i am new here!

hopeful2 Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I hope everyone is doing well today, or when you read this message. I am a 37 year old with recurrent ovc, reocurred in December. Currently I am taking topo(sp?), only one treatment so far. My dr. switched me from tax/carbo as it was not bringing down my CA125 as he was looking for. Hopefully this will work. Beat once, can be again right? Anyway, just looking for tips and/or suggestions while going through the topo(?). Again, hope everyone is doing well. God Bless.


  • lorna
    lorna Member Posts: 6
    Dear Hopeful2:
    Continue to be hopeful and pray. God does answer prayers. If you believe that you will be healed again then you will be. If you have any doubt that you will not beat this then you will not. So, keep the faith. I was diagnosed in November and had a complete hysterectomy. Did your DR. explain why your cancer reoccured? Did you have a complete hysterectomy? I was 37 at the time. I am completeing my last round of chemotherapy on 3/23. I was taking carbo/tax. We are too young to have this. God bless