
jean70T Member Posts: 16

Greetings to all

  First thing - I feel very comfortable coming in here to get info from all of you "angels."  I have gone through chemo and approximately 5 weeks ago I had a lumpectomy.  Any info any of you might have as to healing time and appearance of the breast.  I do have an indent but also some reddish coloring of the skin.

  Second - go for a radiation consult this Friday.  When I hear about burns it makes me really nervous.  My oncologist is having me do 6 weeks of small dosages.  What kind of dosage (small, large?) have any of you had and for how many weeks? 


  I wish everyone the very best.   Prayers to all.




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  • GMcD
    GMcD Member Posts: 134
    Hi.  I am coming up on 4 yrs

    Hi.  I am coming up on 4 yrs since my dx and had lumpectomy and you will probably still be red for a while especially with rads coming up.  I've often said I should have had my surgeon match up my breasts because my affected breast is "perkier" than the other.  Everyone is different and I do have significant size differences.  As for rads that also varies from person to person.  I followed the instructions to a tee and used the creams recommended and had very little problem.  One thing that was a vgreat idea was buying several cotton white mens tee shirts from Walmart and wearing those at night and when I was at home as I was using Aquaphor and it's messy.  I would just wash the shirts in hot water and then tossed them when no longer needed.  Please come to this board often and whenever you have questions,  I received such helpful advice.  Best Wishes.



  • jean70T
    jean70T Member Posts: 16
    GMcD said:

    Hi.  I am coming up on 4 yrs

    Hi.  I am coming up on 4 yrs since my dx and had lumpectomy and you will probably still be red for a while especially with rads coming up.  I've often said I should have had my surgeon match up my breasts because my affected breast is "perkier" than the other.  Everyone is different and I do have significant size differences.  As for rads that also varies from person to person.  I followed the instructions to a tee and used the creams recommended and had very little problem.  One thing that was a vgreat idea was buying several cotton white mens tee shirts from Walmart and wearing those at night and when I was at home as I was using Aquaphor and it's messy.  I would just wash the shirts in hot water and then tossed them when no longer needed.  Please come to this board often and whenever you have questions,  I received such helpful advice.  Best Wishes.





      Thank you so much for sharing what you have been through.  Even though I have not taken the time to be in this site I feel it is the place to go for answers from people even though everyone is different in reactions to this devil.  I now find myself tearing up everytime I see someone that has gone through this.  I go for radiation consult tomorrow so I will find out more at that time.  Prayers to you and everyone in here - may we all overcome.  We are "woman" and we are strong.



  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    Hi Roberta

    Welome to our group. I had a lumpectomy over 3 yrs. ago. The scar from it is still a dark pink so I think it will always stay that way. As for radiation I had 33 treatments. I did not burn as bad a some but did get like a sunburn. I used 2 different things to help lessen the burn. I used Aquaphor at night and early in the morning (my rads were in the afternoon). I also used Calendula Gel immediately after the treatment. It works well and is not messy like Aquaphor. The actual treatments do not hurt and are very quick.  You will be done before you know it.



  • jean70T
    jean70T Member Posts: 16
    ladyg said:

    Hi Roberta

    Welome to our group. I had a lumpectomy over 3 yrs. ago. The scar from it is still a dark pink so I think it will always stay that way. As for radiation I had 33 treatments. I did not burn as bad a some but did get like a sunburn. I used 2 different things to help lessen the burn. I used Aquaphor at night and early in the morning (my rads were in the afternoon). I also used Calendula Gel immediately after the treatment. It works well and is not messy like Aquaphor. The actual treatments do not hurt and are very quick.  You will be done before you know it.




    Thank you so much for the information.  It is great to be able to ask people who have been through all of this.  Have a terrific day.


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
    Hi jean

    I had a Lumpectomy 6 years ago.  My right arm is still numb. I had breast augmentation 8 months ago, that is when we found the cancer had returned and spread into st4 bones. \\\\\\\\\\\\unfortunately the radiation has done so much damage to my r breast and sternum that I cannot have more there (even though, that is where it is) I had large dose rads for 3 weeks.  Hope yours works out better than mine did.  J xxxx

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have had two lumpectomies

    I have had two lumpectomies (both same side 4 yrs apart)-I didnt' look for a long time-after the first surgery. Months later I took better look-mis-shaped yes...but better then I thought.

    I was givenn info for fat to be moved from one place to breast to even it out etc...but I have no desire to do that.


    as far as radation I had 6 wsk and got NO burn, chapping or pain-(very lucky) I used ointment cancer center gave me (samples) but I DO NOT remember what it was. I am very light skinned so surprised I DID NOT BURN.

    I ended up with a light sqare tan on my chest.

    I wish you the best...I"ll chek back for update.




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