Insomnia, irritability and IV steroids

CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

OK, I have been increasingly over the last few months having a time with insomnia, irritability and feeling revved up.

I had talked with my onc a little, but I think he didn't quite know how to properly treat this (threw a little ambien at it, which worsens my depression).  I finally got in to see a psychiatrist, first a resident and then the attending, because the resident felt like he was over his head with my

The verdict from both was this is all caused by the IV steroids I receive with herceptin/perjeta every 3 weeks.  Now what to do?  I can't quit the steroids, because I have been having a time with an antibody reaction.

The docs said it doesn't matter and I don't have to stop the steroids - thank goodness.  Instead, they will treat me with a low dose of seroquel 25 mg twice a day as needed.  The first night I took my 25 mg, I slept through the night.  I am an NP, but I never dreamt the steroids would stay in my system that long.  The attending asked, "Have you ever taken IV steroids before?"  Well no.  Duh!  He also said presenting almost a year after starting the steroids is fairly typical.

Anyway, anyone else having trouble sleeping and having certain unnamed loved ones complaining you are irritable and on IV steroids with chemo might want to see a psychiatrist too.  It was such a relief to find out what the cause of this was and to find an easy solution.  Especially since I am a lifer with this chemo and steroids.

And here's a link:


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  • debsweb18
    debsweb18 Member Posts: 191 Member
    insomnia.and irritability

    I'm not on steroids but the aromasin is causing both. I've always had insomnia so I take lunesta. I got tired of fighting sleep. I take wellbutrin since it worked for my depression after my divorce years ago and I didn't have side effects such as weight gain. I still get irritable from time to time.

    Traditional brand nighty nite tea helps the lunesta to help if I'm wound up. I drink a cup every night. I buy it in bulk from amazon because it's much cheaper.

    Hope you get some relief!

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Sorry to hear about your

    Sorry to hear about your predicament, but I can totally relate. I don't know if you remember, but I have been on high dose steroids for my lung conditions since August 2013 (except for one month). I am now done with steroids and waiting to see if I get crap to grow on my lungs again.

    Anyway, my sleeping schedule was nuts. Went to sleep, would be wide awake at 2-4 in the morning, be up all day, then crash, repeat the I needed some Xanax refill and she suggested I try taking it to sleep. So I took Xanax to fall asleep at night (and I didn't get addicted). When I was on the higher doses of prednisone, I would take the full strength tablet, then 1/2 tablet when I was tapering off, then nothing when I was on like 10 or 5 mg, can't remember when I stopped.

    Watch out for Seroquel. It can be a doosey for making one tired and lethargic. But I never had that drug while on steroids. Being on steroids might make a difference.

    I found that over the winter, snowshoeing made me less crabby. On day days I couldn't go (thanks to the rough WI winter we had), I noticed I got crabby. I realize snowshoeing is out of the question for you, but maybe you could find something to do to help with the crabbiness.

    And with my significant other, I just had to think before I spoke. Luckily this last winter, I had my mom to unload on and complain. She is such a good listener. Do you have someone you can unload on with your crabbiness and handle it. My mom knew I was crabby cuz I was on steroids, so she understood.

    I can't imagine what IV steroids are like compared to 60 mg of prednisone...must be rough....I know exactly what you are going through....

    I hope you find something that balances out the steroids, but like I said, becareful of the Seroquel...but I hope it works for you!!! Don't forget to tell those around you that you are on IV Steroids and what they do to you. Maybe they would be more understanding? I don't interact with too many people, so they understood. (However, the a#$hole that let his dog run in my yard AND NOT call it or come and get it while I was trying to hold my dog back from attacking his dog right after my thorocatomy got just about every swear word you could imagine thrown at him. Then after a phone call to Brian, I called the cops on him. The cop said it was good to document this in case something happened and I needed to sue for any physical problems resulting from me trying to hold back the dog.)

    Now that I am off steroids, I actually miss them. The Gabapentin and other drugs I take turn me into a slug. My doctor upped my amitriptyline thinking it might be depression and pain related. Amitriptyline is an antidepressant that helps people sleep and is known to help with pain. Let me tell you...I loved the extra energy, but hated it too, cuz I would overdo it and bam...more pain lol. BUt when I hit that magic amount of prednisone, it was great. So now I am a slug again hoping the ami helps.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Sorry to hear about your

    Sorry to hear about your predicament, but I can totally relate. I don't know if you remember, but I have been on high dose steroids for my lung conditions since August 2013 (except for one month). I am now done with steroids and waiting to see if I get crap to grow on my lungs again.

    Anyway, my sleeping schedule was nuts. Went to sleep, would be wide awake at 2-4 in the morning, be up all day, then crash, repeat the I needed some Xanax refill and she suggested I try taking it to sleep. So I took Xanax to fall asleep at night (and I didn't get addicted). When I was on the higher doses of prednisone, I would take the full strength tablet, then 1/2 tablet when I was tapering off, then nothing when I was on like 10 or 5 mg, can't remember when I stopped.

    Watch out for Seroquel. It can be a doosey for making one tired and lethargic. But I never had that drug while on steroids. Being on steroids might make a difference.

    I found that over the winter, snowshoeing made me less crabby. On day days I couldn't go (thanks to the rough WI winter we had), I noticed I got crabby. I realize snowshoeing is out of the question for you, but maybe you could find something to do to help with the crabbiness.

    And with my significant other, I just had to think before I spoke. Luckily this last winter, I had my mom to unload on and complain. She is such a good listener. Do you have someone you can unload on with your crabbiness and handle it. My mom knew I was crabby cuz I was on steroids, so she understood.

    I can't imagine what IV steroids are like compared to 60 mg of prednisone...must be rough....I know exactly what you are going through....

    I hope you find something that balances out the steroids, but like I said, becareful of the Seroquel...but I hope it works for you!!! Don't forget to tell those around you that you are on IV Steroids and what they do to you. Maybe they would be more understanding? I don't interact with too many people, so they understood. (However, the a#$hole that let his dog run in my yard AND NOT call it or come and get it while I was trying to hold my dog back from attacking his dog right after my thorocatomy got just about every swear word you could imagine thrown at him. Then after a phone call to Brian, I called the cops on him. The cop said it was good to document this in case something happened and I needed to sue for any physical problems resulting from me trying to hold back the dog.)

    Now that I am off steroids, I actually miss them. The Gabapentin and other drugs I take turn me into a slug. My doctor upped my amitriptyline thinking it might be depression and pain related. Amitriptyline is an antidepressant that helps people sleep and is known to help with pain. Let me tell you...I loved the extra energy, but hated it too, cuz I would overdo it and bam...more pain lol. BUt when I hit that magic amount of prednisone, it was great. So now I am a slug again hoping the ami helps.


    Thank you so much for

    Thank you so much for responding. It makes me feel less alone. :-)  Don't worry about the Seroquel cuz it doesn't even work right after the iv steroids. I had to take ambien to sleep on top of the Seroquel. Now, three days since the steroids, I am feeling pretty normal on the 50 mg per day. The docs said that is a low dose, but I have a history of not tolerating normal doses. 

    I am so sorry you are feeling tired now. I know just what you mean because it was truly a blessing having the energy during that wedding. 

    My loved ones are amazing and they are so protective and supportive. When my husband looks exasperated, I have to stop and really apologize because he is so patient. He gets it, but I am sure it is trying. 

    But, here comes the great news, it is all worth it because my PET scan Friday was Ned!!!! 

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    Thank you so much for

    Thank you so much for responding. It makes me feel less alone. :-)  Don't worry about the Seroquel cuz it doesn't even work right after the iv steroids. I had to take ambien to sleep on top of the Seroquel. Now, three days since the steroids, I am feeling pretty normal on the 50 mg per day. The docs said that is a low dose, but I have a history of not tolerating normal doses. 

    I am so sorry you are feeling tired now. I know just what you mean because it was truly a blessing having the energy during that wedding. 

    My loved ones are amazing and they are so protective and supportive. When my husband looks exasperated, I have to stop and really apologize because he is so patient. He gets it, but I am sure it is trying. 

    But, here comes the great news, it is all worth it because my PET scan Friday was Ned!!!! 

    Wow, NED

    Oh, CC, that's the best news ever!



  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi CC. I remember going thru the same with the iv steroids.

    To counteract that effect of the steroids, my onco started me on Ativan at night to try and sleep and not be so irritable.  I would be so hyped the first couple of days after the infusion even with the Ativan, that they were going to start me on something stronger to sleep (Ambien was mentioned and doxeral?), then take Adderall in the morning so I could function without drowsiness.  I didn't do either.  I had a 'really clean house' the first few days after my weekly infusion.  By the 3-4th day, at some point I would crash and sleep a good 24 hrs.  It was like not knowing what or where I was. 

    It took about a year before my sons said anything about it, then it was that I had gotten a little testy, and when one of them would stay with me, they said they didn't get any sleep because I was up and down all night, and not always quiet enough.  `

    I miss the energy that it gave me although, I don't think my family and friends do.  It has been a year now without chemo/steroids.


    Glad they found something that works for you.






  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    camul said:

    Hi CC. I remember going thru the same with the iv steroids.

    To counteract that effect of the steroids, my onco started me on Ativan at night to try and sleep and not be so irritable.  I would be so hyped the first couple of days after the infusion even with the Ativan, that they were going to start me on something stronger to sleep (Ambien was mentioned and doxeral?), then take Adderall in the morning so I could function without drowsiness.  I didn't do either.  I had a 'really clean house' the first few days after my weekly infusion.  By the 3-4th day, at some point I would crash and sleep a good 24 hrs.  It was like not knowing what or where I was. 

    It took about a year before my sons said anything about it, then it was that I had gotten a little testy, and when one of them would stay with me, they said they didn't get any sleep because I was up and down all night, and not always quiet enough.  `

    I miss the energy that it gave me although, I don't think my family and friends do.  It has been a year now without chemo/steroids.


    Glad they found something that works for you.






    Yikes ....

    no relief in sight -- I am so very sorry.  Wishing, Hoping and Praying for you.


    Vicki Sam

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    when I have been on steriods

    when I have been on steriods I fill like I am going 99 mph at all times..esp night time...



  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    My doctor told me to take my

    My doctor told me to take my steroids as early in the morning as I can so there is less in my system at bedtime.


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