stage 2 lung cancer

Peggysueb Member Posts: 2

6 months ago I was diagnosed with stage 2 non small cell adeno carcanomia. I had a 6cm mass that was attached to my ribs. They removed the mass, upper right lobe of lung and 2 ribs. went thru 4 rounds of chemo therapy. they told me with surgery I would have a 50/50 chance of a 6 month to 5 yr survival rate ?

I am 6 months out of Surgery and all my right breast and shoulder are completely numb, and I have chronic pain , I also worry about reaccurance of the cancer because I am 45yrs old married to my wonderful husband for 28yrs raising my grandson and would love to see my baby girl marry and have children!!  Can any one tell me if the pain will get any better? I also have neoropathy in my hands and feet that they told me was a side effect of the chemo therapy ??? Help and May God Bless all of you fighting any type of cancer

Thank You for ListeningCry 


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  • dennycee
    dennycee Member Posts: 857 Member
    So lets address your pain

    So lets address your pain first.  The neuropathy is a side effect of treatment but there are medications that can relieve that.  Gabapentin (neurontin) is most often prescribed and worked well for me.  there are other medications but I'm forgetting what they are just now.  For the bone pain or injury to rib cage a non steroid anti inflammatory med such as Tylenol, naproxyn or aspirin can help.  If not, ask your dr for something to help.  My dr has me on the fentanyl patch so I get a steady 72 hr pain relief with Norco for occasional break through pain.  Due to side effects of the steroids and radiation I received, I had compression fractures on four vertebrae, 7 ribs (some more than once) and a clavicle.  

    You do not need to live with pain.  Pain interferes with rest and your body needs good, restorative rest right now.  If your hospital has a Palliative Care physician consider adding her/him to your team.  They specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of pain in patients with cancers and other chronic diseases. 

    There is no way of knowing if there will be a reoccurrance or not.  It's important to do proper follow up but time spent focusing on the maybe or when of it, is time you will never get back.  At the LUNGevity Hope Summit in DC this year I met stage 2, 3 & 4 lung cancer patients who have been around for ten, 15 & twenty years.  With the advent of all the new targeted therapies for LC, its becoming a chronic disease, not a life ending one.  I was told I had 10-15 months 3.75 years ago.  I'm stage four.  You can do this. 

  • Peggysueb
    Peggysueb Member Posts: 2
    dennycee said:

    So lets address your pain

    So lets address your pain first.  The neuropathy is a side effect of treatment but there are medications that can relieve that.  Gabapentin (neurontin) is most often prescribed and worked well for me.  there are other medications but I'm forgetting what they are just now.  For the bone pain or injury to rib cage a non steroid anti inflammatory med such as Tylenol, naproxyn or aspirin can help.  If not, ask your dr for something to help.  My dr has me on the fentanyl patch so I get a steady 72 hr pain relief with Norco for occasional break through pain.  Due to side effects of the steroids and radiation I received, I had compression fractures on four vertebrae, 7 ribs (some more than once) and a clavicle.  

    You do not need to live with pain.  Pain interferes with rest and your body needs good, restorative rest right now.  If your hospital has a Palliative Care physician consider adding her/him to your team.  They specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of pain in patients with cancers and other chronic diseases. 

    There is no way of knowing if there will be a reoccurrance or not.  It's important to do proper follow up but time spent focusing on the maybe or when of it, is time you will never get back.  At the LUNGevity Hope Summit in DC this year I met stage 2, 3 & 4 lung cancer patients who have been around for ten, 15 & twenty years.  With the advent of all the new targeted therapies for LC, its becoming a chronic disease, not a life ending one.  I was told I had 10-15 months 3.75 years ago.  I'm stage four.  You can do this. 

    Thank you a million times for

    Thank you a million times for replying back to me I have felt like no one really understands what I am going thru and what a relief to finally speak with someone that really understands Smile I wish you all the best and its so encouraging to know that you are almost a 4 year survivor thank you for lifting my spirits !!!

  • dennycee
    dennycee Member Posts: 857 Member
    Peggysueb said:

    Thank you a million times for

    Thank you a million times for replying back to me I have felt like no one really understands what I am going thru and what a relief to finally speak with someone that really understands Smile I wish you all the best and its so encouraging to know that you are almost a 4 year survivor thank you for lifting my spirits !!!

    You're welcome.

    Any other questions, just let us know. 


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