What's with all othe meds during Chemo??

LVG Member Posts: 128
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Seems like an overload of the same meds...
I begin my 1st Chemo this Thursday - 8 treatments beginning with AC;
I've picked up meds: Lorazepam; Prochlorperazine; Venlafaxine; Pantoprazole.
The NP has let me know that these will help with nausea, hot flashes and a few other chemo side effects ~ which I'm really glad of... cause I'm already have extra hot flashes and am easily nauseated. Yet, I feel like I'll be all drugged up and dragging - while taking so many prescriptions. Wow!

Guess I'll just have be very careful while following the Oncologists orders; If others have made it through all of this... I know it's certainly doable for me!

One Day / One Step at a Time... right?! Ok then, I'm stepping..


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    never did chemo..but
    just wanted you to know thinking of you...
  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128

    never did chemo..but
    just wanted you to know thinking of you...

    DisneyFan... Thank you!!

    DisneyFan... Thank you!!

  • mimivac
    mimivac Member Posts: 2,143 Member
    Yes, it's a lot to take. But, especially for nausea, it's important to stay ahead of the symptoms because once you have them, it's difficult to control. I had 2 nausea medications, steroids, and a white cell booster shot, among other medications I took as needed (for instance, for mouth sores and a shot for chemo-induced anemia). The meds kept me out of the hospital and allowed me to receive all of my infusions on time. Good luck with it all. I found that keeping my meds in those individual cubbies labeled by day made it easier.

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    We are all so different,
    our treatments are different and how they effect us. So we can only really give you how we were effected but not tll you what you will feel.

    For me - the 4 every other week A/C were not bad at all. The 12 weekly Taxol were nasty. For some, it's the other way around. On A/C, I was tired 2 days of the 2 week cycle and resting/napping took care of it. Had no problems with the Nuelasta shot either other than 2 hours (almost to minute) after I got the shot I would go to sleep for 2 hours. On Taxol, I was completely and utterly exhausted, could not sleep/nap.

    I never had any nausea - even after I stopped taking the anti nausea meds on Taxol. But I was only given them on infusion day and for a couple of days after - not the entire time.

    On A/C, hair on head and 1/2 of eyelashes/brows 'left', lost sense of taste and appetite, eyes and nose 'ran' like a spigot was turned on. On Taxol, the rest of hair 'left', still no appetite or taste, started having problems keeping potassium level up (still do after a year), but eyes and nose quit 'running' constantly. A week after last Taxol, started getting some energy back and it got better through out rads so that was close to being back by the end of them. Taste started back during Rads but was quite a while after they were over before appetite came back.

    That's about all I can thnk of now. Ask, ask, ask but remember that you will not be exactly the same as any of the other of use.

  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Yep, I was a walking pharmacy during chemo
    The unfortunate reality (which they don't really tell you up front) is that "The Chemo Experience" isn't just the chemo drugs themselves, but also the drugs that keep your body from having an allergic reaction to the chemo drugs -- plus, for most of us, at least a few medications for side effects.

    I was a walking pharmacy during chemo. I took steroids for a couple of days before each round (different doctors have different schedules for this, so don't worry if yours tells you different), and Benadryl for a couple of nights afterwards to counteract the sleeplessness from the steroids. By the time I was a couple rounds in, I had collected prescription anti-nausea and anti-diarrheal medications (which I only took when needed), as well as over-the-counter mouth rinse and heartburn medication (which I took every day).

    Most important, please be loud and up front with your doctor if any of your medications aren't doing their job....they have a lot of drugs to choose from, and sometimes have to try a couple different ones to find the one that works. Don't be shy! Yes, you may feel drugged up to your eyebrows at least some of the time (I sure did), but there's no reason anymore that you have to suffer through any of the really nasty side effects.

    Hope that helps,

  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128
    All of this info truly

    All of this info truly helps. Didn't realize there would be these many meds.. But I can they are very much needed to help me through this process to better health. I almost forgot about the Nuelasta shot. Thanks for the reminder -I'll need to fall the Onc nurse, because shecwasnr sure last week if my insurance would mail this shot directly to me or what. Hmmm, gotta make that call.

    These boards are amazing - this is lot to remember. I did remember to increase my liquid intake and I've already stated that. Goty snacks ready to take along. Wow.

    Thanks so much for all of your insight.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    LVG said:

    All of this info truly

    All of this info truly helps. Didn't realize there would be these many meds.. But I can they are very much needed to help me through this process to better health. I almost forgot about the Nuelasta shot. Thanks for the reminder -I'll need to fall the Onc nurse, because shecwasnr sure last week if my insurance would mail this shot directly to me or what. Hmmm, gotta make that call.

    These boards are amazing - this is lot to remember. I did remember to increase my liquid intake and I've already stated that. Goty snacks ready to take along. Wow.

    Thanks so much for all of your insight.

    I had to drive in to boston
    I had to drive in to boston the day after chemo because my insurance co pay was astronomical. if i did it at home. The shot itself is really expensive like 20 K or so,
    I took, decadron, emend, and zofran. ativan was as needed. zofran caused me to be constipated along witht he chemo, seemed like istarted with constipation then after a couple of days diahrea. so I had lots of meds. colace, miralax, anti diahreal, (cant remember the name help me girls) it was a delicate balance. but I am not too hardy on the digestive side. Anyway we all usually get across the finish line, and we are here to help. someone always has an answer and many people here lifted me up, when I needed it. Hugs.
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    I did not have chemo
    But I still want you to know I am here for support. Maybe I can help in some other way. If you just want to talk or need a hug I will be here with all the other pink sisters.

  • SusanEliz
    SusanEliz Member Posts: 50
    Prayers and Encouragement
    Prayers and encourangement coming your way for Thursday! It does seem overwhelming, doesn't it? But you're right- others have made it through and so will you. One day you'll be logging on to tell us you're at the halfway mark, and then later on almost done. Until then, we're all here to support you!


  • dbhadra
    dbhadra Member Posts: 344 Member
    SusanEliz said:

    Prayers and Encouragement
    Prayers and encourangement coming your way for Thursday! It does seem overwhelming, doesn't it? But you're right- others have made it through and so will you. One day you'll be logging on to tell us you're at the halfway mark, and then later on almost done. Until then, we're all here to support you!



    chemo meds and random thoughts
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Dec 16 and started my chemo on Fri, Jan 7. Taxol for 12 weeks followed by FEC for 12 weeks. Next treatment day after tomorrow. Yes, a ton of other meds...anti-nausea, anti-acid, anti-allegy and steriods! Whole process took from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Thankfully I did not have any side effects except tiredness (Day 1,2,3) and slight bone achiness (Day 3,4). It's now Day 5 and almost ready for the next round.

    I just joined this board and am SO grateful to read about other going through what I am going through.

    I;m struggling with a lot of feelings about breast cancer in general and chemo in particular - how "should" I feel? Why am I so hungry when everyone says I "should" lose my appetite? Am I being too optimistic about my chances for recovery?

    I;m also tired of comforting other people about MY cancer, if that makes any sense to anyone! I'm feeling a bit guilty since just got a phone call from an old friend that I didn;t even pick up because I didn;t want to have the whole cancer discussion right now.

    Just some random thoughts put out there- it;s been a long day! (and it's not over yet!)

    Hoping to find this a good place of support.
    Laura Jean
  • joannstar
    joannstar Member Posts: 403 Member
    dbhadra said:

    chemo meds and random thoughts
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Dec 16 and started my chemo on Fri, Jan 7. Taxol for 12 weeks followed by FEC for 12 weeks. Next treatment day after tomorrow. Yes, a ton of other meds...anti-nausea, anti-acid, anti-allegy and steriods! Whole process took from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Thankfully I did not have any side effects except tiredness (Day 1,2,3) and slight bone achiness (Day 3,4). It's now Day 5 and almost ready for the next round.

    I just joined this board and am SO grateful to read about other going through what I am going through.

    I;m struggling with a lot of feelings about breast cancer in general and chemo in particular - how "should" I feel? Why am I so hungry when everyone says I "should" lose my appetite? Am I being too optimistic about my chances for recovery?

    I;m also tired of comforting other people about MY cancer, if that makes any sense to anyone! I'm feeling a bit guilty since just got a phone call from an old friend that I didn;t even pick up because I didn;t want to have the whole cancer discussion right now.

    Just some random thoughts put out there- it;s been a long day! (and it's not over yet!)

    Hoping to find this a good place of support.
    Laura Jean

    There is no right "way to feel"
    while you travel this journey, in my opinion. We all do the best we can (and sometimes my best was to just sit and cry).
    I was also hungry except for day 2 & 3 when the neulasta shot seemed to be the worst. I've gained a lot of weight which I am anxious to take off but my onc won't let me "diet" and until I get his ok, I'm off of "raw" foods while dining out (which I do frequently). I also indulged myself totally and ate anything that I wanted (as long as it was cooked so that I wouldn't get sick while my white blood cell count was low).
    I'm finished with Chemo and I am now onto the next step which for me is radiation (I've already had 2 lumpectomies).
    Seems there is always something new on this road to recovery.
    Best of luck.
  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128
    It's almost scary how a good
    It's almost scary how a good # of our experiences, thoughts & feelings are pretty much the same. I learned within the 1st couple of weeks that I wasn't in the mood for cheering folks up regarding what I am dealing with. With that, I answer the phone as needed - and I feel ok about it. For real. I have an ultimate goal of healing and I don't need unnecessary obstacles slowing me down.

    I'm so encouraged by those who have tips, tricks & great ideas on these posts. You are all so amazing & I'm so very thankful for you sharing your experiences, like hydrate / hydrate & eat small meals & keep snacks for after chemo ... Rest / relax / rest...

    As I take my next step tomorrow - I've packed my patient & info!!
    Better health to each of you!!!
  • LVG
    LVG Member Posts: 128
    It's almost scary how a good