Mom to ER - admitted

Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
Loss of bladder and bowel control. Onc nurse said take to ER. She was admitted. By the time I left her in the Telemetry Unit she was not making sense. She would scratch at her IV and say, "Take out the lard." She was making up words - gibberish. She would have coherent times and tell me to go home or sit down. (She knew I could only stand in the ER - no chairs and no room for any).

I want chemo (5FU on 24/7 drip) to stop. It's making her much too sick. ER wouldn't touch the chemo lines or pump. They started their own IVs.

One nurse messed up the IVs and set Potassium to 50 instead of 20. Mom's IV started burning. She set the sodium at 20 instead of 35. She said she set them both correctly and didn't know what happened. She did NOT set them correctly! What if I hadn't been there to hear my mom complain or to see for myself that the monitors were off?

She looked so little in that hospital bed. ER said all her blood work numbers were bad... potassium, sugar, electrolytes. On a positive note, she did use the bathroom once before I left - she maintained bladder control!

I really think chemo needs to stop or be lowered or something.


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  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Sorry for what your mom is going through!

    I am so sorry to hear of this lastest issue. Hopefully her oncologist will be able to determine quickly what has happened.

    I also hope that you don't experience any additinal incompetent nurses. How incredibly scary that has to be to entrust your dear mom to that.

    Please keep us posted. You know we worry.

    Love, hugs, and prayers for better days,

  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Prayers being lifted


    Prayers being lifted for you and mom. I know how difficult it is to see your loved one in the hospital so weak and powerless. May this trip to the hospital bring her back to you feeling better.

    As said before, keep us posted - even for those of us that can't post often, I read and follow almost hourly.

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    So sorry to hear of your Mom's troubles

    I am so sorry to hear your Mom is in the ER. It looks like they really need to evaluate modification of her chemo medications. During the time I was on chemo therapy they had to give me a break from the 5FU 24/7 drip for a few days twice. They also reduced one of my infused chemo medications on one cycle. In my case it was because I developed bad mouth sores.

    Your mom is very fortunate to have you there as her advocate.

    I hope with some modifications in medication she will be feeling better soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • Luvs24
    Luvs24 Member Posts: 75
    paul61 said:

    So sorry to hear of your Mom's troubles

    I am so sorry to hear your Mom is in the ER. It looks like they really need to evaluate modification of her chemo medications. During the time I was on chemo therapy they had to give me a break from the 5FU 24/7 drip for a few days twice. They also reduced one of my infused chemo medications on one cycle. In my case it was because I developed bad mouth sores.

    Your mom is very fortunate to have you there as her advocate.

    I hope with some modifications in medication she will be feeling better soon.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    Two year survivor

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!

    Prayers to your mom, Ginny
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom's issues, and as Paul said, she is fortunate to have you as her advocate. It is so important that there is someone watching out for her and to question what they are doing. Be observant and keep the faith!

    Best Wishes,
    Daugher of Roy

    DX 6/17/11 T3N1M0
    10/7/11 Robotic Esophagectomy
    Clean Path
  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    Luvs24 said:

    Prayers to your mom, Ginny
    I am so sorry to hear about your mom's issues, and as Paul said, she is fortunate to have you as her advocate. It is so important that there is someone watching out for her and to question what they are doing. Be observant and keep the faith!

    Best Wishes,
    Daugher of Roy

    DX 6/17/11 T3N1M0
    10/7/11 Robotic Esophagectomy
    Clean Path

    Ginny Stay Strong but Calm
    It is not unusual for the first day or so to be unbelievable when the 24/7 program starts. It sometimes takes time for the oncologist to get the dosing right for each individual especially an older patient. Part of her problem may be deydration and a laundry list of other possibilities. It's a scary time. Take a deep breath and have a "nice chat" with her oncologist to find a treatment middle ground. I had been on the pump three weeks and was doing great and then one day, I could not stand or take a step. As did you all, I was hauled off to the ER, did a week in the hospital, got over the hump while they workewd with the doseing and all turned out fine in the end. I ended up doing the remaing 4 months without a hitch. Good luck and know that I and all your other family here is praying for her health and your stamina. Sam
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Stopped 5FU
    Finally! It took hours to get Onc to ok, but we pulled the battery from the pump. My bro had to do it since he was with mom and I am 30+ miles away. He was apprehensive, but he did it. Mom tried to tell him not to because she wants the cancer killed. I conveyed that once she's stronger we'll start again with a different dose.

    Now she needs to get stronger, build up her bloodwork levels and EAT.

    I'm so relieved. I am questioning this kind of fight vs. just pain drugs and let it go.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Ginny_B said:

    Stopped 5FU
    Finally! It took hours to get Onc to ok, but we pulled the battery from the pump. My bro had to do it since he was with mom and I am 30+ miles away. He was apprehensive, but he did it. Mom tried to tell him not to because she wants the cancer killed. I conveyed that once she's stronger we'll start again with a different dose.

    Now she needs to get stronger, build up her bloodwork levels and EAT.

    I'm so relieved. I am questioning this kind of fight vs. just pain drugs and let it go.

    I hope they keep mom for
    I hope they keep mom for several days to feed and care for her with the IVs. She was in bad shape when she got there. My brother said she is still bad.

    At least she once again has bowel and bladder control!
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Ginny_B said:

    I hope they keep mom for
    I hope they keep mom for several days to feed and care for her with the IVs. She was in bad shape when she got there. My brother said she is still bad.

    At least she once again has bowel and bladder control!

    As Eric says - you're standing in the gap for your mom!
    Way to advocate for her. Finding the right chemo mix has got to be challenging. I don't even the docs or the patients.

    Glad your mom is still determined to rid herself of the cancer. It takes a strong spirit to overcome. Sounds like she's got that.

    Prayers and strength to you all! Thank you for the update.

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Sure hope your Mom is doing
    Sure hope your Mom is doing better and is more comfortable. It is so good you are there to help her. Please keep us posted. BMGky
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Ginny_B said:

    Stopped 5FU
    Finally! It took hours to get Onc to ok, but we pulled the battery from the pump. My bro had to do it since he was with mom and I am 30+ miles away. He was apprehensive, but he did it. Mom tried to tell him not to because she wants the cancer killed. I conveyed that once she's stronger we'll start again with a different dose.

    Now she needs to get stronger, build up her bloodwork levels and EAT.

    I'm so relieved. I am questioning this kind of fight vs. just pain drugs and let it go.

    I'm glad you finally got it
    I'm glad you finally got it stopped Ginny. I hope mom is feeling better now. 5FU is a tough old drug but it's usually very effective on a lot of cancers. Bad part is it can be rough on us as well. There is simply no excuse for medication errors like your mom experienced. Many hospitals have safeguards built in to avoid such errors. Please give your mom our love and wishes for feeling better soon.
  • Stay Strong
    Ginny, what a stressful time. I hope moms oncologist can straighten the situations out. We are her for you.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532

    Stay Strong
    Ginny, what a stressful time. I hope moms oncologist can straighten the situations out. We are her for you.

    Going to see mom tonight.
    Going to see mom tonight. Brother was there for about 4 hours. Seems she was out of sodium! A drug she takes normally conflicted with the chemo and zapped up all her necessary things - sodium, potassium, electrolytes, etc. Now that we've stopped chemo and she's getting loaded with IVs we should see some improvement. Doc said they'll keep her a couple days.

    Now that I no longer need folks, they are all calling! Oncologist, Radiologist, etc. Sheesh... return calls when I need them not now that everything is smooth sailing. Oh well. Tells me that WE have to stay on top of things and call call call call. 3 calls to the Onc nurse w/o a return call yesterday!

    Gotta read those IV bags too. And the pump meters.

    I'm glad mom wants to fight the cancer though. Up to this point all she'd say is let me die, i want to die, etc. It's hard to hear that, so I said, ok, we'll stop everything. Well, no... she doesn't want that either! Whew!

    Thank you everybody for your information and your support. I'll report back tomorrow.

    Jim - hope you are doing ok!!!
  • Jenny32
    Jenny32 Member Posts: 23
    Ginny_B said:

    Going to see mom tonight.
    Going to see mom tonight. Brother was there for about 4 hours. Seems she was out of sodium! A drug she takes normally conflicted with the chemo and zapped up all her necessary things - sodium, potassium, electrolytes, etc. Now that we've stopped chemo and she's getting loaded with IVs we should see some improvement. Doc said they'll keep her a couple days.

    Now that I no longer need folks, they are all calling! Oncologist, Radiologist, etc. Sheesh... return calls when I need them not now that everything is smooth sailing. Oh well. Tells me that WE have to stay on top of things and call call call call. 3 calls to the Onc nurse w/o a return call yesterday!

    Gotta read those IV bags too. And the pump meters.

    I'm glad mom wants to fight the cancer though. Up to this point all she'd say is let me die, i want to die, etc. It's hard to hear that, so I said, ok, we'll stop everything. Well, no... she doesn't want that either! Whew!

    Thank you everybody for your information and your support. I'll report back tomorrow.

    Jim - hope you are doing ok!!!

    Glad to hear that they
    Glad to hear that they figured out what she needs! It is scary how much you have to push to get things in order between the nurses and the doctors. My dad was just released from the hospital this evening after going in Monday morning to have his feeding tube put in. I had to call the doctors office twice and I made sure to go to the hospital each day to make sure he was getting what he needed. We were very unhappy with the staff at the hospital my dad was at. You really do have to stay on top of things when it comes to getting adequate care. Phone call, after phone call... I know the feeling. When my dad was in the nursing home for 6 months, I felt in part like I was his physician the way I oversaw his care. I think doctors take on way too many patients to focus on the needs of any one particular patient and that is why it is important that we are always advocates for our loved ones.

    We haven't even started down the path with my dad and chemo yet. That was put on hold until the feeding tube was put into place. Maybe next week that will start and they will resume the radiation treatments.

    Just wanted to let you know that I am relieved for you and your mother. Good to hear that she is ready to push forward and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Ginny_B said:

    Going to see mom tonight.
    Going to see mom tonight. Brother was there for about 4 hours. Seems she was out of sodium! A drug she takes normally conflicted with the chemo and zapped up all her necessary things - sodium, potassium, electrolytes, etc. Now that we've stopped chemo and she's getting loaded with IVs we should see some improvement. Doc said they'll keep her a couple days.

    Now that I no longer need folks, they are all calling! Oncologist, Radiologist, etc. Sheesh... return calls when I need them not now that everything is smooth sailing. Oh well. Tells me that WE have to stay on top of things and call call call call. 3 calls to the Onc nurse w/o a return call yesterday!

    Gotta read those IV bags too. And the pump meters.

    I'm glad mom wants to fight the cancer though. Up to this point all she'd say is let me die, i want to die, etc. It's hard to hear that, so I said, ok, we'll stop everything. Well, no... she doesn't want that either! Whew!

    Thank you everybody for your information and your support. I'll report back tomorrow.

    Jim - hope you are doing ok!!!

    Stay strong
    Hi Ginny,

    I am hoping that your mom is feeling a bit better. I'm sure she will perk up now that the electrolytes are getting back to normal.

    Be sure to get some rest for yourself too..

  • Daisylin
    Daisylin Member Posts: 365
    forme said:

    Stay strong
    Hi Ginny,

    I am hoping that your mom is feeling a bit better. I'm sure she will perk up now that the electrolytes are getting back to normal.

    Be sure to get some rest for yourself too..


    Hi Ginny
    I'm so glad that your mom is in hospital. I know it's a miserable place to be, and they do make mistakes, but it is good that they are able to stabilize her levels, and give her some bed rest.
    I've heard the 'please just let me die' too, and it is truly heartbreaking. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but now that they've got her more comfortable, I hope that the mild hallucinations stop and she can be her wonderful loving self again.

    be well,
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Mom is still in the
    Mom is still in the hospital, but oh what a joy to see her with her eyes open! She was talking and asking questions and responding to whatever was being said! Still argumentative, but that's my mom. She is still confused at times - I wonder what causes confusion. Does not remember anything about the ER or the day leading up to it. She worries about the least little things - who is going to take out the trash, not having underwear on (funny), too much noise from the patient in the next bed and that patient gets too many visitors who talk too much.

    Mom told me she does not want to go too many days before we start chemo again. She looks well enough to be released - so maybe today. If they keep her one more day and continue the IVs it will be ok with me.

    I will talk carefully with the Onc doc to make sure the levels of chemo are mild enough for mom - I do not want another episode like this, but now I think we are better able to nip it before it gets this bad. Mom needs to understand that she needs to tell us more explicitly what is wrong. She just kept saying "I'm so sick. I want to just die." Well, chemo and rads make people sick. I am going to assume that we need to proactive from the point in time where she appears to be getting weaker.

    Thank you everyone!
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Ginny_B said:

    Mom is still in the
    Mom is still in the hospital, but oh what a joy to see her with her eyes open! She was talking and asking questions and responding to whatever was being said! Still argumentative, but that's my mom. She is still confused at times - I wonder what causes confusion. Does not remember anything about the ER or the day leading up to it. She worries about the least little things - who is going to take out the trash, not having underwear on (funny), too much noise from the patient in the next bed and that patient gets too many visitors who talk too much.

    Mom told me she does not want to go too many days before we start chemo again. She looks well enough to be released - so maybe today. If they keep her one more day and continue the IVs it will be ok with me.

    I will talk carefully with the Onc doc to make sure the levels of chemo are mild enough for mom - I do not want another episode like this, but now I think we are better able to nip it before it gets this bad. Mom needs to understand that she needs to tell us more explicitly what is wrong. She just kept saying "I'm so sick. I want to just die." Well, chemo and rads make people sick. I am going to assume that we need to proactive from the point in time where she appears to be getting weaker.

    Thank you everyone!

    Good update!
    Thanks for letting us know, Ginny! Glad you and your brother are there and able to stay on top of this for your mom.

    Wonderful that she's having a better day. Hope tomorrow and the next day and the next day....

    Hugs & Strength to you, brother AND MOM!

  • jim2011
    jim2011 Member Posts: 115
    Ginny_B said:

    Mom is still in the
    Mom is still in the hospital, but oh what a joy to see her with her eyes open! She was talking and asking questions and responding to whatever was being said! Still argumentative, but that's my mom. She is still confused at times - I wonder what causes confusion. Does not remember anything about the ER or the day leading up to it. She worries about the least little things - who is going to take out the trash, not having underwear on (funny), too much noise from the patient in the next bed and that patient gets too many visitors who talk too much.

    Mom told me she does not want to go too many days before we start chemo again. She looks well enough to be released - so maybe today. If they keep her one more day and continue the IVs it will be ok with me.

    I will talk carefully with the Onc doc to make sure the levels of chemo are mild enough for mom - I do not want another episode like this, but now I think we are better able to nip it before it gets this bad. Mom needs to understand that she needs to tell us more explicitly what is wrong. She just kept saying "I'm so sick. I want to just die." Well, chemo and rads make people sick. I am going to assume that we need to proactive from the point in time where she appears to be getting weaker.

    Thank you everyone!

    For your mom
    I spent 14 days in the hospital after my third round of chemo. It is tough and I am only in my mid 50's. Seems like they bring you to the very brink of death and then bring you back with fluids and time. I knew that the hospital bed was where I needed to be at the time and I have no regrets. I am sure that your mom will get well enough to come home and continue with an adjusted dosing of chemo and move ahead to recovery. I wish you guys the best.
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Ginny_B said:

    Mom is still in the
    Mom is still in the hospital, but oh what a joy to see her with her eyes open! She was talking and asking questions and responding to whatever was being said! Still argumentative, but that's my mom. She is still confused at times - I wonder what causes confusion. Does not remember anything about the ER or the day leading up to it. She worries about the least little things - who is going to take out the trash, not having underwear on (funny), too much noise from the patient in the next bed and that patient gets too many visitors who talk too much.

    Mom told me she does not want to go too many days before we start chemo again. She looks well enough to be released - so maybe today. If they keep her one more day and continue the IVs it will be ok with me.

    I will talk carefully with the Onc doc to make sure the levels of chemo are mild enough for mom - I do not want another episode like this, but now I think we are better able to nip it before it gets this bad. Mom needs to understand that she needs to tell us more explicitly what is wrong. She just kept saying "I'm so sick. I want to just die." Well, chemo and rads make people sick. I am going to assume that we need to proactive from the point in time where she appears to be getting weaker.

    Thank you everyone!

    So glad your mom is feeling a little better. She needs to be strong if she wants to continue the chemo. Like the doctors told us, chemo is extremely hard on an otherwise healthy person but what it could do to her in a weakened state is something you don't want to deal with. I'm happy you were there with your mom to oversee some incompetence at the hospital. Man, you just shouldnt have to deal with that along with everything else but I guess all medical people are "practicing" and they are, after all, human and can make mistakes. Take care Ginny and keep us updated.
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    Brother was with mom almost
    Brother was with mom almost all day. (He is also taking care of his wife who is undergoing round 6 of chemo for recurring breast cancer. It's got to be hard on my brother.)

    I am heading to mom's house to get her some things. Yesterday she said she wanted a toothbrush. I took her a nice new toothbrush. When I got there she said I don't need a toothbrush! Now she needs chap stick, so I've got that to take. I will pick up some things at her house and take them in case she wants them.

    Brother said they gave her an insulin shot today. Sugars were 168. I really agree that she is much better off in the hospital, so I am not going to complain if they keep her. I wish I had known which hospital to take her so she could be visited by her Oncologist and Radiologist. They are not admitted to where she is now. Today was the day for the PICC line dressing change and new chemo bag. I am sure she'll be ok for a few days w/o chemo. I want her back to normal then we can fill her full of poison again and radiate the hell out of the tumor. I'm glad she wants to fight the cancer!


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