News Not Good



  • Vickilg
    Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

    Sounds like you still have
    Sounds like you still have options. You didnt mention irrinotecan or avastin which are options not to mention the new drugs that are about to be approved. Hopefully you can get on a treatment plan that will kill all or most of the spots. Then maybe surgery RFA or cyberknife becomes an option.

    Good morning... Have others done that where the chemo has worked to reduce the spots and then RFA, Surgery or Cyberknife becomes and option? Does that mean there is still hope for remission? Or is that too far fetched?
  • Vickilg
    Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

    Sounds like you still have
    Sounds like you still have options. You didnt mention irrinotecan or avastin which are options not to mention the new drugs that are about to be approved. Hopefully you can get on a treatment plan that will kill all or most of the spots. Then maybe surgery RFA or cyberknife becomes an option.

    Good morning... Have others done that where the chemo has worked to reduce the spots and then RFA, Surgery or Cyberknife becomes and option? Does that mean there is still hope for remission? Or is that too far fetched?
  • Vickilg
    Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

    Sounds like you still have
    Sounds like you still have options. You didnt mention irrinotecan or avastin which are options not to mention the new drugs that are about to be approved. Hopefully you can get on a treatment plan that will kill all or most of the spots. Then maybe surgery RFA or cyberknife becomes an option.

    Good morning... Have others done that where the chemo has worked to reduce the spots and then RFA, Surgery or Cyberknife becomes and option? Does that mean there is still hope for remission? Or is that too far fetched?
  • steved
    steved Member Posts: 834 Member
    Can understand
    I still clearly remember that day when the docs stopped talking about cures and clearly started toalking about controlling it, palliative treatments and limited time. It is the most over whelming momentin this whole thing - I think even more so than the inital diagnosis. I too am young (39) and with kids and this ind of news just blew me away. However, like everything along this journey, given time, those everwhelming feelings do calm to more managable feelings and there is an adjustment that you make. One of the hardest aspects for me was trying to weigh up allow myself to adjust to the position of being 'terminal' (which is something I felt I needed to do to be able to focus on making the most of my time and to think appropriately about how I wanted to apporach treatments- if they aren't gonig to be towards a cure I did feel differenty about them) against how much I cling to hope of still finding a cure and that I may live a full life yet.
    I think everybody is different in finding this balance- some cling to hope till the end and that helps them through, others focus on accepting the limited prognosis and find that helps them focus on quality in their time left.
    I do think there is a lot of things you need to explore around opinions,treatments etc(in my situation that exploration has led to some potential of shifting back to think about a cure and don't let go of that hope completely yet) but you also do need to allow your head time to process this huge change in how you see this illness and potentially your future. You aren't alone in having to do so and there is huge support here in helping you. My thoughts go out to you at this time.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Vickilg said:

    Good morning... Have others done that where the chemo has worked to reduce the spots and then RFA, Surgery or Cyberknife becomes and option? Does that mean there is still hope for remission? Or is that too far fetched?

    There are plenty on this
    There are plenty on this site who have been successful with that approach. I have only had liver involvement and have been operable all three times so i am not speaking from experience just from what i have read on this and other sites several times.b
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    praying for you
    So sorry for the latest news . This ugly cancer ride stinks. I to am chemo for life and all I pray is research and advances will change our course over time. Ive been just recently been doing the aggressive approach of chemos. I finished my fifth one yesterday and will get scans hopefully after this one. I had two treatments where I had allergic creation too oxalplatin so that chemo is done. I'm also doing avastin five tu and another cant remember name. I was dd June 09 mete to lever no surgeries and two month mete to lungs. Pray hard hope your second options will be good. Keep positive attire and fight hard. Your friend Jeff
  • Doc_Hawk
    Doc_Hawk Member Posts: 685
    Vickilg said:

    Good morning... Have others done that where the chemo has worked to reduce the spots and then RFA, Surgery or Cyberknife becomes and option? Does that mean there is still hope for remission? Or is that too far fetched?

    Chemo and Rad
    The only treatments that I've had are first radiation and then aggressive chemo, no surgeries on tumors at all. The primary tumor in my colon was pretty much wiped out by radiation alone. After two years of treatment, the one in my lung is now gone and those in my liver are seriously reduced. I don't know if I'll ever be a candidate for live surgery, but I'm hoping that the chemo will knock it out. It may all work for you as well, we and our cancers are all different. My prayers that you'll come through this with flying colors!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I'm sorry you got such tough
    I'm sorry you got such tough news, but you're still here, and I KNOW that miracles occur. Praying you get one!



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