Recurrence MMMT after chemo treatment. What´s next?Apparently nothing



  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    Complementary Medicine

    I'm not an all or nothing girl, I stick with traditional, proven treatment, but believe employing alternative practices like meditation, accupuncture, hypothermia, etc. has its place for helping to support us through treatment and cope with side effects afterwards without always having to resort to drugs. Saying that, I 100% agree with what No time and Cheers said that a lot of care needs to be taken when going down a path without research or regulation to safeguard you. It's the wild west out there with lots of snake oil salesmen that are hard to tell apart from those who aren't. Be very careful.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 11

    Dear warriors,

    finally we received a call from our onc saying that my mother was accepted in another hospital for Brachytherapy (Anyone could give me some guidance about this therapy, by the way?). She also mentioned that my mother´s case was going to be discussed in the multidisciplinary team of that hospital so that they could assess also a possible surgery. But, for the moment, we are waiting for the appointment for brachy.

    Now my fear is that she could suffer with this therapy and, also, how effective it may be. As far as i know the radiology/brachy are used to prevent MMMT´s recurrence. But what about chemo failing and being the next therapeutic option? According to the information I have read this kind of tumor is not sensible to radio. Any idea? Sorry for so many questions but they don´t stop to pop out in my mind.

    Thank you again for your support. It kept me strong in very harsh moments.


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    Positive Next Step


    First of all, it's great to hear that your persistence in seeking a second opinion has paid off and your mother will be able to have brachytherapy. Not all women have radiation as part of their initial treatment, preferring to hold this option in "reserve" for a recurrence. So having radiation now isn't unusual, especially since her cancer is still localized to the vaginal cuff. I'm glad that the radiologist can work around the parts of her body that previously received radiation for her anal cancer years ago. This seems like a very reasonable and positive next step.

    I had external pelvic radiation, not brachytherapy, so I can't speak to the side effects of that treatment. Hopefully some of the women who had brachytherapy can report on their experiences. I also suggest searching for "brachytherapy" or "brachy" in the "Search by Title" box at the top of the topic list for some other posts on this subject.

    I know that this is a very difficult time, but it really is good news that your mother's cancer is still localized and can be treated with brachytherapy. While none of us with cancer know the ultimate outcome of our fight with this disease, we all value the family members and friends who support us with their love and willingness to work with the medical professionals on our behalf when we can't.

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Bracytherapy was a breeze to

    Bracytherapy was a breeze to me compaied to chemo. Some women have some side effects but i didnt. The proceedure itself was uncomfotable but once it was over it didnt have to think about it again until the next week when i had another treatment. I had 3 high dose treatments. They were once a week. It was over before i new it. Its bbeen a while so i cant remember the details of the accual treatment so hopefully others can tell you about that.

    Im glad you have something to do go forward with.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 11
    Still waiting for brachy

    Dear warriors,

    as always thanks a lot for your answers.

    For the moment we are waiting for the new Hospital´s call for the brachy´s appointment. In the meantime life seems normal... Something that is a bit unreal but provides us with some sort of serenity to go on. However, my mother is divided between wanting to be called right away and not being called at all. I assume it is totally normal for all of you.

    Thanks cmb for being so attentive with me and with the rest of patients/relatives with MMMT, you are doing so much good to us than many doctors/psychologists and/or relatives:-) It is true that the fact that the cancer is localized and treated are good news, but I cannot stop thinking how fast she had a recourrence and if the brachy will be effective (in previous appointments the onc mentioned that this type of tumor is not very sensible to radiaton). Let´s see...

    Janaes... Your testimony is really helpful. Thanks a lot!! I will tell my mother. After so many treatments and tests she is really terrified about the prospect of a new one. She had external radiation in the past, but she does not know what to expect from brachy.

    Let you know once my mother starts brachy.


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I remember the nurses were so

    I remember the nurses were so good to me at the bracy appointments. I do remember at one of the appointments. I think it was the last one. They let me pick qhat songs i wanted to listen to as i was doing some of the procedure. 

    I hope you hear from the hospital soon. Im glad you two seem to be getting onto normal life. It does make things easier when you can do that.