Chemosmoker is GRATEFUL for Hospice and their new steroids and others are doing WONDERS!!!

chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
edited November 2011 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Hey all.
So much good and bad on the board this week.

Thought I should just start a new thread and let everyone know I am doing really well after last weeks scare!

I have ALL my energy back and Sherri is wonderful, she suggested these meds they got me and they do wonders. I am feeling like the old ERIC and I am living again.

Thanks to ALL of you my family for the every present support. I KNOW that one of these times, Michelle will be posting and things won't get better, but for now, we have had a 180 and I am headed to the beach again today!

Hospice here is INCREDIBLE, They even have the doctor come to the HOUSE for full workup every week. They deliver my meds and hour after their visit, and we are SO well taken care of. I cannot say enough of them. God bless ALL hospice workers. They are magicians!

God bless you all. I am praying for Michael Hopper52 and Rickie and so may others to get home and get hospice and others also to keep recovering and keep going.

Michelle, the INCREDIBLE caregiver is here and is making me so comfortable and is a godsend from God himself. SO much more than ANY wife could have ever been expected to take on, vows or not. THIS is a lot and she does it with a smile and the love I have always loved her for. She is such a an incredible person, beyond my words. I KNOW you all know.



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  • Ericalynn
    Ericalynn Member Posts: 200
    I can hear the Happy
    I can "hear" the happy in your post! I am so glad that you are feeling like "Eric" again.
    It is good to hear that hospice is taking just such good care of you here in Florida!
    This is my favorite time of the year here; sunny skies warm days with NO humidity and cool nights with the windows open and a nice breeze.
    Go enjoy the beach, another beautiful day in Sunny Florida
    Big hugs to YOU and MICHELLE
    Love Erica
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    I like Ericalynn's "I can
    I like Ericalynn's "I can hear the happy." I can, too. Have a ball at the beach. Keep us cold weather people updated as to how wonderful the beach is since we can't be there in person. BMGky
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Wonderful news, Eric!
    And the good Lord knows we were ready for some of that!!
    Hugs to you and Michelle,
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Erica's right
    The HAPPY in your post reverberates loudly in Iowa even :) Glad of that, Eric.

    Our thanks also for Michelle and her fine caring for you. Isn't LOVE a wonderful thing? It's odd really, but I didn't think many others had what Nick & I have found. I am so wrong. So many of the couples from here have exactly what we have. That's *beyond* Special! Gives me great faith in the world.

    Enjoy the beach! It will be 48 here today so I'm green with envy.

    Love & Hugs to you both,

  • jax568
    jax568 Member Posts: 57
    TerryV said:

    Erica's right
    The HAPPY in your post reverberates loudly in Iowa even :) Glad of that, Eric.

    Our thanks also for Michelle and her fine caring for you. Isn't LOVE a wonderful thing? It's odd really, but I didn't think many others had what Nick & I have found. I am so wrong. So many of the couples from here have exactly what we have. That's *beyond* Special! Gives me great faith in the world.

    Enjoy the beach! It will be 48 here today so I'm green with envy.

    Love & Hugs to you both,


    So happy
    So glad you're feeling in control again, enjoy the beach.
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138
    Hi Eric so pleased you are
    Hi Eric so pleased you are happy and enjoying the first-class treatment from both Michelle and hospice. When my husband was going through Chemo, radiation and op he used to say he would never have made it without me. Love makes the world go round.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Atta boy, Eric! Now where's
    Atta boy, Eric! Now where's our teasing Speedo photo of you in the water?????
  • rdraetta
    rdraetta Member Posts: 20
    Ginny_B said:

    Atta boy, Eric! Now where's
    Atta boy, Eric! Now where's our teasing Speedo photo of you in the water?????

    marina's mom
    so glade to here you are doing better .i live in florida and i am a care giver to my husband who right now is doing good, take care and love and prayers to all RD
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Glad to hear things are improving

    Nothing like the sun on your face and a little sand between your toes to improve things. And of course some of the right meds.:)

    I am so glad to hear things are improving and your are back to feeling human again. Hearing how responsive Hospice can be is comforting.

    Hope things continue to get better.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    I hear the "happy" :)
    Great news! I hear the happy too :).

    Big hugs to you and Michelle.

  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    Sounds like the two of


    Sounds like the two of you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy the sun and sand. You both deserve a break :)

  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493

    Sounds like the two of


    Sounds like the two of you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy the sun and sand. You both deserve a break :)


    Great news, Eric! Thanks so
    Great news, Eric! Thanks so much for letting us enjoy the "happy" with you and Michelle! Warm weather, sandy beaches, an amazing Hospice, feeling better--sounds like your move was one of those "God things".
  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member
    Enjoy ENJOY Enjoy!
    Smiles to you back for the smiles you brought all of us,
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    jojoshort said:

    Enjoy ENJOY Enjoy!
    Smiles to you back for the smiles you brought all of us,

    fun corners
    Thanks, ALL!!

    I Am smiling. Death is so scary with this disease when you just have no clue what's around the next corner or how long is the walk to the next corner is.....a week.....a month? An HOUR? Whew....

    God bless you each and every one my my family of true friends and one's who do GET IT.

    PS--Heading to CLEARWATER beach today again......
  • megmacmd
    megmacmd Member Posts: 85
    Feeling good
    Im soo happy for you and Michelle to have such a relief and good times together again.What a saint she is and you for appreciating her.Its great to have a grateful patient makes it soo much easier to do it with a smile.The beach cures all!Cant wait for another beautiful sunrise .My littlejack russell CC and I ran into a little grey fox yesterday morning at 530am while we were walking think he was just as surprised as we wereThe bay is full with migrating ducks this time of year you see so many different kinds my favorite are the buffle heads which we only get this time of year they can swim a long way under water and are so cute. Getting ready to have all the kids and some of my late husbands family brother his wife and son and his dad a welcome relief from the lonely days at home with just CC and I when Imnot at the hospital.Have had a baby boom the last week has been crazy with all the postpartum rooms and delivery rooms full. Fortunately most have been healthy a few premies but they are doing well just littlepeanuts 3 and 4 pounds but what little miracles so tiny but so fiesty fighting to live. Takes my mind off this awful disease Am dreading doctor appointment day after Thanksgiving being off chemo for 3 months makes me feel almost normal again despite the swallowing issues and no appetite still but beats feeling sick all the time. My days are numbered but look forward to going to live with my daughter hope hospice is good in Elkton Maryland its in the sticks will miss the beach and the bay but will have the horses and her managerie to entertain me her rescue greyhound is always entertaining as well as the chickens.Have a great beach day. My best to Michelle gladyou havesuch great hospice Meg
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    megmacmd said:

    Feeling good
    Im soo happy for you and Michelle to have such a relief and good times together again.What a saint she is and you for appreciating her.Its great to have a grateful patient makes it soo much easier to do it with a smile.The beach cures all!Cant wait for another beautiful sunrise .My littlejack russell CC and I ran into a little grey fox yesterday morning at 530am while we were walking think he was just as surprised as we wereThe bay is full with migrating ducks this time of year you see so many different kinds my favorite are the buffle heads which we only get this time of year they can swim a long way under water and are so cute. Getting ready to have all the kids and some of my late husbands family brother his wife and son and his dad a welcome relief from the lonely days at home with just CC and I when Imnot at the hospital.Have had a baby boom the last week has been crazy with all the postpartum rooms and delivery rooms full. Fortunately most have been healthy a few premies but they are doing well just littlepeanuts 3 and 4 pounds but what little miracles so tiny but so fiesty fighting to live. Takes my mind off this awful disease Am dreading doctor appointment day after Thanksgiving being off chemo for 3 months makes me feel almost normal again despite the swallowing issues and no appetite still but beats feeling sick all the time. My days are numbered but look forward to going to live with my daughter hope hospice is good in Elkton Maryland its in the sticks will miss the beach and the bay but will have the horses and her managerie to entertain me her rescue greyhound is always entertaining as well as the chickens.Have a great beach day. My best to Michelle gladyou havesuch great hospice Meg

    tHANKS mEG..
  • Daisylin
    Daisylin Member Posts: 365

    tHANKS mEG..

    Happy for you!!
    Eric, I'm so glad you are feeling "ERIC" again. I hope you are enjoying playing in the sand. I am so happy for you.

    Now, to be a bubble burster.......

    Are you planning to be on dexamethasone for an extended period? Lee was on it, but removed after about 10 days. The doctors felt that the risks of using it for more than that time frame were just too dangerous. Their main concern seemed to be with brittle bones due to severe calcium loss. This site does not really go into detail, but it is mentioned, as well as other side effects. May be worth a read.....

    Lee's just loving those caps ERIC.....
    hugs and love (cheers with my morning coffee too!)


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