!!! Chemo stole my whistle !!!

Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Help. Call 911. "Hello, 911, how can we help you?" "I can't whistle, someone stole my whistle. Send someone quick!"

I turned on the radio this morning and went to whistle along to the song that was playing and .... I can't whistle! What is up with that? The tip of my tongue is still a little numb but really. Anyone else have this happen?


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    never had one
    I never had a whistle to begin with - pitiful! Sometimes my speaking voice sounds pretty scratchy. I hope you find your whistle again soon!
  • menright
    menright Member Posts: 256 Member
    Just checked. My whistle is still operating. Interesting side-effect. I hope it returns once treatments are over. Good Luck.

  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    menright said:

    Just checked. My whistle is still operating. Interesting side-effect. I hope it returns once treatments are over. Good Luck.


    HahahaGood humor sense
    l like it !.Got not this kind of strange effects !
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Never could so don't know if I ever lost it. Always wished I could. Good luck getting it back.

    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    Nope whistle works... voice sounded scratchy after treatment #2 but has gone away for now. I'm sure there are plently of us who would whistle at you. As a former supervisor in a 911 center I would not recommend calling 911 with "someone stole my whistle" unless you enjoy cutting out paper dolls with blunt sissors in a padded room? Thanks for making me smile! Lou
  • braelee2
    braelee2 Member Posts: 130
    needed that
    I really needed a good laugh thanks... we can always count on you for a good laugh.
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    braelee2 said:

    needed that
    I really needed a good laugh thanks... we can always count on you for a good laugh.

    Interesting. Checked and I
    Interesting. Checked and I still can. But ive only had one treatment.
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    Kenny H. said:

    Interesting. Checked and I
    Interesting. Checked and I still can. But ive only had one treatment.

    That's right, you're one of us. (evil laugh) The latest FOLFOX Club. Hmmmm let's test my chemo brain ... there's Lou, Kate, Natalie, you and me! If I forgot anyone else who just started please chime in and take a bow. I've only had 1 and gearing up for the next on Monday. UGH.

    When I was a little kid, I couldn't whistle and all the other (older)kids used to tease me. I practiced and practiced until I could whistle 3 different ways. It was one of the most eventful accomplishments of my early childhood. Yep, I want my whistle back.
  • HollyID
    HollyID Member Posts: 946 Member
    whodathunk that your whistle would be missing?

    Waaaaaaaaaaayyy back in the day when we cowboyed, I could whistle like no other. Working with cattle and dogs, you had to know how to whistle. You know those kind of annoying whistles heard at sports, getting the attention of another 3 miles away or like Elly Mae Clampet? Yeah, I can still do that one.

    I just tried the softer whistle... kinda like one of those catcall ones? Yep, I can do it too.

    Whew... you had me scared there for a sec.

    I really hope yours comes back. I love my whistle. Both of 'em. :)
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Out of all the things to worry about, you had me going there, was my whistle broke?
    My precious whistle, the one I'm proud of (my poor children can't whistle and feel the thrill of whistling a song)so I tested my whistle.
    Ahhhh SWEET RELIEF, it's still there. Woosh!!!! It's the little things I'm finding I'm thankful for.
    Hope your whistle gets back soon.
    I love whistling "Singing in the Rain".
    Winter Marie
  • sharpy102
    sharpy102 Member Posts: 368 Member
    Awe Lori...where you know
    Awe Lori...well, you know what? That should be your greatest side effect....although wait! Maybe not...because that means that the longer you cannot whistle the longer you will whistle once you get it back...and you'll drive us crazy here...:) But I promise you until you don't get yours back I'll whistle instead of you...I already drive half of my teachers crazy with it...but I enjoy it (both the whistling, both the part that I annoy my teachers. :o) At least, now I can say an excuse why I have to continue whistling! :)
  • Lori-S
    Lori-S Member Posts: 1,277 Member
    sharpy102 said:

    Awe Lori...where you know
    Awe Lori...well, you know what? That should be your greatest side effect....although wait! Maybe not...because that means that the longer you cannot whistle the longer you will whistle once you get it back...and you'll drive us crazy here...:) But I promise you until you don't get yours back I'll whistle instead of you...I already drive half of my teachers crazy with it...but I enjoy it (both the whistling, both the part that I annoy my teachers. :o) At least, now I can say an excuse why I have to continue whistling! :)

    Gee Sophie
    Thanks so much for taking over the whistle for me! And for annoying the teachers. I don't get to do that anymore. I'll let you know when I get my whistle back so you don't have to do double time forever. ;)
  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Lori-S said:

    Gee Sophie
    Thanks so much for taking over the whistle for me! And for annoying the teachers. I don't get to do that anymore. I'll let you know when I get my whistle back so you don't have to do double time forever. ;)

  • Holdtight
    Holdtight Member Posts: 151
    Lori-S said:

    Gee Sophie
    Thanks so much for taking over the whistle for me! And for annoying the teachers. I don't get to do that anymore. I'll let you know when I get my whistle back so you don't have to do double time forever. ;)

    WOW. LOL. It's awesome to know I wasn't alone and it makes me so thankful knowing there are so many other whistlers out there. Yep, I LOST MY WHISTLE TOO - God is good and put that Groove back in me again and you will get that GROOVE back too. I'm in work whistling while I work now and smiling on this rainy day! Thanks for the Cheers. Hugs.