Sharing my good news

JulieL Member Posts: 141
Thrilled to be told yesterday that my breasts are cancer free. One less area to deal with! Oncologist also advised that the thoracic surgeon saw no signs of cancer nodules on the outside of my lung when he did the surgery to attach the lung to the lining (pleurodesis) which is wonderful. Also following that no further fluid has accumulated there. So with my big drop in CA125 from 658 to 191 following first round of chemo I am feeling so much more positive. Abdominal surgery to take place after 3rd round of chemo.

My love and support to you all.


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  • LaundryQueen
    LaundryQueen Member Posts: 676
    Wonderful news! You are on
    Wonderful news! You are on the right track. I went straight for surgery without chemo first. In retrospect, I know I would have been much better off if I had chemo first. There will be less tumor to deal with when you have surgery & you will do really well.
  • Best Friend
    Best Friend Member Posts: 222
    Good news is always very motivational. You than can focus on the fact that....YES! This is a possibility. I CAN continue my life and enjoy my friends and family. So happy for you!
  • AussieMaddie
    AussieMaddie Member Posts: 345 Member
    Wonderful news!
    Got your back here Julie xxxx

    It's really great news Im really happy for you.

    Am more to follow!

  • wanttogetwellsoon
    wanttogetwellsoon Member Posts: 147
    Really thrilled for you. It's lovely news. :)
  • TheresaM1
    TheresaM1 Member Posts: 9
    Keep up the fight!
  • JulieL
    JulieL Member Posts: 141
    TheresaM1 said:

    Keep up the fight!

    Thank you
    Thank you all so much. Really appreciate your support and encouragement.

    I wish you all the best with your treatment regime.

    Love, JulieL
  • SOPHIE333
    SOPHIE333 Member Posts: 92
    That is very good news! I hope this keeps coming to you! Thank you for sharing! I am so happy for you!

  • lulu1010
    lulu1010 Member Posts: 367
    SOPHIE333 said:

    That is very good news! I hope this keeps coming to you! Thank you for sharing! I am so happy for you!


    You are on the right track!
    I am glad you got good news. I too had chemo before surgery and it seemed not to be the ordeal that others went thru. Wishing the best to you!


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