Long Day Tomorrow

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

Hello All,

We met with the Surgical Onc today and surgery is planned for tomorrow. He will have fourteen teeth removed, chemo port put in, and G-tube. I'm guessing about a four hour surgery. He will then be kept in hospital, at least overnight.

I'll be meeting with a nutritionist regarding the G-tube in the hospital.

The first chemo session is still scheduled for Thursday if it is felt that he can withstand it.

Last Friday' surgery went well. The anesthesiologist decided to use a spinal instead of taking a chance of doing more damage with a breathing tube. Because his heart does not pump off anesthesia at the normal rate, he was kept an extra two hours in recovery before his legs "woke up". Small error, but the doctor failed to write the strength of the pain med on the prescription. His office failed to answer repeated calls from pharmacy. Fortunately, I had some pain meds of the same type at home, so he was not made to suffer.

Getting around with the catheter in place is difficult, but will not have an opportunity for removal until possibly Friday, so he will make do.

Very frightened about tomorrow and the rest of the week, but trying to stay strong. Home Health will be coming out to help with the port and tube until I get it down "pat". So far my expertise is bandaging wounds and emptying catheter bags. LOL Could use some extra prayers and good vibes for tomorrow.

A Very Tired,



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  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Thoughts and prayers your way....


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Sending good vibes

    You CAN do this.  Just keep taking it one step at a time.  You'll have the home health careworker for backup, and all of us here when you need the 'atta-girls'.

    Atta girl! ... and, believe! 


  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    D Lewis said:

    Sending good vibes

    You CAN do this.  Just keep taking it one step at a time.  You'll have the home health careworker for backup, and all of us here when you need the 'atta-girls'.

    Atta girl! ... and, believe! 



    You can do this.  Many here have......sending good vibes your way, and prayers.  Be strong and stay positive.

    all the best, 


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    D Lewis said:

    Sending good vibes

    You CAN do this.  Just keep taking it one step at a time.  You'll have the home health careworker for backup, and all of us here when you need the 'atta-girls'.

    Atta girl! ... and, believe! 


    Sending you the best of wishes
    I know tomorrow will most likely be a long day but just know we are all going to thinking of and praying for you. Keep us posted.
  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    D Lewis said:

    Sending good vibes

    You CAN do this.  Just keep taking it one step at a time.  You'll have the home health careworker for backup, and all of us here when you need the 'atta-girls'.

    Atta girl! ... and, believe! 



    Be strong and stay positive.  You two can do this.  Sending prayers and good vibes.

    all the best,


    Sorry for double post....

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    It will seem long....

    any length of time we are literally sitting on th edge of our seats seems an enternity.  Tomorrow, tho everything is happening at one time, nothing is huge in and of itself.  The port is probably the scariest because of his many other problems....but the surgeon wouldn't putting it in if he wasn't absolutely sure it was ok.....the PEG tube is no biggie at all....uncomfortable afterwards, but not a dangerous surgery.....I don't know how many teeth he's having pulled, again uncomfortable.....but teeth get extracted everyday.  He is going to come out of this fine!!  (tho, after some of your previous experences, I can well imagine you'd like to scrub up, and be there to remind them of all they need to know!!).  All the home health nurses I had were sharp little cookies....so on that front you are in good hands.

    Will be tucking you into my pocket tomorrow....and you can cound on extra prayers and positive thoughts. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    wishing you a good day



    I would say you better confirm what they are doing tomorrow (tomorrow).  I want to keep your worry level down to somewhere reasonable.


    Good luck to both of you, all the right vibes from the left coast and prayers from above.



  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    wishing you a good day



    I would say you better confirm what they are doing tomorrow (tomorrow).  I want to keep your worry level down to somewhere reasonable.


    Good luck to both of you, all the right vibes from the left coast and prayers from above.



    Phrannie, You Are Too Funny

    I don't think I'm quite ready for that much medcal procedure exposure, yet. LOL

    Thanks, you guys and gals. You are my heroes and my rock.



    P.S. Worried about Vivian and David. Haven't see her recently.

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member


    Positive thoughts and prayers for an successful and uneventful procedure coming your way!


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    one moment at a time


    Hope everything goes smoothly for all the procedures.  Home health is wonderful, let them take the lead.  Days we need just a breather from all the craziness of the situation.  It certainly is frustrating with mix ups with scripts.  At my clinic I signed up with what is called MY CHART.  I can email concerns directly to my nurse cooridinator and my oncs.  I don't know if this is an option for you guys, but I'd ask.  Best sent !   Katie


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