My mother....

Lns16 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Emotional Support #1
Hi everyone..i just turned 16 today and my mom and I just found out that she has cervical cancer...I feel like my world is spiraling out of control cuz I just lost my dad a year ago and I am soo afraid....I know it can be treated but i get scared. I just wish I had some one to talk to cuz i am so confused.....thanks for listening. Please e-mail me... You can call me Lns


  • miraclemom
    miraclemom Member Posts: 41
    Hi, my own children just went through cancer with me and my daughter was 12 at the time and son 14. Its so hard even for me as a parent to have to face the fact I have cancer and they had to go through it with me. The support and love they gave me was so wonderful and got me thru all the bad times. If you would like to e-mail my daughter whos 14 now and find out how she coped please e-mail me and I will get to her.
    Takecare and just love your mom,
  • TheBear
    TheBear Member Posts: 12
    Dear Lns,
    I know how you feel, my wife was diagnosed with cancer a year ago and now she is about to finish up with chemo next month. It's going to be a rollercoaster, kiddo, no doubt about that. My wife and I are still on that ride hanging on for dear life.

    I found comfort in the words and hugs from friends. At first, it was really hard for me to talk about it without breaking down in tears because it was so overwhelming. I was scared all the time and she is always in my thoughts. I kept wondering if this would be our last birthdays we would share, our last anniversary, our last Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, etc.. The important thing is to be there for your listen to her when she feels like talkin', or to just sit and be around so she's not alone, and to hug her---lots of hugs, hug just for the sake of hugging. You two need each other right now. She needs you as a daughter and a friend. You both need to know that you are not alone, and in the midst of all the fear and confusion you have each other. It's okay to be afraid--at least you are facing the fear, and that takes character and inner strength. Never lose hope that your mom will make it through guys are a team, and you can make it through this crisis. Keep posting here if there's no other place you feel you can turn just to talk about your feelings. I wish I had found this place sooner.

    Good luck to you both and our prayers are with you--hang in there, Lns.

  • momsgirl
    momsgirl Member Posts: 1
    Hey Girl,

    I just found out my mom has stage 4 cervical cancer. She has six children who adore her and 6 grandbabies. Life, without a doubt, will never be the same. Just be strong, count on your friends and family. Love her every moment you can.
  • lilin1213
    lilin1213 Member Posts: 1
    momsgirl said:

    Hey Girl,

    I just found out my mom has stage 4 cervical cancer. She has six children who adore her and 6 grandbabies. Life, without a doubt, will never be the same. Just be strong, count on your friends and family. Love her every moment you can.

    my mother
    we just found out on 8-16-08 that my mother had breast cancerand couple of days later they told us that it went to the brain.and its spreading fast and its in her spin.she accept it but she also says shes going to beat dad died of lung cancer 13 years ago.and that was the worst day of our lifes and know my mom is sick and its hard for family and her grandkids.especcially the 18 year grandson whos has emotional problems and i doent know how to tell him.