Wine or beer



  • starseed
    starseed Member Posts: 62
    Not a word was spoken
    as to not drinking. Matter of fact my first rad doctor wrote me a prescription for 4 bottles of muscadine wine a month. Turns out muscadine grapes have a high concentration of resveratrol. There is a local winery here that worked with him and as long as you were on treatment you got 4 bottles a month.I only had 35 rad treatments so I only got one script, but no one has told me to NOT drink. I've read the reports about beer and estrogen and liquor and estrogen, but unfortunately estrogen is in nearly everything. I avoid anything that has soy in it.I even asked my onc doc yesterday that I needed a nutritionist AND a
    scientist because estrogen is just hard to avoid. They told me and here we go with that money thing--until someone ponies up the money to FUND the research for food research--they told me moderation.I LOVE sweet potatoes, but they have a lot of estrogen. I did find out through some research that the lowly,overused, overcooked GREEN BEAN has one of the highest concentrations of anti estrogen fighters..and I HATE GREEN BEANS..but now I eat them everyway I can think of.Mushrooms too--especially the shitaki's. I buy them dried at the store and reconstitute them and throw them in just about everything but my morning coffee!! So--I have beers at the bowling alley on Thursdays, and a couple of rum and cokes sometimes at home and on those days when I work,I come home from work and I'll have a glass of wine. Counter productive? I don't know, I may never know, but I refuse to let
    a stinking group of cells dictate to me totally;so down the hatch to those of us who imbibe.
  • starseed
    starseed Member Posts: 62
    Not a word was spoken
    as to not drinking. Matter of fact my first rad doctor wrote me a prescription for 4 bottles of muscadine wine a month. Turns out muscadine grapes have a high concentration of resveratrol. There is a local winery here that worked with him and as long as you were on treatment you got 4 bottles a month.I only had 35 rad treatments so I only got one script, but no one has told me to NOT drink. I've read the reports about beer and estrogen and liquor and estrogen, but unfortunately estrogen is in nearly everything. I avoid anything that has soy in it.I even asked my onc doc yesterday that I needed a nutritionist AND a
    scientist because estrogen is just hard to avoid. They told me and here we go with that money thing--until someone ponies up the money to FUND the research for food research--they told me moderation.I LOVE sweet potatoes, but they have a lot of estrogen. I did find out through some research that the lowly,overused, overcooked GREEN BEAN has one of the highest concentrations of anti estrogen fighters..and I HATE GREEN BEANS..but now I eat them everyway I can think of.Mushrooms too--especially the shitaki's. I buy them dried at the store and reconstitute them and throw them in just about everything but my morning coffee!! So--I have beers at the bowling alley on Thursdays, and a couple of rum and cokes sometimes at home and on those days when I work,I come home from work and I'll have a glass of wine. Counter productive? I don't know, I may never know, but I refuse to let
    a stinking group of cells dictate to me totally;so down the hatch to those of us who imbibe.
  • Gabe N Abby Mom
    Gabe N Abby Mom Member Posts: 2,413
    I was told "one social
    I was told "one social drink, occasionally would be ok". But I was also told it should be as far before and as far after a treatment as possible, chemo is already really hard on your liver, so adding alcohol to the work your liver has to do should be avoided.

    I didn't drink much before chemo, and haven't had the desire to try any while on chemo. So much doesn't taste right, it just seems a waste to buy a bottle (we don't keep it in the house) since it probably won't taste right either.

  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    starseed said:

    Not a word was spoken
    as to not drinking. Matter of fact my first rad doctor wrote me a prescription for 4 bottles of muscadine wine a month. Turns out muscadine grapes have a high concentration of resveratrol. There is a local winery here that worked with him and as long as you were on treatment you got 4 bottles a month.I only had 35 rad treatments so I only got one script, but no one has told me to NOT drink. I've read the reports about beer and estrogen and liquor and estrogen, but unfortunately estrogen is in nearly everything. I avoid anything that has soy in it.I even asked my onc doc yesterday that I needed a nutritionist AND a
    scientist because estrogen is just hard to avoid. They told me and here we go with that money thing--until someone ponies up the money to FUND the research for food research--they told me moderation.I LOVE sweet potatoes, but they have a lot of estrogen. I did find out through some research that the lowly,overused, overcooked GREEN BEAN has one of the highest concentrations of anti estrogen fighters..and I HATE GREEN BEANS..but now I eat them everyway I can think of.Mushrooms too--especially the shitaki's. I buy them dried at the store and reconstitute them and throw them in just about everything but my morning coffee!! So--I have beers at the bowling alley on Thursdays, and a couple of rum and cokes sometimes at home and on those days when I work,I come home from work and I'll have a glass of wine. Counter productive? I don't know, I may never know, but I refuse to let
    a stinking group of cells dictate to me totally;so down the hatch to those of us who imbibe.

    Hi starseed,
    Muscadine wine is my absolute favorite!!! Just curious what state the winery was in that you were talking about.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I was told "one social
    I was told "one social drink, occasionally would be ok". But I was also told it should be as far before and as far after a treatment as possible, chemo is already really hard on your liver, so adding alcohol to the work your liver has to do should be avoided.

    I didn't drink much before chemo, and haven't had the desire to try any while on chemo. So much doesn't taste right, it just seems a waste to buy a bottle (we don't keep it in the house) since it probably won't taste right either.


    Well it is interesting that
    Well it is interesting that most of us didnt drink to begin with. I drank MAYBE 2 drinks a year. for ever. so I dont think it caused my breast cancer. Its not an issue for me. I dont drink I think my liver has been through enough. But a drink once in a while would be ok if you want it. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer for what causes this.
  • Jennifer1961
    Jennifer1961 Member Posts: 137
    I have made the decision to
    I have made the decision to stop drinking with the exception of special occasions. I started chemo June 18th and have not had a drink since. Quite frankly I don't think my stomach would have been too happy if I had tried drinking. I finished chemo Oct 1st. There is a clear connection between increased risk of breast cancer and drinking, even one drink per day (doesn't matter what kind of alcohol it is). I have never been a heavy drinker, but liked to have a glass of wine in the evening, usually while making dinner. So many people have told me, try this supplement or this diet or whatever to keep the cancer from coming back. None of these have been proven scientifically. Yet science has show a clear link between drinking and breast cancer. I'm only 48 and have 3 kids ages 12, 10 and 6. If something has been proven to be linked to bc I'm going to avoid it. Not just for my family, but for me because, CHEMO SUCKS!!!!!
  • pinkflutterby
    pinkflutterby Member Posts: 615 Member

    My oncologist
    said I could have a half-glass of wine now and again, but advised against more than that.

    I don't drink much anyway, but sometimes I do drink a WHOLE glass of wine ;-O I figure since I dring so seldom (problably 1 drink every 1-2 weeks) I can splurge and finish the whole glass when I do!

    mine said shed prefer I
    mine said shed prefer I didnt drink or have basically any fun at all, LOL she did OK my trip to orlando in March taking my 9 yr old to disney land/world which ever one is there. Should be dun worried about the plane ride tho...... we shall see how it goes :)
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member

    I have made the decision to
    I have made the decision to stop drinking with the exception of special occasions. I started chemo June 18th and have not had a drink since. Quite frankly I don't think my stomach would have been too happy if I had tried drinking. I finished chemo Oct 1st. There is a clear connection between increased risk of breast cancer and drinking, even one drink per day (doesn't matter what kind of alcohol it is). I have never been a heavy drinker, but liked to have a glass of wine in the evening, usually while making dinner. So many people have told me, try this supplement or this diet or whatever to keep the cancer from coming back. None of these have been proven scientifically. Yet science has show a clear link between drinking and breast cancer. I'm only 48 and have 3 kids ages 12, 10 and 6. If something has been proven to be linked to bc I'm going to avoid it. Not just for my family, but for me because, CHEMO SUCKS!!!!!

    Also you should not drink if
    Also you should not drink if you have peripheral neuropathy. I am not sure but I dont think the drinking reesearch applies to estrogen neg women, zi could be wron will have to investigate this.