Recently diagnosed and feeling horrible already

mamaxs2 Member Posts: 12

New to the forum.  Recently diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Breast Cancer.  Not sure if I should seek a second opinion.  Waiting for MRI results and genetic testing results.  Horrible to choose between a lumpectomy, followed by radiation, forced menopause and tamoxifen or mastecomy or double mastecomies, followed by testing of tumor and possible radiation, chemo and tamoxifen.  How can one choose?


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  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Hi Mamaxs

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis of BC......none of us liked to hear that news.   The good part is they say it is only Stage 1 so you may not have to do any of the terrible things you are imagining.  I would say maybe just take this step by step and I was always told that it never hurts to get second is a good idea always.  Read all you can and talk with others who have been in your have come to the right place.   Right now you have been hit by a train.....and shock can short circuit our brains.   You can click on the pictures here and go read about each of us who have completed our 'About Me' page...we have all chosen different methods to deal with this highly individual disease.  I changed my oncologist at the very beginning when I was diagnosed and it was a good choice for me.  I went with my gut feeling actually....and then I took his advice.   Sending you encouragement and prayers.  Welcome to a place where you will find others who understand.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Welcome-sorry you had to find

    Welcome-sorry you had to find this site..but it's a great place for venting, suggestions and opinions..



  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    It is never pleasant news to

    It is never pleasant news to receive, except to be thankful it has been caught very early. 

    I did not know my staging (IIIA) until after my surgery because there was more to my problem than appeared via images (mammo, ultrasound, and MRI) on my left side.  The MRI did show a problem starting on the right side.  An ultrasound confirmed it.  So, I chose to deal with this aggressively.  I probably had no real choices for the left, but for the right I did.  I just did not want to have to mess with this more than once, if at all possible.  What I had: infiltrating lobular carcinoma on the left side; on the right, ductal carcinoma in situ.

    I had a double mastectomy, chemo (8 doses every other week), and then radiation therapy.  Currently I take tamoxifen and have been for two years now.  I am just about to the two-year date of when I finished radiation therapy.  My next onco appointment is in about two weeks.  I will be switching from a three-month check to six.

    We all make our choices.  There is no set right answer.  You make the best choices you can with what knowledge you have.  I looked at the big picture -- my goal at the outset.  Sometimes I had to remind myself of that.  However, during the months I was in the battle, I kept my focus on the present and did not allow myself to fret about the future.  Otherwise, things could get overwhelming.  (Plus, sometimes we worry a lot about something that ends up not happening.  What a waste!)

    I hope you have family and friends who are ready to help you in practical ways.  They may not understand things, but they can be such a help as they try to do what they can to show you they care and that they want to help in ways they can to make things a little easier.

    Hope my ramblings here make sense.  Hope they are a bit of an encouragement.


  • mamaxs2
    mamaxs2 Member Posts: 12
    Thank you.  I appreciate all

    Thank you.  I appreciate all your feedback.  What a difficult situation to be in.  Cancer has affected so many people I know.  I wasn't quite prepared for it to happen to me just yet, but one day at a time is how I will get through this.

  • joanAll
    joanAll Member Posts: 1
    sorry to hear about your


    sorry to hear about your cancer, i cried for 2 days ....  i still do .. choosing what what to do it up to u dont let anyone make the choice for u ...  get all the info... take your time .. nothing is going to change over night.

     i spent alot of time on youtube, breast cancer answers channel...   lots of good info there.

    i was told april 18 stage 2 invasive ductal half way threw chemo.. in  blink of an eye u will be done too.



  • WhoaThere
    WhoaThere Member Posts: 24
    Sorry about your diagnosis. 

    Sorry about your diagnosis.  I was diagnosed with Stage IIA Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in May of this year.  I understand what you are feeling.  At first, they throw a truckload of information at you and you are still in shock from the diagnosis!  It is so hard to process all that information all at once.  But, you WILL process it and you will make decisions.  Seek second opinions if you feel you want them.  Most physicians encourage you to do that.  Educate yourself, but be very, very selective about the source of your information.  Stay away from the internet in general and stick to reputable sites with factual infromation.  This is a very good site to learn about cancer.  I know you are feeling panic and anxiety.  The time when you are being tested and waiting to hear the particulars of your diagnosis is really stressful.  Once all the information about your cancer is collected, your doctors will develop a treatment plan for you.  Ask any and all questions you have.  For me, my stress level dropped a bit once I knew what was going to be done to treat my cancer.  The treatment is hard, but I found the waiting to know was harder.  Try not to let your fear of what might happen overrun your mind.  I know it seems as if you are being offered options that all sound horrible!   I encourage you to come to the chatroom on this site where you can talk to others who are in the thick of the battle or who have won the battle.  Chat is most active about 9 pm Central time.  You can do this!!  We are all here for each other and the support you will get from others is so important.  Good luck and God bless.  Hope to see you in chat.


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