Esophageal Cancer mets to abdomen

dadanddaughter Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I am looking for anybody with information about Esoph. Cancer that spread to the lymphnodes especially in the abdomen. My father was diagnosed Oct 2003 and has had chemo/rad and 2 attempts at surgery, but the docs didn't go through with the surgery because the cancer spread to those lymphnodes in his abdomen. I am looking to find out if anyone has had any types of new treatments etc for this situation. I can't get a straight answer from his doc on how long he might have to live (but he says it is slow growing). Any help is appreciated.


  • Garry
    Garry Member Posts: 1
    Sorry to here about your father, I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in march of 2003.But mine was stage 4 ,it went from my my nodes to my liver ,I was given 6 months or so but I'am still kicking and feeling good. If you would like to email me I can give you the treatments i have had .Don't give up stay strong ,I know what your going through.(
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  • casolari
    casolari Member Posts: 2
    Garry said:

    Sorry to here about your father, I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in march of 2003.But mine was stage 4 ,it went from my my nodes to my liver ,I was given 6 months or so but I'am still kicking and feeling good. If you would like to email me I can give you the treatments i have had .Don't give up stay strong ,I know what your going through.(

    i'm new to this web site my dad has stage 4 esophagel cancer and has radation treatments and is still receiving chemo and takes xeledo cancer pills his schedule is 2 weeks on and 1 week off. my dad has been having shortness of breathe and i was wondering if you had this also. the doctors just says it is the cancer that is making this happen. They have checked his blood count and oxygen level and all test come back normal. i feel bad for my dad and just wondering if anyone has had shortness of breathe and what to do. my dad does have a enahler that he can take 2 puffs every 4 hrs. also he has this shortness of breathe when he is on his week off of treatment.
  • casolari
    casolari Member Posts: 2
    Garry said:

    Sorry to here about your father, I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in march of 2003.But mine was stage 4 ,it went from my my nodes to my liver ,I was given 6 months or so but I'am still kicking and feeling good. If you would like to email me I can give you the treatments i have had .Don't give up stay strong ,I know what your going through.(

    i'm new to this web site my dad has stage 4 esophagel cancer and has radation treatments and is still receiving chemo and takes xeledo cancer pills his schedule is 2 weeks on and 1 week off. my dad has been having shortness of breathe and i was wondering if you had this also. the doctors just says it is the cancer that is making this happen. They have checked his blood count and oxygen level and all test come back normal. i feel bad for my dad and just wondering if anyone has had shortness of breathe and what to do. my dad does have a enahler that he can take 2 puffs every 4 hrs. also he has this shortness of breathe when he is on his week off of treatment.
  • griffinherbert
    griffinherbert Member Posts: 10
    casolari said:

    i'm new to this web site my dad has stage 4 esophagel cancer and has radation treatments and is still receiving chemo and takes xeledo cancer pills his schedule is 2 weeks on and 1 week off. my dad has been having shortness of breathe and i was wondering if you had this also. the doctors just says it is the cancer that is making this happen. They have checked his blood count and oxygen level and all test come back normal. i feel bad for my dad and just wondering if anyone has had shortness of breathe and what to do. my dad does have a enahler that he can take 2 puffs every 4 hrs. also he has this shortness of breathe when he is on his week off of treatment.

    Casolari: There side effects are common to chemo and radiation. I had similar effects, and a very increased heartrate, when I went through treatment in 2000/2001. Several months after treatment these effects will subside. I am now fully recovered. Hang in there, it does get better....

  • lwmkem
    lwmkem Member Posts: 3
    my husband had his esophogus removed in Aug 2003. His tumor was very high and impacted lymphnodes around his vocal chords. He is in recovery now. Where are your Dad's Dr's? How is he doing? I wish I could give more info but know that we are here for any support we can lend. Is any other treatment being recommended? let us know.
  • Bowling140
    Bowling140 Member Posts: 2
    lwmkem said:

    my husband had his esophogus removed in Aug 2003. His tumor was very high and impacted lymphnodes around his vocal chords. He is in recovery now. Where are your Dad's Dr's? How is he doing? I wish I could give more info but know that we are here for any support we can lend. Is any other treatment being recommended? let us know.

    Hi - my husband just had his stomach and esophogus removed. THey had done some kind of "hotspot" est and the cancer does not seem tot ahve spread. However, we were not expecting that he would lose all of his esophogus. What will this mean after he recovers? Thanks for your help. Please rply to because I am new at this discussion board thing. Thanks!