No room at the inn

Daisylin Member Posts: 365
We had an interesting day to say the least. We arrived for our routine appointment at the cancer centre this afternoon. We discussed increasing his pain meds, and the doctor agreed. They checked his vitals and found his heart rate to be a bit high, but not too concerning. They had him stand up, and tested again, and it seemed to have lowered to their satisfaction. (not sure what the numbers were)

They had him lie down on the exam table to explore where his pain is, and on the way to the lying down position, Lee let out a moan of pain and told her that he'd been having neck and shoulder pain lately. She began an examination of his spine and back, and recommended having an x-ray done, to rule out bone mets.

As he was returning to his chair, all of a sudden Lee passed out..... very scary! Just fainted away into a heap on the floor... Even the doctor seemed to be taken aback. She called for help, and we helped him to a stretcher. Within a few minutes he was awake, but still pretty shaky and pale. The doctor suggested that we admit him immediately to the palliative care unit. We agreed, and she left to make arrangements.

She returned shortly thereafter, and told us that there was no room in the palliative unit, or the oncology unit. She said we could wait in the ER until something came available. Lee decided that he'd prefer to come home, until a bed becomes available. The thought of lying in a hallway of the hospital for possibly days does not sound like much fun! So, literally, 'no room in the inn'. So, we wait for the phone call.

We are hoping that a short stay in the hospital will enable them to more easily control his pain, and discover a cocktail that will keep it managed. I'm terrified, overwhelmed and oh, so very sad...... Also praying that the pain is not caused by bone mets. What a nightmare.

Please remember Lee in your prayers. (and me too, if you would)


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  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174
    How scary
    Praying for both of you! I hope they are able to Lee in soon!
  • ritawaite13
    ritawaite13 Member Posts: 236
    Hi Chantal
    Boy you and Lee really have had a horrible day. I am saddened by this last turn of events for you both. I will pray that his cancer has not spread to his bones and that your doctors can come up with a pain management plan to keep Lee comfortable. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you both.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Will be lifting you both up
    Will be lifting you both up in prayer. I don't blame Lee. waiting at home is so much better than being in limbo in the hospital, waiting for a room.
    I hope the wait won't be long,
  • bingbing2009
    bingbing2009 Member Posts: 177
    So sorry to hear this
    Chantal and Lee, you will both be in my prayers. I hope Lee gets some pain relief soon. Hang in there, Chantal. I know it isn't easy, but you are sure one terrific caregiver.
    Thnking of you both,
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Prayers for you both. Words
    Prayers for you both. Words fail me. I cannot imagine what you are experiencing. Hope all the prayers from our board's family will comfort you. BMGky
  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Prayers coming your way!!

    What a frightening set of circumstances!! I am so glad, if it had to happen, you were in a medical facility where you can get immediate attention. I think Lee made the right choice about coming home. He will rest much better there than in a noisy hospital area.

    I will continue to pray that Lee feels better and gets the kind of medical support to ease his pain and other symptoms.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams
    McCormick, South Carolina

    DX 10/22/2009 T2N1M0 Stage IIB
    12/03/2009 Ivor Lewis
    2/8 through 6/14/2010 Adjuvant Chemo Cisplatin, Epirubicin, 5 FU
    3/14/2011 CT Scan NED

    Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we might as well dance!
  • Wpturner05
    Wpturner05 Member Posts: 114
    Chantal,How I wish I had

    How I wish I had eloquent and beautiful words for you that would make you sigh in relief and magicaly feel better . . . but I don't. I merely have trite words of encouragement, care and concern. You and Lee are in my thoughts ALL THE TIME!!!!! I cannot imagine your fear as you watched today's events unfold before your eyes, all like a bad dream. Rest when you can, eat when you can, love fully and completely.

    I can promise you this, I think and pray for you and you alone at times - that you may continue to draw the strength that is required to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. You will have what is takes to do what is needed.

    Two quotes I find myself saying over and over again to myself

    1. God does not chose the equipped, He equips the chosen

    and . . .

    2. You never know how you strong you really are until strong is the only choice you have.

    Prayers of love and support to you and Lee.


  • Ericalynn
    Ericalynn Member Posts: 200
    Thoughts & prayers
    I think of you and Lee everyday and I say a prayer that Lee is pain free and that you are doing OK. I wish I could say or doing something to make it better but I know that I can do nothing but send you my positive thoughts that you will have a good day and that Lee will not have pain. I hope that you know how much you and Lee mean to all of us here and if there is anything you need we are only a request away.
    Please know that I am here for you and Lee as so many others here on the EC board are too
    Love and hugs to you both
  • AngieD
    AngieD Member Posts: 493
    Ericalynn said:

    Thoughts & prayers
    I think of you and Lee everyday and I say a prayer that Lee is pain free and that you are doing OK. I wish I could say or doing something to make it better but I know that I can do nothing but send you my positive thoughts that you will have a good day and that Lee will not have pain. I hope that you know how much you and Lee mean to all of us here and if there is anything you need we are only a request away.
    Please know that I am here for you and Lee as so many others here on the EC board are too
    Love and hugs to you both

    Oh, Chantal, I'm just shaking thinking of your experience today
    I think of and pray for you and Lee every day. Right now, I'm praying that they quickly get him admitted and, by having him there to constantly monitor, are able to resolve his pain issues satisfactorily. And with that, you will enjoy a little rest and peace.
  • unclaw2002
    unclaw2002 Member Posts: 599
    You and Lee are


    You and Lee are both amazing. I hope that you are able to get his xray and pain meds adjusted so he can be comfortable soon. I know just having you by his side and with him makes all the difference in the world to him. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Virtual hugs to both of you.

  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    Prayers for you and Lee
    We will pray for you and Lee. For strength and for room in the inn.
  • JimboC
    JimboC Member Posts: 264
    Prayers and good thoughts
    I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to Lee. I understand not wanting to wait in a hallway for a room to come open. I'll definitely keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. I hope they are able to get his pain under control quickly. You guys take care!
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501
    Thinking of LEE and worried
    Chantal, Lee,

    I cannot believe that they didn't even have a BED for Lee. From what everyone says about hospitals, it's better to WAIT until Monday as none of the doctors are usually in making regular rounds on the weekend, at least not here in the states. Must be worse there as they at least have beds available, even if you just lay in them until Monday. I am glad he gets to be at home with you at least. I wish I could reach through this damn screen and heal his pain and take those chills by some force of the universe, as I would.

    I think now you will finally get a pain management plan that might actually provide him the kind of relief that I KNOW is out there as they have done it for me and countless others. I just hate that it takes THIS to get him the focus and attention he deserves. I won't go into a "William'esque" rant about Canada's managed health care here...I digress.

    Chantal, PLEASE, try and get some rest for yourself, and don't forget to eat. Hold each other, hold hands, or just sit in the same room when it is appropriate, and hold out together for Monday. You WILL get past AND through this, together. I KNOW that you will. You BOTH have so much on you. Don't let it eat you alive, mentally, before Monday arrives.

    I am so sorry to just now reply; I just got all the news-we were out for our anniversary with the computers off watching a movie together and now I find this out. Man I was gone too long from the board!

    I am so sorry to hear the bad news on the visit to the doctors office and that he fainted. I am holding out hope that this is not any kind of METS at all but that his thyroid or whatever has been causing the horrible chills and flashes and when he gets in to the hospital and they get to run every test that they want to, that they will FIND "IT" whatever IT is, and when they do, it will not only explain the fainting and blood pressure issue, but also will STOP those chills and other weird symptoms he has been plagued with for weeks!

    That is my thoughts. I have not read of bone Mets causing fainting or blood pressure issues more or any worse than we would already be having with the EC, Mets to liver, kidneys or anything else. I don't think that is it. It is not Brain Mets by the sound of it either. BUT I am not a doctor either. Just can go by what I have learned and read.

    It is ALWAYS easier to assume and think the worst, and WE are all experts at that, I KNOW I am, but it will not help you calm down and wait for them to test and find the truth of the matter. I know the weekend will be torture for the both of you so call us if you want to scream or rant or just sit on the phone, either of you!

    I am praying ferociously for the both of you right now. I send you all of my love, some extra strength to get through the weekend and back to the hospital for some ANSWERS, and more than that even, some relief for Lee!!!

    Standing by and holding out great hope for a solution to this scare, with a good outcome and Lee back home with a pain management plan that works great, too.

    I love you both. I am ready to fight FOR you and WITH you, just say GO.....

  • LilChemoSmoker
    LilChemoSmoker Member Posts: 185
    You are so loved and admired!
    Lee and Chantal,

    We love you and hope to hear from you soon! I am posting raw here and I am sitting on the edge of our couch this evening, hearts pounding out of my chest and pain in my heart. I am eagerly awaiting word as to your progress this evening and this next morning. I express my true feelings always, and this moment is no different! Praying for balance to return for you and Lee!

  • LeeinLondon
    LeeinLondon Member Posts: 103

    You are so loved and admired!
    Lee and Chantal,

    We love you and hope to hear from you soon! I am posting raw here and I am sitting on the edge of our couch this evening, hearts pounding out of my chest and pain in my heart. I am eagerly awaiting word as to your progress this evening and this next morning. I express my true feelings always, and this moment is no different! Praying for balance to return for you and Lee!


    thank you
    Thank you everyone, as usual your words are great comfort to us both.

    I was shocked at the fainting thing, but I went into the meeting sweating hard and feeling horrible, barely had the energy to walk across the cancer centre. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't happen in the parking lot, or while I was walking down a flight of stairs.

    In Canada, a lot of doctors are moving to the US because of the way OHIP (our medical billing system) pays doctors, hence shortages of docs and beds like this one. We have found the system overall excellent, and this is the first delay we've come across in my treatment.

    This is all messed up; instead of feeling a little better after tweaking meds etc., I seem to be feeling worse each week. I literally cannot walk across a room without sitting down to rest. Im not hedging my bets on my thyroid working miracles, but hopefully the fact that the thyroid regulates so much in the body that it will give me strength and energy and a healthier "base" upon which all these other things can function.

    currently at 50 mcg fentanyl, working ok except for liver pain. 2 breakthroughs tonight so far. Im needing breakthrough 3-4 times a day so the patch isnt obviously quite enough on its own.

    on top of all this, im scheduled for stent installation next friday and time is of the essence as the surgeon found great tightness in my tumours when she performed the dilation 2 weeks ago. If the stent doesnt go well, not much of this other stuff matters...
  • annalan
    annalan Member Posts: 138

    thank you
    Thank you everyone, as usual your words are great comfort to us both.

    I was shocked at the fainting thing, but I went into the meeting sweating hard and feeling horrible, barely had the energy to walk across the cancer centre. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't happen in the parking lot, or while I was walking down a flight of stairs.

    In Canada, a lot of doctors are moving to the US because of the way OHIP (our medical billing system) pays doctors, hence shortages of docs and beds like this one. We have found the system overall excellent, and this is the first delay we've come across in my treatment.

    This is all messed up; instead of feeling a little better after tweaking meds etc., I seem to be feeling worse each week. I literally cannot walk across a room without sitting down to rest. Im not hedging my bets on my thyroid working miracles, but hopefully the fact that the thyroid regulates so much in the body that it will give me strength and energy and a healthier "base" upon which all these other things can function.

    currently at 50 mcg fentanyl, working ok except for liver pain. 2 breakthroughs tonight so far. Im needing breakthrough 3-4 times a day so the patch isnt obviously quite enough on its own.

    on top of all this, im scheduled for stent installation next friday and time is of the essence as the surgeon found great tightness in my tumours when she performed the dilation 2 weeks ago. If the stent doesnt go well, not much of this other stuff matters...

    Lee and Chantel
    I read all your posts and am so very sad to hear of your latest trials. Hope with all my heart that you will soon feel a lot better.
    Ann (2)
    Wife of Alan T3N1MO
    Posting from England
  • thank you
    Thank you everyone, as usual your words are great comfort to us both.

    I was shocked at the fainting thing, but I went into the meeting sweating hard and feeling horrible, barely had the energy to walk across the cancer centre. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't happen in the parking lot, or while I was walking down a flight of stairs.

    In Canada, a lot of doctors are moving to the US because of the way OHIP (our medical billing system) pays doctors, hence shortages of docs and beds like this one. We have found the system overall excellent, and this is the first delay we've come across in my treatment.

    This is all messed up; instead of feeling a little better after tweaking meds etc., I seem to be feeling worse each week. I literally cannot walk across a room without sitting down to rest. Im not hedging my bets on my thyroid working miracles, but hopefully the fact that the thyroid regulates so much in the body that it will give me strength and energy and a healthier "base" upon which all these other things can function.

    currently at 50 mcg fentanyl, working ok except for liver pain. 2 breakthroughs tonight so far. Im needing breakthrough 3-4 times a day so the patch isnt obviously quite enough on its own.

    on top of all this, im scheduled for stent installation next friday and time is of the essence as the surgeon found great tightness in my tumours when she performed the dilation 2 weeks ago. If the stent doesnt go well, not much of this other stuff matters...

    This comment has been removed by the Moderator
  • chemosmoker
    chemosmoker Member Posts: 501

    thank you
    Thank you everyone, as usual your words are great comfort to us both.

    I was shocked at the fainting thing, but I went into the meeting sweating hard and feeling horrible, barely had the energy to walk across the cancer centre. I guess I should be thankful that it didn't happen in the parking lot, or while I was walking down a flight of stairs.

    In Canada, a lot of doctors are moving to the US because of the way OHIP (our medical billing system) pays doctors, hence shortages of docs and beds like this one. We have found the system overall excellent, and this is the first delay we've come across in my treatment.

    This is all messed up; instead of feeling a little better after tweaking meds etc., I seem to be feeling worse each week. I literally cannot walk across a room without sitting down to rest. Im not hedging my bets on my thyroid working miracles, but hopefully the fact that the thyroid regulates so much in the body that it will give me strength and energy and a healthier "base" upon which all these other things can function.

    currently at 50 mcg fentanyl, working ok except for liver pain. 2 breakthroughs tonight so far. Im needing breakthrough 3-4 times a day so the patch isnt obviously quite enough on its own.

    on top of all this, im scheduled for stent installation next friday and time is of the essence as the surgeon found great tightness in my tumours when she performed the dilation 2 weeks ago. If the stent doesnt go well, not much of this other stuff matters...

    Since I see you mention it allot, I will ad this for you from me;
    I take 80MG of Oxycontin every 6 hours as a BASELINE for pain management. On TOP of that, with nothing else wrong, I take 6 (SIX) 20MG Oxycodone immediate release for breakthrough pain. This is a daily diet, normal.

    Just don't want you to feel that you are having to use too much breakthrough medication or that you should have relief at the level you are taking now. I Still think you should be dosed higher, but of COURSE---this is up to a doctor--NOT ME!!!

    Just my sidebar. When I have taken less, or tried to "expect" to do better on 40MG of Oxycontin, or only taking 2-4 of the 20MG's for breakthrough (I have tried this a couple of times now, thinking I need to cut back) I HURT, I am miserable, and I learn my lesson, I sit and rock back and forth, I can't do ANYTHING, I don't WANT to try anything, eat, or move. It hurts to live. Why would I do that again? I don't know, but I have.
    Sounds like a LOT of meds, but why does it matter if it works, and I am functional, not asleep or high or dizzy or anything but comfortable. I actually live, and want to, too.

    I share this that it might offer you some hope that it could simply be the PAIN, and a thyroid or other simple issue, together, quite enough to debilitate you. The chills WILL be addressed and stopped, then with the pain also finally controlled I pray, you will be LEE again. THIS is my prayer for you, daily.

    Still praying for you both. I want you to have the relief you deserve...
  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Warm and positive thoughts coming your way
    Michelle posted on the caregivers board.

    Hope you get the room quickly!

    Positive and healing thoughts to you,

  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Found this thread late
    Chantal & Lee,

    I found this thread after posting in Lee's thread about getting a room. I can't imagine how scary yesterday was for you Chantal! I wish there were something I could do for you to ease your worry, your pain, your fears, just even to give you both a hug.

    I know that the two of you are in everyone's thoughts and prayers. We will make our prayers extra loud while Lee is in hospital. I sure hope they find a different reason for his pain and not what you fear.

    We are here for you both. Love & Hugs!



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