Vaginal stenosis

I'm very worried about my sexual life. I was never told I had to use a "dilator" or have sexual intercourse 3 times a week! Here in my country there are no dilators to buy and the only way I can do something about it is using a vibrator (and believe me, I don


  • virginiac
    virginiac Member Posts: 2
    I would suggest that you relax, it has been a year WONDERFUL<CONGRATULATIONS. Allow yourself some "cuddle-time" with your partner...explore all the beautiful ways of intimacy without penetration at first, including oral, petting, and masturbation with each other. Try having him or her use the vibrator with you in a non-evasive 3 -some ; you, your partner and the vibrator Give yourself some time to heal emotionally, physically, and mentally, take your time a satisfying love life will return to you I know...I am a 23 year survivor.And I did not have the blessing of all this information that is available today...but I was blessed with a loving partner who loves to "explore" new options, and now,(our love life) is better than it was back then.
  • savannah
    savannah Member Posts: 8
    Hi, I too was diagnosed with Stage 2B cervical cancer 3 1/2 years ago. . They also told me that to keep my vagina healthy that intercourse 2 or 3 times a week was beneficial. I asked if they could prescribe a man for that purpose!! (I am divorced and don't have a partner) They gave me a dialator, and Replens and KY Gel to use to keep the lining of my uterus supple. It must be healthy so that the cervix is visible and scar tissue doesn't obscure it for observation. I have all my reproductive organs too. It was the 2 rounds of internal radiation that was so seriously damaging. I have not had sex since, although the Drs. have told me that a normal, active, sex life is encouraged, just for a womans' general health. They have told me that I must use lubrication and the dialator for the rest of my life. Has anyone else out there had a solution to the intimacy changes??