My Mom's in ICU after surgery on November 1st

I am worried about my Mom. She had surgery to remove her esophagus on November 1st and is currently still in ICU. They try to take the breathing tube out, but she has so much mucus, she can not breath. She starts to panic and they sedate her to calm her. She now has pneumonia in both lungs. I was wondering if anyone who has had this surgery had this experience with the mucus? It's blocking her ability to breath on her own. We are really worried about her, but the doctors say they can not do anything.. "Just a day at a time." It has now been day 11 in ICU. They are draining her tubes several times a day, but there is still a lot there.


  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    I hope they can get her
    I hope they can get her problem under control. That pneumonia sounds scary. My husband was in ICU for 10 or so days and on a surgical monitoring floor for another 20 or so. His problems finally resolved. His was more atrial fibrillation and concern for possible leak at the surgical site.

    I hope they can get her problem resolved. Prayers for your Mother and your family. BMGky
  • TRK411
    TRK411 Member Posts: 18 Member
    Been here....
    My dad had similar problems. Have they performed a bronchoscopy yet? Not only can they see inside the lungs with this procedure, but they can also suck out mucus while they are in there. Regarding 'tubes', do you mean the chest tubes? I assume that she is on wall suction for the fluid?