Survivor's Daughter - Introduction

wonderingalice Member Posts: 49
Hello everyone,

I've been reading this board for a few days and it is one of the more helpful things I have found in my quest for information.

My mother (age 57) was diagnosed with Stage III uterine cancer in July 2008. She had a hysterectomy/oopherectomy, internal/external radiation and a course of chemotherapy, which she finished in March 2009. In December 2009 a recurrence was found - a tumor attached to the upper portion of her bladder. Surgery was scheduled for January 26th but she become emergent with a bowel obstruction and was rushed on a med-flight to the hospital and had surgery January 22nd. They removed the fist-sized tumor and did a 8" bowel resection. Yesterday she had a CT scan and today has an appointment to discuss the next course of chemo. My mother also has Rheumatoid Arthritis so that has caused some additional complications of inflammation and drug interactions.

I don't know the more detailed type of her cancer - because it came back so quickly and aggressively I'm wondering if it is the USPC that many of you are talking about.

I don't know what I am looking for here other than some relation to what my mom and our family is going through. I have ups and downs of feeling like she's going to beat it, and imagining the worst. I'm sure that's normal.

It's so difficult to see someone fighting this. My mom has lived a very healthy life - she is physically fit, doesn't smoke or drink. The only cancer in our family is environmental - my maternal grandfather died of metastasized prostrate cancer after retiring from a nuclear weapons plant.

I'm an only child so sometimes it feels like I'm dealing with this alone. Nobody really knows what to do or say.

You're all an inspiration - I am having such a hard time with this and I'm not the one with takes such strength and grace to maintain a positive outlook and I have a melancholic personality to begin with.

This is getting longer than I expected...thank you for "listening".


  • A1pena
    A1pena Member Posts: 92
    I can totally relate
    My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 3C Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma Grade 3. She had a very extensive surgery on Feb 1st and is recuperating now. She will begin chemo in March. They removed 124 lymph nodes with 104 positive for cancer! Its very very sad and very very scary. Im glad you found this site thougth I am sorry you had to join. I can't tell you how much strength it has given me to read the stories of these inspirational women fighting this monster and in some cases, have already won! I always try to remember that there are people that fight these cancers at every stage and have won- why cant that be our moms? If you've read Linda's recent post about her recurrence, her doctor is STILl talking about a cure!- and she's UPSC! I know how hard it is to stay positive, I know i cry very often- but we have to remember that more than anything, we need to stay positive for our moms so they can find the strength to fight this. Changing her diet and lots of prayer has helped our family deal- maybe it can help you too?


  • TiggersDoBounce
    TiggersDoBounce Member Posts: 408
    A1pena said:

    I can totally relate
    My mom was recently diagnosed with stage 3C Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma Grade 3. She had a very extensive surgery on Feb 1st and is recuperating now. She will begin chemo in March. They removed 124 lymph nodes with 104 positive for cancer! Its very very sad and very very scary. Im glad you found this site thougth I am sorry you had to join. I can't tell you how much strength it has given me to read the stories of these inspirational women fighting this monster and in some cases, have already won! I always try to remember that there are people that fight these cancers at every stage and have won- why cant that be our moms? If you've read Linda's recent post about her recurrence, her doctor is STILl talking about a cure!- and she's UPSC! I know how hard it is to stay positive, I know i cry very often- but we have to remember that more than anything, we need to stay positive for our moms so they can find the strength to fight this. Changing her diet and lots of prayer has helped our family deal- maybe it can help you too?




    You will be the inspiration your Mother's need to handle this disease....

    Please keep us posted on their progress..

    Sending thoughts and prayers..

  • monik_lisett
    monik_lisett Member Posts: 8
    Hi wonderingalice,My mom
    Hi wonderingalice,
    My mom (63) was diagnosed the end of March with MMT, which by everything I've read is very rare and aggressive. I'm glad you found this website because it helps us stay positive to know that there are many other women going through the same thing and are staying strong.
    My mom just had a complete hysterectomy 2 weeks ago, and thank God the doctor told us that the cancer had not spread and tumor was confined to the uterus. After testing some of her lymph nodes we just got the news yesterday that everything came back normal, so she will be needing radiation or chemo just as a preventative for recurrence. I just wanted to share my story with you because I could imagine how your feeling. Don't lose faith, put all your trust in God and he will bless your mom.
    I was at a point in the beginning that I had to be prescibed zanax because I was a reck, just had the worse thoughts in my head. But then I began to pray more than usual and read my bible and it was very comforting to me and it gave me peace.
    Sorry your an only child, but your not alone. Theres so many people here that are going through the same thing, including myself that understand you a 100%. Stay strong, especially for your mom...I wish you and your family the best, may god bless you.