New caregiver

pixie1944 Member Posts: 6
Hello everyone. My husband has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. 11 years ago I had surgery, radiation and chemo for breast cancer so I know what he will possibly be going through when he starts treatment. We haven't been given a stage yet, that will be this coming Weds. My husband is 73 years old and started smoking at age 11. he quit smoking completely 41 years ago and we thought he was safe with all the years that had passed.
My problem is he hasn't started treatment yet but is so tired he just sleeps off and on all day long and the same at night. He has never been able to sleep a straight 6-8 hours a night since I've known him. He is also losing weight rapidly (probably close to 10 pounds in two months). He has little appetite and only eats about a half a sandwich worth of food each meal.
If you can give me any clues on what would help with his tiredness (he was always a get up and go guy who couldn't stand being at home) and with his loss of appetite I would be so appreciative.
Thanks in advance,


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  • lekkerone
    lekkerone Member Posts: 199 Member
    New Caregiver
    I am sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis but don't despair as you really don't know what can be done for him yet.
    Am wondering if all of that sleeping and lack of appetite could be due to depression. I am no expert but it's one possible explanation.
    Please tell us how you make out on Wednesday. Diane
  • lekkerone
    lekkerone Member Posts: 199 Member
    Hi. Welcome. I am sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis and hope you get news on Wednesday that will make you both feel better.
    Do you think the excessive sleeping and lack of appetite could be caused by depression?
    I am no expert but I hope you will tell your doctor and get his ideas.
    Good luck and please tell us how you make out,
  • ddevil41
    ddevil41 Member Posts: 11
    tiredness and appetite
    Hi Nancy, Hope you got good news as to stage. I remember when I first got diagnosed I would get that " I'm getting the flu " feeling every night but then would wake up just fine. So I went to bed early and slept a lot. I also had weight loss 20 lbs in 30 days. After we found out why. we also found out that I was more likely to eat more if we made " my favorite " meals. This is a great site to find info or good luck let us know how it went, Gary
  • pixie1944
    pixie1944 Member Posts: 6
    Weds. diagnosis
    Thank you for all the well wishes and suggestions. We got to the appointment on Weds. and I couldn't bring myself to ask what stage we were dealing with. In the mean time my husband had a brain MRI last Tuesday, we meet with his radiation oncologist today and tomorrow he gets a port put under his collar bone for the chemo treatments and we meet with his oncologist again to discuss start of treatment. I think that's when I'll ask what stage it is in since after the MRI they should be able to tell if it's spread to the brain too.
    I have since bought some Boost to try and help him gain weight and have been told that Benecalorie is also a good sourse to add calories. My main concern at this point is what my husband should avoid as he is type 2 diabetic and his main doctor has removed him from all the medicines he was previously taking for this condition.


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