Waited... for nothing

chicoturner Member Posts: 282
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well, after my onc told me he was taking me off of irronotecan and avastin he set me up to go to UCSF as he felt there they might have something to help me. I am stage 4 colon cancer, with mets to the lungs. The spots have not done much in the 2 years since dx. They shrink a bit and come back, but just don't go away! I saw the dr. in SF this past monday and she suggested we just do nothing for a while. We are going to see what the spots do without treatment. I will have scans every 2-3 mo. and it they change, we will act on it. My onc also suggested resting for a while to let my body have a rest. I'm ok with that, but it is scary to do nothing. Dr. in SF had a few idea's. she is putting me on the list for trials as they become available, but she really wants to wait. It seems like that is all we do. Wait. However, I did feel relived that the 2 drs. agreed. I kind of feel like I have a chance. Jean


  • Kerry S
    Kerry S Member Posts: 606 Member
    I had a scan that said possible activity
    I had a scan that said possible activity where the rectum joins the colon. One young doc wanted to jump in and take that part out. My older and wiser doc and I said no and did the wait and see. 4 months later, scan showed everything fine. My cancer was the aggressive type 3.
  • zenmonk
    zenmonk Member Posts: 198
    I hope that you can find some peace of mind and get the rest that was recommended. Not just physically but mentally. I try to work on my mental side when I am not feeling good physically and work on the physical side when I am not feeling good mentally. Kind of a two pronged attack you might say. Its a battle, take the oppurtunities to rest mentally whenever there is a slight break in the action. My oncologist always tells me to let him be the paraniod one. You have more than just a chance. Everyone has the ability to beat this thing, you just have to find it, thats my humble belief.
  • baldwin
    baldwin Member Posts: 25
    zenmonk said:

    I hope that you can find some peace of mind and get the rest that was recommended. Not just physically but mentally. I try to work on my mental side when I am not feeling good physically and work on the physical side when I am not feeling good mentally. Kind of a two pronged attack you might say. Its a battle, take the oppurtunities to rest mentally whenever there is a slight break in the action. My oncologist always tells me to let him be the paraniod one. You have more than just a chance. Everyone has the ability to beat this thing, you just have to find it, thats my humble belief.

    I understand you're being
    I understand you're being happy that both your doctor's agreed. That doesn't happen too often and it leaves you wondering, which one is correct.

    Good Luck with your "downtime".
