Botox to treat anal fissure

davidsonxx Member Posts: 134
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Does anybody have experience with having an anal fissure treated with botox? I develped a fissure soon after having my ilesotomy reversed in April. I just can't get it to heal. My surgeon says the next step in treatment is a botox injection to temporarily paralyze the internal sphincter muscle. I am a fraid to try the botox because it can cause some contol problems. Since I am back at work having problems with control would be very bad. Just wondering how others have fared with the botox.


  • NanD
    NanD Member Posts: 58
    My husband was in great discomfort with an anal fissure and tried everything. He finally got a second opinion and the botox was recommended. He was healed in no time after months of agony. It was simple and he absolutely enthusiastically recommends this treatment. And he had no control problems whatsoever. Good luck!
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    I don't recommend botox for the anal fissure. I developed fecal incontinence after I got the botox, which only made the fissure worse! I know it doesn't happen to everyone, but that was my experience.
    What finally worked for me was nifedipine 0.2% gel. It didn't work the first time because I couldn't get it on the fissure without too much pain, but the second time I worked it on gently a little at a time and it worked great.
    If you ask about this you need to know that this needs to be made by a compounding pharmacy. Nifedipine gel is actually a cardiac gel and comes at 2%, but you are looking for a gel of 0.2%.
    Good luck with whatever you choose. That fissure made my miserable for MOMTHS!!!