Breast Cancer 2x

candican Member Posts: 24

Hello everyone and I am back again after being diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. I was diagnosised with Breast Cancer in 2007 having stage 1 and now it is back . I left my Breast Care Specialist Wednesday,  July 31st.The awful news was given to me prior to a biopsy  that was done a couple of day.

Two weeks ago I found found another lump in my left breast. I also was having some very sharp pain that resembles the pain I had when I first was diagnosised with breast cancer.  I call and scheduled an appointment with my Specialist. After seeing her we both thought that it was just scared tissue.  I didn't think that you could get breast cancer twice in the same breast after having a mastectomy.  After the mastectomy a tissue expander was placed. Just over a year agoIi had the tissue expander removed and the implant was inserted.

I am beginning to wonder how long had the tumar been there and was it there when the implant was inserted. Did my Specialst send a tissue sample away to have it check? Thinking back I had an appointment with my Oncologistabout 3 months ago and he said that i was doing good. Shouldn't it had showed up in my blood results.

My specialist shoud be calling me today with my appointments. She want me to have  a MRI, see a Radiation Specialist and to see my Oncologist.  I am wondering should i replace my doctors with someone else or  should I stick with the same one.

i am requesting your advice or opinions.


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  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    I am so sorry that you have

    I am so sorry that you have bc again.  I just wish they'd find a cure, so, no one would ever have cancer!

    I am not a doctor, but, I do know that there have been other survivors here that got bc again after having a mastectomy.  It does happen, yet, I think some are never told that it can and that is why they have a mastectomy, if they could have had a lumpectomy and rads.

    Bc can come back to any of us at anytime.  I don't know that your doctors are to blame, but, if you would feel better about it, please seek another opinion. 

    I wish you all the best and wish I could be of more help.


  • MrsBob
    MrsBob Member Posts: 77


    I had a mastectomy in 1999 and in 2001 after coming home from an Onc checkup I found a bebe size lump on my scar of my mast site. Not the same as yours but still in the same area. I then had radiation and had been NED since until this year when after thinking I had asthma, a pea size breast cancer nodule was found in my lung (exactly the same area of both previous times).

    I have a great Onc and was hesistant to get a second opinion but she actually encouraged me to go. I did and im glad because he put me on a bone strengthening shot, xgeva, as i also have tiny cancer activity going on in my left hip (pin prick size) and the t9 of my spine. So i think its good to see another doctor as well as the ones you have. I dont believe its the doctors who arent getting all the cancer as much as its the fact the cancer cells have a tendency to go and do as they please wherever they choose and when they decide to (even after 12 years...grrr...)

    I hope everything goes well for you and if you want, you can message me anytime.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    keep us posted...
    thinking of

    keep us posted...

    thinking of you



  • candican
    candican Member Posts: 24
    Thanks For The Replies Ladies

    I want to thank you all  for the reponses. My Specialist nurse called me earlier to give me , my appointments. My Oncologist wants to see me right away. He has scheduled several appointments. i guess he is trying to get to the bottom of this cancer and to find out just where do we go from here.

    Yes, I do planned to get a second opinion. When questing my Breast Specialist about whether not to have a mastectomy in the right breast as well and her response was,  what kills a person is when it comes back in the same.  She doen't think i need to have it in the right breast. I have already had one sister to pass of breast cancer. I have another one that has breast cancer that's in remission and has been that way for about 12 years.

    i plan to give this cancer all i got. I plan to be around to see my grandchildren.

  • Kobias
    Kobias Member Posts: 115
    candican said:

    Thanks For The Replies Ladies

    I want to thank you all  for the reponses. My Specialist nurse called me earlier to give me , my appointments. My Oncologist wants to see me right away. He has scheduled several appointments. i guess he is trying to get to the bottom of this cancer and to find out just where do we go from here.

    Yes, I do planned to get a second opinion. When questing my Breast Specialist about whether not to have a mastectomy in the right breast as well and her response was,  what kills a person is when it comes back in the same.  She doen't think i need to have it in the right breast. I have already had one sister to pass of breast cancer. I have another one that has breast cancer that's in remission and has been that way for about 12 years.

    i plan to give this cancer all i got. I plan to be around to see my grandchildren.

    I am sorry too to read this. 

    I am sorry too to read this.  I think it might be wise to get a 2nd opinion.  It certainly can't hurt.  Good luck to you and keep updating us.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Kobias said:

    I am sorry too to read this. 

    I am sorry too to read this.  I think it might be wise to get a 2nd opinion.  It certainly can't hurt.  Good luck to you and keep updating us.


    I had a local recurrence one

    I had a local recurrence one year after mastectomy. they ook out the implant, (i hadnt finished) and radiated my chest, nodes. They also redid CT scans bone scans for staging reasons. I was fine after that. It hs been 18 years. i am currently dealing with a new BC in the other breast. that is my main concern. Although one never knows.


  • Nana Sue
    Nana Sue Member Posts: 55
    Kobias said:

    I am sorry too to read this. 

    I am sorry too to read this.  I think it might be wise to get a 2nd opinion.  It certainly can't hurt.  Good luck to you and keep updating us.


    Thinking of you and sending

    Thinking of you and sending prayers.

  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 196 Member

    So very sorry to hear that you are having to go thru this again...You do sound like a very strong person...I'm in agreement with the others that I don't think your doctors might have missed it - When you had your first round of cancer, did you have radiation after the mastectomy? Second opinions are necessary and should not upset your current medical have every right...

    Keep us updated,


  • candican
    candican Member Posts: 24
    andi44 said:


    So very sorry to hear that you are having to go thru this again...You do sound like a very strong person...I'm in agreement with the others that I don't think your doctors might have missed it - When you had your first round of cancer, did you have radiation after the mastectomy? Second opinions are necessary and should not upset your current medical have every right...

    Keep us updated,


    No radiation

    No I did not have radiation after my chemo. My Oncologist and my Breast Specialist both said that I didn't need it. They said with the 4 session of chemo is enough along with the Herceptin.  I felt that it was not enough because I have a family history of breast cancer.  I thought that since they were the doctors that I shouold go with what they said. After the mastectomy i immediately had the tissue explander.

  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211
    candican said:

    No radiation

    No I did not have radiation after my chemo. My Oncologist and my Breast Specialist both said that I didn't need it. They said with the 4 session of chemo is enough along with the Herceptin.  I felt that it was not enough because I have a family history of breast cancer.  I thought that since they were the doctors that I shouold go with what they said. After the mastectomy i immediately had the tissue explander.


    I am so sorry to hear of this.  I am lifting you up in prayer.



  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I am sorry you are going

    I am sorry you are going through this again. I will add you to my prayers.

    Cancer does not show in the blood, usually, unles it is advanced (has traveled from its original site). If tumor is localized, it must likely won't show in blood tests.

    I say you go see another Dr. just to get another opinion. It's always good to do that.

    Hang in there. Remember you can do this. Wishing you a quick recovery and inner peace.

  • Carlee
    Carlee Member Posts: 98

    keep us posted...
    thinking of

    keep us posted...

    thinking of you



    I'm so sorry and will have

    I'm so sorry and will have you in my prayers.

  • JJDS
    JJDS Member Posts: 258
    Jobi said:


    I am so sorry to hear of this.  I am lifting you up in prayer.



    Once is too much, I can't

    Once is too much, I can't imagine twice.  I will be including you in my prayers.


  • andi44
    andi44 Member Posts: 196 Member
    candican said:

    No radiation

    No I did not have radiation after my chemo. My Oncologist and my Breast Specialist both said that I didn't need it. They said with the 4 session of chemo is enough along with the Herceptin.  I felt that it was not enough because I have a family history of breast cancer.  I thought that since they were the doctors that I shouold go with what they said. After the mastectomy i immediately had the tissue explander.


    Have you been tested for the brac gene?  You had mentioned that you have a family history of BC....I've been tested - came back negative - both my grandmothers had it - but were over the age of 60 when diagnosed...I'm sure the medical team would know the best route to take for your type of cancer - just ask questions, and second guess everything...

    Good luck girl,


  • cakawa57
    cakawa57 Member Posts: 1
    New CSN Member with Recurring Cancer

    My history is lumpectomy, radiation and chemo 1985-86 left breast; mastectomy, hormone therapy left breast 2004; mastectomy, radiation, hormone therapy right breast 2011; cancerous nodule on mastectomy incision right breast revealed August 1, 2013. Oncologist has scheduled CT scan and bone scan for me and status of estrogen receptors still to be determined. I've been fortunate to survive this long. I'm 73. Hoping diagnostic tests will be good. Will know results Aug 14, which I will post here. This is my first time to reach out to a support group. I enjoy reading your postings.

  • Faith_In_God
    Faith_In_God Member Posts: 76
    Sorry to hear

    I am sorry to hear about your 2nd BC. I hope you can get a second opinion from another oncologist.


    Take care



  • Faith_In_God
    Faith_In_God Member Posts: 76
    cakawa57 said:

    New CSN Member with Recurring Cancer

    My history is lumpectomy, radiation and chemo 1985-86 left breast; mastectomy, hormone therapy left breast 2004; mastectomy, radiation, hormone therapy right breast 2011; cancerous nodule on mastectomy incision right breast revealed August 1, 2013. Oncologist has scheduled CT scan and bone scan for me and status of estrogen receptors still to be determined. I've been fortunate to survive this long. I'm 73. Hoping diagnostic tests will be good. Will know results Aug 14, which I will post here. This is my first time to reach out to a support group. I enjoy reading your postings.


    Welcome to our group. You have quite a long history of BC, I hope your tests will turn up fine. I hope you conquer BC forever.



  • Cheryl 1
    Cheryl 1 Member Posts: 41

    I am sorry you are going

    I am sorry you are going through this again. I will add you to my prayers.

    Cancer does not show in the blood, usually, unles it is advanced (has traveled from its original site). If tumor is localized, it must likely won't show in blood tests.

    I say you go see another Dr. just to get another opinion. It's always good to do that.

    Hang in there. Remember you can do this. Wishing you a quick recovery and inner peace.

    I will be praying for you and

    I will be praying for you and am sending lots of positive thoughts to you today!

  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    candican said:

    No radiation

    No I did not have radiation after my chemo. My Oncologist and my Breast Specialist both said that I didn't need it. They said with the 4 session of chemo is enough along with the Herceptin.  I felt that it was not enough because I have a family history of breast cancer.  I thought that since they were the doctors that I shouold go with what they said. After the mastectomy i immediately had the tissue explander.

    Praying for you!Hugs, Lex

    Praying for you!

    Hugs, Lex

  • candican
    candican Member Posts: 24
    andi44 said:


    Have you been tested for the brac gene?  You had mentioned that you have a family history of BC....I've been tested - came back negative - both my grandmothers had it - but were over the age of 60 when diagnosed...I'm sure the medical team would know the best route to take for your type of cancer - just ask questions, and second guess everything...

    Good luck girl,


    Brac Test

    Yes,  I have taken the Brac test already and it was negative. The gene does not run in my family althought I had 3 family members that got cancer. I do plan to ask lots of questions when I go to my next appointment.


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