Wound care clinic...

KierstenRx Member Posts: 249
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,
I go tomorrow to get my stitches out from my small bowel obstruction surgery. However more issues have developed. I still have a hole that hasn't healed from my original surgery in February. Now where my new incision is 2 new holes have developed. I am being sent to a plastic surgeon that runs a wound clinic. I am a bit freaked out. I don't want to go, but know I need to.
Have any of you had experience with going to a wound clinic or having wound care. What was done??? Did it heal your wounds quicker???? Was it painful???? Any information you could provide would greatly help my nerves. Thanks!



  • robinvan
    robinvan Member Posts: 1,012
    Hi Kiersten.
    Sorry to hear about the ongoing wound problems. I haven't had experience with wound clinics but I expect it will be a good place for you to go. With your first wound still being a problem and now a new one I would think that folks with particular expertise in wound management would be helpful. If the healing problems are related to your chemo regime I hope that it improves with time.
    Bye for now... Rob
  • davidsonxx
    davidsonxx Member Posts: 134
    I don't have first hand knowledge but my brother had wound care. He had a wound on his leg that didn't want to heal. He never complained about anything hurting. For him they mostly used warm compresses soaked in some type of solution. He said the warmth made it feel better. The treatment did help it heal. Hope this helps.
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member

    I don't have experience with a wound clinic but I do have experience with the healing of an open wound. I had a Heptatic Arterial Infusion pump in my abdomen and the fluid around the pump became infected so I had the HAI pump removed. It took 6 months for it to heal. It was painful for the first month. The packing and cleaning wasn't fun. I couldn't have any chemo until the wound healed. I've heard though that those wound centers are wonderful. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Best of luck,
