Mom to ER - admitted



  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    Ginny_B said:

    Brother was with mom almost
    Brother was with mom almost all day. (He is also taking care of his wife who is undergoing round 6 of chemo for recurring breast cancer. It's got to be hard on my brother.)

    I am heading to mom's house to get her some things. Yesterday she said she wanted a toothbrush. I took her a nice new toothbrush. When I got there she said I don't need a toothbrush! Now she needs chap stick, so I've got that to take. I will pick up some things at her house and take them in case she wants them.

    Brother said they gave her an insulin shot today. Sugars were 168. I really agree that she is much better off in the hospital, so I am not going to complain if they keep her. I wish I had known which hospital to take her so she could be visited by her Oncologist and Radiologist. They are not admitted to where she is now. Today was the day for the PICC line dressing change and new chemo bag. I am sure she'll be ok for a few days w/o chemo. I want her back to normal then we can fill her full of poison again and radiate the hell out of the tumor. I'm glad she wants to fight the cancer!

    Thanks for the update!
    I'll be praying that your Mom gets stronger every day and is able to get back to her fight as soon as possible. Sounds like she's in the right frame of mind now!
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    When I got to the hospital,
    When I got to the hospital, mom's IV machine was beeping. She looked distressed. (Mom doesn't like annoying things and the beeping really annoyed her.) I called for the nurse. When she came in she fussed with the IV and turned off the beeping. Said mom needed to keep her hand flat. Well, she continued to sip her water and the machine started beeping again. Nurse came in and administered something into the IV. Mom said it hurt and the nurse apologized.

    I noticed mom's hand starting to swell, and that the IV was bleeding. I buzzed for the nurse a 3rd time. This time she disconnected the IV and removed the needle. Said she'd be back to find another vein. Mom used the "freedom" to use the potty. Then I straightened her bed and got her comfy.

    In comes another nurse for temp and BP. Mom's BP was 189. Doc ordered atenolol to be administered. The nurses were going to return to take her blood sugars. They were not happy that on didn't touch her dinner. She just won't eat. Not because it hurts, but because she just doesn't want to eat.

    Mom said she will be released at noon tomorrow. Nurse said there are no release orders. We just wait. Doc probably wants to read all her lab numbers before he releases her. I'm ready to get her if she is released.

    I'm tired.
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    Ginny_B said:

    When I got to the hospital,
    When I got to the hospital, mom's IV machine was beeping. She looked distressed. (Mom doesn't like annoying things and the beeping really annoyed her.) I called for the nurse. When she came in she fussed with the IV and turned off the beeping. Said mom needed to keep her hand flat. Well, she continued to sip her water and the machine started beeping again. Nurse came in and administered something into the IV. Mom said it hurt and the nurse apologized.

    I noticed mom's hand starting to swell, and that the IV was bleeding. I buzzed for the nurse a 3rd time. This time she disconnected the IV and removed the needle. Said she'd be back to find another vein. Mom used the "freedom" to use the potty. Then I straightened her bed and got her comfy.

    In comes another nurse for temp and BP. Mom's BP was 189. Doc ordered atenolol to be administered. The nurses were going to return to take her blood sugars. They were not happy that on didn't touch her dinner. She just won't eat. Not because it hurts, but because she just doesn't want to eat.

    Mom said she will be released at noon tomorrow. Nurse said there are no release orders. We just wait. Doc probably wants to read all her lab numbers before he releases her. I'm ready to get her if she is released.

    I'm tired.

    Hope mom does better now...
    I'm sorry i haven't written more. I've been in a pretty horribly place emotionally and am just hanging on now.

    I am glad your mom is in a safe place and will hopeful get he cre she needs now.
    KNOW that I am thinking about you both an that I love you,
    More soon when I can,

    God bless,
  • megmacmd
    megmacmd Member Posts: 85
    Ginny_B said:

    Stopped 5FU
    Finally! It took hours to get Onc to ok, but we pulled the battery from the pump. My bro had to do it since he was with mom and I am 30+ miles away. He was apprehensive, but he did it. Mom tried to tell him not to because she wants the cancer killed. I conveyed that once she's stronger we'll start again with a different dose.

    Now she needs to get stronger, build up her bloodwork levels and EAT.

    I'm so relieved. I am questioning this kind of fight vs. just pain drugs and let it go.

    comes a time
    I have been through 11 treatment of flofox 5fu cispatinum and oxipaltinum I sailed through most of it but eventually the cumulative effect from being a fairly healthy 56 your old stage IVa to lots of side effects memory peripheralneuropathy caught up with me I am fighting this alone as my husband of 30 years died suddendly 3 years of a brain anuersym and my children are in thier own lives one married working for JP Morgan chase in Delaware one in Richmond as an occupational therapist with boyfriend in Vermont in Law school and the youngest a third year at UVA university of virginia.I have decided to stop chemo and let things take there course since the side effects seem to be as bad as the disease I watched my mother and sister die of breast cancer my mother tool the non invasive way out and seemed to have an easier time my sister went for everything and it was very prolonged and agonizing my dad had bladder cancer and he took a middle way some chemo then just pallative and he too had a fairly good end of life quality vs quantity hard to decide when that choose must be made.But I believe your body tells you when enough is enough despite what the doctors and everyone else thinks. I personally have come to my enough is enough although I had good results with 11 flofox treatments it eventualy wore me down to little energy and no appetite nausea peripheralneuropathy I want to work until I cant any more so I have decided no more chemo just pain control until I cant work then sit back and take what comes May seem like giving up but I dont want to drag it out especailly for all my loved ones Dont really know what Im in for but willing to face it on my own terms without being poisoned dragging things out All or Nothing is my motto not everyone will agree but my children are on the same page after seeing 3 cancer deaths and an unexpected death of their father If any one has any secrets on how to get through this gracefully Id be all ears.Less is better simple and serene is my wish Meg
  • jon2311
    jon2311 Member Posts: 1
    Run. If the nurse can't
    Run. If the nurse can't even do that right, I would watch them like a hawk.
    That reflects on their supervision. Tell them to show you when they set anything
    and query them about everything, ask what it is , how it's taken, how much and why,
    if you don't nobody will... I have had 5fu and I have had the Potassium burn, I pinched the line off until they fixed it, lucky for me, not everybody is strong enough to do that.
    My wife was my advocate and nothing gets past her. .......You're not there to be their friend. They are working for you.........
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Ginny_B said:

    When I got to the hospital,
    When I got to the hospital, mom's IV machine was beeping. She looked distressed. (Mom doesn't like annoying things and the beeping really annoyed her.) I called for the nurse. When she came in she fussed with the IV and turned off the beeping. Said mom needed to keep her hand flat. Well, she continued to sip her water and the machine started beeping again. Nurse came in and administered something into the IV. Mom said it hurt and the nurse apologized.

    I noticed mom's hand starting to swell, and that the IV was bleeding. I buzzed for the nurse a 3rd time. This time she disconnected the IV and removed the needle. Said she'd be back to find another vein. Mom used the "freedom" to use the potty. Then I straightened her bed and got her comfy.

    In comes another nurse for temp and BP. Mom's BP was 189. Doc ordered atenolol to be administered. The nurses were going to return to take her blood sugars. They were not happy that on didn't touch her dinner. She just won't eat. Not because it hurts, but because she just doesn't want to eat.

    Mom said she will be released at noon tomorrow. Nurse said there are no release orders. We just wait. Doc probably wants to read all her lab numbers before he releases her. I'm ready to get her if she is released.

    I'm tired.

    Bet you are tired!

    I know things are starting to come at you in waves right now. Don't let that discourage you.

    There will be more attentive nurses, days with fewer problems, and days that are just plain *good*. Sorry that today isn't one of them.

    We are here for you to vent. Let us know how we can help!

    With love & hugs for extra strength!

  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    jon2311 said:

    Run. If the nurse can't
    Run. If the nurse can't even do that right, I would watch them like a hawk.
    That reflects on their supervision. Tell them to show you when they set anything
    and query them about everything, ask what it is , how it's taken, how much and why,
    if you don't nobody will... I have had 5fu and I have had the Potassium burn, I pinched the line off until they fixed it, lucky for me, not everybody is strong enough to do that.
    My wife was my advocate and nothing gets past her. .......You're not there to be their friend. They are working for you.........

    I got a call from the
    I got a call from the hospital Doc who said he was releasing her after 1:30 today. We drove to the hospital to get her. I asked what her BP readings were. The most recent was 188! I asked the nurse how they could release her with BP that high? She said she told the doc mom's readings and all were in the 180's. She offered to get him on the phone for me and I agreed.

    When he called (within 3 minutes), I asked him the same question - how can you release her with BP readings of 180, 185, and 188? He sort of hemmed and hawed and finally said, he would change her BP meds and monitor her for 24 more hours.

    Fine. Ok. I should not have had to fuss over that. The nurse was very happy that I questioned the doc. Within 30 minutes the nurse came back with Lipitor. I stayed with mom a few more hours and they were taking BP every 10 minutes. It got down to 177.

    So, we'll try again tomorrow to see how things go.
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Ginny_B said:

    I got a call from the
    I got a call from the hospital Doc who said he was releasing her after 1:30 today. We drove to the hospital to get her. I asked what her BP readings were. The most recent was 188! I asked the nurse how they could release her with BP that high? She said she told the doc mom's readings and all were in the 180's. She offered to get him on the phone for me and I agreed.

    When he called (within 3 minutes), I asked him the same question - how can you release her with BP readings of 180, 185, and 188? He sort of hemmed and hawed and finally said, he would change her BP meds and monitor her for 24 more hours.

    Fine. Ok. I should not have had to fuss over that. The nurse was very happy that I questioned the doc. Within 30 minutes the nurse came back with Lipitor. I stayed with mom a few more hours and they were taking BP every 10 minutes. It got down to 177.

    So, we'll try again tomorrow to see how things go.

    Oh Ginny.....
    You should NOT have have to stand in this large a gap! I cannot believe the care provided your mom during this stay.

    I'm sure you are at wit's end with the medical staff there. Thank God for you and your brother! and your poor brother! What a challenge facing he and his wife....

    My heart goes out to you. Wish there were something I could do other than say

    You're doing the right things! Thank you for being there!

  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    TerryV said:

    Oh Ginny.....
    You should NOT have have to stand in this large a gap! I cannot believe the care provided your mom during this stay.

    I'm sure you are at wit's end with the medical staff there. Thank God for you and your brother! and your poor brother! What a challenge facing he and his wife....

    My heart goes out to you. Wish there were something I could do other than say

    You're doing the right things! Thank you for being there!


    I think the nurses have been
    I think the nurses have been good (except for the error with the potassium drip). Yesterday's nurse was very concerned about the BP, but they can only argue so much with a doc before getting into trouble (I guess). I'm glad she let me talk with the doctor.

    I will go back to the hospital today, check her BP on her new meds, and see if they'll release her. I am brining her to my house until Monday when we go to Radiology and Oncology. Chemo (5FU) and Rads start up again.

    I hope it's ok for them to start/stop during these bumps in the road and that by starting/stopping we are not screwing things up.
  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Ginny_B said:

    I got a call from the
    I got a call from the hospital Doc who said he was releasing her after 1:30 today. We drove to the hospital to get her. I asked what her BP readings were. The most recent was 188! I asked the nurse how they could release her with BP that high? She said she told the doc mom's readings and all were in the 180's. She offered to get him on the phone for me and I agreed.

    When he called (within 3 minutes), I asked him the same question - how can you release her with BP readings of 180, 185, and 188? He sort of hemmed and hawed and finally said, he would change her BP meds and monitor her for 24 more hours.

    Fine. Ok. I should not have had to fuss over that. The nurse was very happy that I questioned the doc. Within 30 minutes the nurse came back with Lipitor. I stayed with mom a few more hours and they were taking BP every 10 minutes. It got down to 177.

    So, we'll try again tomorrow to see how things go.


    Lipitor is a medication to lower cholesterol - It may not have an immediate effect of blood pressure - it may over a long period of time if she has high cholesterol, but I don't think it will be lowering her BP to safely be discharged. Unless they are using it off label along with other therapies . . .

    Just a thought.



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