I've lost too many friends

RoseEm Member Posts: 32
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
I am recovering from successful therapy for nasophyngeal cancer. Since the beginnng of the year, I've lost 3 friends to different cancers - kidney, throat and brain. I just want to tell Brenda, Sandy and Mark that you will all be part of me forever.

I'm learning not to take every doctor's checkup for granted.


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    So Sorry for Your Loss
    Hello Rose, I too have lost many to the cancer beast I am truly sorry for your losses. We never forget them and they live on through us. Keep recovering Rose and getting stronger!

    My best to you,

  • christylou
    christylou Member Posts: 8 Member
    I'm sorry
    I am so sorry for your losses. I hate cancer. I am 28 years old and just now really realizing how devestating it is. My dad died at the age of 60 9 weeks ago from pancreatic cancer. My mother in law was just diagnosed with terminal lung cancer yesterday. She is only 60 as well. This is not how I thought life would turn out. 2 of my daughters grandparents will have died by the time that she is born (I am 6 months pregnant.) I had the privelage of knowing all of my grandparents well. I feel bad that she will never have that. I'm sorry that your friends passed away. Life really throws some stuff at us doesn't it?

    I'm glad that you recovering well!!! Good Luck, Rose.