Whippple survivor deaths

milowolff Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Rare and Other Cancers #1
I am a 5 year survivor of the Whipple operation after pan-can. I, and we-all, would like to know why we eventually die? What does the Whipple do that makes problems? I believe that iron anemia is a prime cause. Anybody know?


  • AuthorUnknown
    AuthorUnknown Member Posts: 1,537 Member

    You may want to contact the American Cancer Society's National Cancer Information Center. Cancer Information Specialists are available 24 hours a day and can assist you with this question. They can be reached at 1-800-227-2345.

    Take care and be well,

    CSN Dana
  • jimnsherry
    jimnsherry Member Posts: 23
    hello, I was wondering when you say eventually die, I am guessing you mean sooner rather than later. I know there are survivors such as yourself with five years being a cancer survior, as for anemia, yes, my own doctor has prescribed iron supplements for me because I have low iron, I will be interested in the responses you receive for you question. Thanks, and I wish you well.
  • dasaborner
    dasaborner Member Posts: 12
    My cousin had ampulary (pancreatic)canceer 13 years ago, with the Whipple procedure, and he continues to do well. My wife had the same operation almost 4 years ago and after three years of gradually improving stomach distress, she is almost symptom free. The Whipple procedure is not a kiss of death, but rather the standard procedure to remove not only the tumor, but enough of the surrounding tissue to insure that the nearby cells are cancer free. The resectioning of the intestinal track and sewing it all back together is a marvelous wonder of surgical skill.