Knee and hip

Dear Lisha and all,

It seems after I was dx in late Sept, early Oct 2009 with NHL, so many stupid issues arose.

Anyway,I went to see my doctor yesterday for an explanation of the xrays I had last week of my right hip and right knee. As far as the Oxycodone, 15 mg I take 3 times a day, he is not concerned or worried about addiction. He did say, eventually it might have to be increased. He suggests I try the gel treatment for my right knee. For those not familiar with this treatment, I believe you go for an injection of this gel once a week for 3 weeks.
Hopefully this treatment will work for a long time. Maybe over time, it will stop working?? No mention of surgery. Whew

As far as my right hip, he thinks I need surgery. I have bad arthritis in this hip. I do believe all my problems in my right hip was caused by the bone marrow biopsy I had in Oct 2009.

PS: Anyone familiar with gel treatment for the knee, can you respond please, thank you.

Hugs and love from me. Maggie


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  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    All I can tell you about the injection it is silicone. It will not last forever. Some people it will work to relief of the pain,others it will not. The pain meds of 15 mgs. is not that much. A higher doseage is probably what you need. Just know it may take the pain away temporarily,but it will not cure the problem. I noticed the same problem in my hip after my BMB for several months after. It did eventually go away. Just hope it does not come back. John
  • Pain stinks..
    Hello Maggie,

    I'm so sorry you're having pains.. I don't have specific advice to offer or anything, just wanted to chime in and wish you some relief :)

    Also, I agree with John.. 15mg 3x a day isn't so much.. whatever it takes for relief!!

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Hip and knee pain
    Hi Maggie,
    I don't have any experience with injections for knee pain, so I can't help you in that area. However, my Aunt had surgery on both hips 4 years ago at age 82 and also while getting treatments for her breast cancer. She came through the 2 hip surgeries with flying colors and recovered just fine. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all of this. My left hip has never been right since my BMB...I really think my first Onc hit a nerve or something when she had to do 3 trys to get a good sample in 3 different locations in my hip. I also have low back pain that I never had before the BMB. I don't take any pain meds, just over the counter anacin 2 to 3 times a day. Please keep us updated on what you decide to do. Hang in there are stronger than you even know. Much love...Sue


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