I Don't Mean to Brag, But - - -

Pam M
Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
edited September 2012 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
Of COURSE I mean to brag. I want those of you in and freshly out of treatment to know what you can look forward to.

Yesterday, on the way to work, I ate the breakfast I fixed in the car (I ate the breakfast in the car, didn't fix it in the car).

It consisted of a SANDWICH. Not just a sandwich, a BAGEL sandwich. Not just a bagel sandwich, an EVERYTHING bagel sandwich (sesame, garlic, onion, etc) with egg, very thin sausage patty and cheese - and not just cheese, the gooey, melted, not-actual-cheese American cheese.

And I ate it. All of it. In less than twenty minutes. No fear. No choking. And it was wonderful. Yours will be, too.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Brag away girl !
    Sounds great ! Yeah eating what sounds good to us and what we want is awsome ! Congrads ! Katie
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You betcha brag away!!
    Boy did you make me hungry for an egg/sausage/gooey cheese breakfast.....that is something I'm REALLY looking forward to!! LOL

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    I use to like food, really I did.

    I can do it too; I just would not like it. Now excuse me while I go cry in my smoothie.

    I’ll keep trying are you using something like “tough love” on me? Like “tough breakfast” (that does not sound right).


  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Brag brag brag
    Sounds great. I think I might try a bagel sandwich in the near future. Love them. Rick.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    There You Go...
    Making me hungry again, LOL....

  • Jimbo55
    Jimbo55 Member Posts: 590 Member
    mmmmm bagels
    Hey Pam, yes those bagels are pretty tasty, aren't they? Cheers

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Ooooooooh. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
    I am impressed. Still not quite there yet, as, how on earth could I hold on to the steering wheel with a bagel in one hand, and my bottle of water in the other...

    Thanks for the visual image... And you didn't even get any on your blouse?

  • Tonsil Dad
    Tonsil Dad Member Posts: 488
    D Lewis said:

    Ooooooooh. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
    I am impressed. Still not quite there yet, as, how on earth could I hold on to the steering wheel with a bagel in one hand, and my bottle of water in the other...

    Thanks for the visual image... And you didn't even get any on your blouse?


    On my way....
    To Dunkin Donut they do a "big & toasty" bacon or sausage patty, egg
    and cheese on texas toast that should do the trick this morning
    Nice to see you eating "normal" again keep it up.

    God bless
    Tonnsil dad,

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    On my way....
    To Dunkin Donut they do a "big & toasty" bacon or sausage patty, egg
    and cheese on texas toast that should do the trick this morning
    Nice to see you eating "normal" again keep it up.

    God bless
    Tonnsil dad,


    Original Dunkin Donut...
    Hey, while you are there, get me one of those original dunkin donuts...the one with the dunkin knob on the end.

    I can't believe I go to Dunkin Donut the other day, and they don't make the Dunkin Donut any longer...WTH.

  • ditto1
    ditto1 Member Posts: 660
    Skiffin16 said:

    Original Dunkin Donut...
    Hey, while you are there, get me one of those original dunkin donuts...the one with the dunkin knob on the end.

    I can't believe I go to Dunkin Donut the other day, and they don't make the Dunkin Donut any longer...WTH.


    I am so impressed, my favorite meal of the day is breakfast and it consist of eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, bagels, potatos, etc all my favorites. So just to hear you describe your bagel sandwich created a small saliva stream in my cheeks. Hope is was saliva not my imagination. The fact you ate the whole thing is what really impressed me, thats what I working on, the amount I can eat. Seems I can eat most things had Chicken nuggets and onion rings the other nite at Sonic and last nite Diane made shrimp in butter and garlic sauce, but still having a tough time eating much. But eating is the main thing and the fact that you ate the whole Bagel gives me hope.
  • Paintslinger
    Paintslinger Member Posts: 70
    CivilMatt said:

    I use to like food, really I did.

    I can do it too; I just would not like it. Now excuse me while I go cry in my smoothie.

    I’ll keep trying are you using something like “tough love” on me? Like “tough breakfast” (that does not sound right).



    Who's the comedian?
    Hey Matt,
    I hope that you're doing well. You referred to "Skiffin" as the site comedian (or something to that effect). I'm finding more comedic material in your posts than his! Are you holding out on us?
    Take care,
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    pass the spuds

    That does it! This was the straw that broke the camels back. I have now scheduled a trip to the LARGEST buffet in Oregon this coming Monday. I am not going for breakfast (I would if I was better), but will go for lunch (there are far more choices). The buffet is at the Spirt Mountaiin Casino and is immense. They have a zillion main courses, fruits, salads and sides, not to mention all the pies, desserts, coolies and ice-cream. I am leaving my smoothie and water bottle at the door and jumping in with both feet. I use to know how to eat and I am going to again.

    Down the hatch,

  • nick770
    nick770 Member Posts: 195
    Congrats Pam, that is
    Congrats Pam, that is wonderful news ! Keep it up it gives many of us hope( i love evything bagels) i might have to try one in a few weeks pr at least a few bites of one
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    CivilMatt said:

    pass the spuds

    That does it! This was the straw that broke the camels back. I have now scheduled a trip to the LARGEST buffet in Oregon this coming Monday. I am not going for breakfast (I would if I was better), but will go for lunch (there are far more choices). The buffet is at the Spirt Mountaiin Casino and is immense. They have a zillion main courses, fruits, salads and sides, not to mention all the pies, desserts, coolies and ice-cream. I am leaving my smoothie and water bottle at the door and jumping in with both feet. I use to know how to eat and I am going to again.

    Down the hatch,


    Go For It, Matt!
    I went to local buffet a few times during treatment, because there were so many choices, and I could sample lots of things, and see what I could taste/eat. Never been to a casino buffet - heard they're wonderful.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    ditto1 said:

    I am so impressed, my favorite meal of the day is breakfast and it consist of eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, bagels, potatos, etc all my favorites. So just to hear you describe your bagel sandwich created a small saliva stream in my cheeks. Hope is was saliva not my imagination. The fact you ate the whole thing is what really impressed me, thats what I working on, the amount I can eat. Seems I can eat most things had Chicken nuggets and onion rings the other nite at Sonic and last nite Diane made shrimp in butter and garlic sauce, but still having a tough time eating much. But eating is the main thing and the fact that you ate the whole Bagel gives me hope.

    Hope It Was the Real Deal, ditto
    who'd have thought some spit would make us so happy?
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Skiffin16 said:

    Original Dunkin Donut...
    Hey, while you are there, get me one of those original dunkin donuts...the one with the dunkin knob on the end.

    I can't believe I go to Dunkin Donut the other day, and they don't make the Dunkin Donut any longer...WTH.


    Never Knew that, Skiffin
    They had a knob in the end? To hold while dunking? Brilliant! Sad they don't make it any more.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    On my way....
    To Dunkin Donut they do a "big & toasty" bacon or sausage patty, egg
    and cheese on texas toast that should do the trick this morning
    Nice to see you eating "normal" again keep it up.

    God bless
    Tonnsil dad,


    Sounds Good, Dan
    Not as good as my bagel, but good nonetheless. 'Course - yours gets extra points 'cause it's no effort on my part.
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    pass the spuds

    That does it! This was the straw that broke the camels back. I have now scheduled a trip to the LARGEST buffet in Oregon this coming Monday. I am not going for breakfast (I would if I was better), but will go for lunch (there are far more choices). The buffet is at the Spirt Mountaiin Casino and is immense. They have a zillion main courses, fruits, salads and sides, not to mention all the pies, desserts, coolies and ice-cream. I am leaving my smoothie and water bottle at the door and jumping in with both feet. I use to know how to eat and I am going to again.

    Down the hatch,


    That is amazing news! So funny I was just going to post that I was so proud that I ate a whole loaded hamburger today! And as per my surgeon and speech therapist, I didn't use water to get it down. Between bites I drank to moisten my mouth but not to actually swallow the food. Now if it just tasted more like a burger.....
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    D Lewis said:

    Ooooooooh. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
    I am impressed. Still not quite there yet, as, how on earth could I hold on to the steering wheel with a bagel in one hand, and my bottle of water in the other...

    Thanks for the visual image... And you didn't even get any on your blouse?


    Spotless Shirt, Deb
    AND I didn't need the full litre bottle of water to get the bagel down.
  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    I'm Just Saying . . .
    Thanks for the congrats - I know you all really do feel happy for me - imagine yourselves a few years ago being excited about someone else eating a bagel. It's one of those things - maybe I can't eat italian sausage - but I CAN eat a bagel now. So the bagel makes me more happy than it used to. Grab happy wherever you can (so long as you're doing no harm).

    I HIGHLY recommend you all find whatever makes you feel good about the progress you've made, and revel in it. Maybe you're eating Hamburger Helper. Maybe you're walking around the house TWICE. Maybe you can now add yogurt to your smoothie. Perhaps you can now raise your hand above your head.

    HEY!! Just realized something - - - while writing this, I experimented with raising my hand. SItting in my office chair, tipped back, I CAN raise my arm/hand above my head! Grabbing happy. I can't do it standing - - YET. I'm almost two years beyond surgery, and continue to make progress. Even more to be grateful for.

    So do well - and be lucky enough to be able to focus on your positives - not all the time, but at least from time to time.