Thank you to Betty and Layne

38sallyb Member Posts: 87
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
Thanks to Betty and Layne for meeting with us yesterday. It was fun to meet both of you and enlightening to see Layne relaxed, eating well and seeming to be totally comfortable after such invasive surgery a short time ago.
Jim's PET scan was today and he did well, although it hurts his shoulder to lie still with his arms up for such a long time.
We got there early and they took him in right away. Maybe there were lots of people who were delayed by the rain.
Our meeting with the oncologist is tomorrow we should have some results of how he did with chemo. Feels good so that's a good thing.


  • Betty in Vegas
    Betty in Vegas Member Posts: 290 Member
    that is so awesome!
    Getting in EARLY to a Pet that a record or WHAT? Wow. Amazing. We had such fun at lunch and were sorry to have to runrunrun afterwards. We could have talked for hours. But we had a full day ahead of us. PICC line insertion, then blood test and xray. Then, down to RX to pick up supplies for the line and Xeloda, then off to chemo. We got out at 2 am! Needless to say, we slept in today!

    But it is so nice to give and get a warm hug from those who we feel we "already know" from here. We really feel like we've known each other much longer than since yesterday :)

    Do keep us all updated on the PET. I'm glad seeing Layne helped you, and I am praying that we can be a voice for LIVING with cancer--and doing the things you want to do! When Layne is tired, we stop, but in between, we live, and we enjoy every single day!

    Maybe when you graduate high school, you should get a cancer diagnosis so people will get MORE out of their lives!

    Hugs from here--about to board a plane to Vegas.
