with my GP who is a cancer survivor and have an appt with a breast/gen surg next week.  I feel I will have a plan by next week.  Ready to get this out of me!!

    Thanks everyone for your imput!!

  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member

    My OB/GYN people sent me to a surgeon who does this type surgery, as well as other types.  What impressed me about him was that he was an older gentlemen (Korean immigtant) who was very thorough in our discussions, from when I was sent for biopsies to the actual surgery.  He still keeps tabs on me (three years).  It seems that two things he still is particular about are my watching my weight so that I get the most I can from the hormonal therapy I do and that I do not show signs of lymphedema.

    My oncologist is affiliated with a university hospital  He not only has patients, he also teaches in the oncology program.  So, he is very current in treatments.  The NP who works with him is excellent.  She is personable and thorough -- unlike the one before.  I feel that Patty does a great job in checking me to be sure things are good.  I go to the onc twice a year now.

  • alabama_survivor
    alabama_survivor Member Posts: 85
    My breast surgeon was one

    My breast surgeon was one that the breast cancer recommended, and when I did my homework, he is the best in my area.  He actually oversaw my care and referred me to both the medical oncologist and radiation oncologist that I am using.  I live just a few miles north of Montgomery, AL, so my oncologist is at the Montgomery Cancer Center.  I had nearly a 7 cm tumor which was Stage 3C triple negative, and I also had widespread ER+ DCIS on the other side.  I had chemo first because of the size of my tumor.  The tumor did shrink, and he was able to get clear margins.  After surgery I also did radiation.  It's been a long haul, and none of it was as horrible as I expected it to be.  And my initial reaction was also that I wanted surgery first, since I wanted it out of my  body ASAP, but had I not had chemo first, he may not have been able to get clear margins.  As all of us here know, this is scarey stuff!!

  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Now I think about it I

    Now I think about it I believe my surgeon was also a general surgeon but had a huge amount of breast operation experience.  He was wonderful, friendly, good communicator.  I can say now as I think you will have had the sentinel node test done, this test was awful for me personally.  It was like a staple gun being used over and over, nearly broke the nurses hand.  But at least over very quickly.  I believe it is essential knowing if the cancer has travelled through nodes and or beyond.  Some surgery and after treatment may depend on the results of this.  I was clear, good to know.  I had chemo only, it was really not that bad at all.  Helps when you  are made aware of what is coming.  Please tell us how you get on.  Good luck.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I never knew , until

    I never knew , until recently, that there was someone who just did breast surgery. AM I the only one how had a general surgeion do that lumpecomty or any other breast surgery?


    I  wish I had known at the get go.



  • Lilly9
    Lilly9 Member Posts: 155 Member

    I never knew , until

    I never knew , until recently, that there was someone who just did breast surgery. AM I the only one how had a general surgeion do that lumpecomty or any other breast surgery?


    I  wish I had known at the get go.



    My Dr's were all referred to

    My Dr's were all referred to me by my Internist.   I totally trust her with my health and knew that if she recommended them - they were good.  I have 2 SIL's in the health field and when I mentioned my Oncologist & my Surgeon's name - they said - you have the best.   Network - talk to others.   My surgeon was a general surgeon but breast surgery was one of his specialties

  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    Lilly9 said:

    My Dr's were all referred to

    My Dr's were all referred to me by my Internist.   I totally trust her with my health and knew that if she recommended them - they were good.  I have 2 SIL's in the health field and when I mentioned my Oncologist & my Surgeon's name - they said - you have the best.   Network - talk to others.   My surgeon was a general surgeon but breast surgery was one of his specialties

    same here

    same here

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    When I found my lump myself ...(had been a crazy woman when my husband died and I missed my yearly mammogram) I went to my GYN...saw the PA that day actually...she was a friend of a friend and she told me about a wonderful young surgeon went to him and he WAS wonderful.  He did General Surgery...but it never occurred to me to even think about a "Breast Surgeon"....I wonder if they even had that kind back in 2002?   I went with my Gut Feelings on it truthfully..........and then later when they recommended the Oncologist Group, the first Oncologist I saw was just not for me and I could feel I asked for a different one...went with my gut again....and it turned out to be right for me.

    Take a lot of deep breaths........we are all with you and send you love and prayers for strength and courage.   Glo 


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