NHL Large B-cell--I want feedback on bone marrow transplants!

The scoop: Diagnosed with Diffuse large B-cell aggressive NHL with bulky tumor in lung in May. Received 6 treatments of CHOP-R. Lymphoma responded very well at first. Now the follow up PET scan on Oct. 22 showed greatly increased cancer activity in part of original tumor. Had that area biopsied on Oct. 25 to verify that the lymphoma is rebounding. Still waiting on results.
My doctor is talking now high dose chemotherapy and an autologous bone marrow transplant if this turns out to be what he thinks it is. I've been doing lots of research on the web and the information on bone marrow transplants is so conflicting. I want feedback from those who had a bone marrow transplant or had a family member go through it. Is it something I should consider? Is it worth it? What can I expect? How long have you been cancer free post transplant or have you relapsed and when? What options were you given for further treatment after it relapsed? How long did it take you to recover? How soon could you go back to work? What long term side effects have you suffered, if any? What is your quality of life?


  • coachmike
    coachmike Member Posts: 155
    my story
    i was diagnosed with diffuse large b cell lymphoma June 12 2011. Did total of 11 rounds of chemo (r epoch, hyper c vad, and RICE) got all but 99.0 percent of the cancer. So doctor wanted to really be sure that it was all gone so we went for an auto stem cell transplant. Collected 4 million stem cells did four days of chemo called BEAM. Was checked into the hospital June 12 2012....weird huh exactly one year after my diagnosed date. Stay in the hospital from June 12 til July 1. I took the chemo very well actually, got a little stomach infection called C Diff but that went away with antibiotics. Once released I was at the clinic everyday at first then became evey other day then became every three or four days to eventually once a week. Had my scan bout a month ago, and the news I have been waiting to hear, ALL GONE! I went back to work in September (i run a gymnastics/cheer gym so i had to be very careful with being around so many kids) I believe that my good health going into the transplant had a lot to do with it. I work out regularly and eat right. All those factors plus my faith and support from family and friends made the journey one that I could overcome. The main side effect I dealt with was fatigue. Getting tired easily and really having a low energy level. Would I do it again if in the same place, Yes. I hope this helps you. Your in my prayers
  • fullyloved
    fullyloved Member Posts: 39
    coachmike said:

    my story
    i was diagnosed with diffuse large b cell lymphoma June 12 2011. Did total of 11 rounds of chemo (r epoch, hyper c vad, and RICE) got all but 99.0 percent of the cancer. So doctor wanted to really be sure that it was all gone so we went for an auto stem cell transplant. Collected 4 million stem cells did four days of chemo called BEAM. Was checked into the hospital June 12 2012....weird huh exactly one year after my diagnosed date. Stay in the hospital from June 12 til July 1. I took the chemo very well actually, got a little stomach infection called C Diff but that went away with antibiotics. Once released I was at the clinic everyday at first then became evey other day then became every three or four days to eventually once a week. Had my scan bout a month ago, and the news I have been waiting to hear, ALL GONE! I went back to work in September (i run a gymnastics/cheer gym so i had to be very careful with being around so many kids) I believe that my good health going into the transplant had a lot to do with it. I work out regularly and eat right. All those factors plus my faith and support from family and friends made the journey one that I could overcome. The main side effect I dealt with was fatigue. Getting tired easily and really having a low energy level. Would I do it again if in the same place, Yes. I hope this helps you. Your in my prayers

    Yeah, that helps. Sounds like yours went well over all. I am also in good health, as well as young, so I know that would work in my favor. Thanks for the prayers.


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