11 Yrs. after Head Neck Cancer doing great


After reading many of the posts on this board I thought I would throw some white light on the issue of head neck cancer. I am a survivor. It has been 11 years and I am stronger than ever. I never had surgery or went through chemo as I thin they are poor options for this type of cancer. Instead I did hyperthermia and low dose radiation. It has worked very well for me an others I have known. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me, I am happy to help if I can.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,294 Member
    edited February 2019 #2
    What a great success story-

    11 years out from treatment-congratulations.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 319 Member
    Congrats, but....

    You have given no details of your disease, only that it was some type of head and neck cancer, then you go on to opine that surgery and chemo are "poor options for this type of cancer".  Most of the people here have already gone through treatments, and many have involved surgery and/or chemo. So in essence you are saying that they made a poor choice to follow their doctor's recommendations for treatment.  Many of our lives are changed forever as a result of our treatments, and now we get to hear that we apparently made a mistake.

    Sir, I suggest you choose your words more carefully in this forum.

  • lkanter
    lkanter Member Posts: 4
    ERomanO said:

    Congrats, but....

    You have given no details of your disease, only that it was some type of head and neck cancer, then you go on to opine that surgery and chemo are "poor options for this type of cancer".  Most of the people here have already gone through treatments, and many have involved surgery and/or chemo. So in essence you are saying that they made a poor choice to follow their doctor's recommendations for treatment.  Many of our lives are changed forever as a result of our treatments, and now we get to hear that we apparently made a mistake.

    Sir, I suggest you choose your words more carefully in this forum.

    Choosing My Words

    ERomano, the details surrounding my cancer are not that important or different than others with head neck cancer. A tumor in my carotid artery sheath and two tumors at the base of my tongue. The point of my post was simple enough; doctors in the U.S. are conventionally trained and taught the only modality of treatment to attacck cancer is surgery, chemo and radiation. Well, we know from the number of deaths each year that the current modality of treatment does not work. In 2015 approximately 590,000 people were diagnosed with some form of cncer. In the samme year, 589,000 people died from cancer. That tells me the method employed by conventional doctors is not working, too many people are dying after following their dotors recommendations blindly.

    The answer you are looking for is YES, people who blindly followed their physicias advice made a mistake in my humble opinion. If you would like me to go on with more statistics and facts, I will gladly provide them for you. The point is simple; there are other methods of treatment that have as good ro higher survival rates. When your life hang in the balance of any deccision, performing your own due diligence nd research is a wise choice.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 319 Member
    I am not disputing your

    I am not disputing your advise of due dilligence or that your choice of treatment might be the best option.  I'm just advising you not to tell people they've made a poor choice after the fact.  What good is that doing them?  That's all I'm saying.

  • lkanter
    lkanter Member Posts: 4
    ERomanO said:

    I am not disputing your

    I am not disputing your advise of due dilligence or that your choice of treatment might be the best option.  I'm just advising you not to tell people they've made a poor choice after the fact.  What good is that doing them?  That's all I'm saying.

    Point Taken

    My goal was not designed to make people feel bad for the decisions they made. I agree.

  • lkanter
    lkanter Member Posts: 4
    New Research

    For those still learning and searching;

    Three recent studies published in the journals Nature and Science shed new light on why chemotherapy, a common conventional treatment for cancer, is typically a complete failure at permanently eradicating cancer. 


    Based on numerous assessments of how cancer cells multiply and spread, researchers from numerous countries have confirmed that cancer tumors generate their own stem cells, which in turn feed the re-growth of new tumors after earlier ones have been eliminated.



    What The Studies Demonstrated

    In one of the studies published in the journal Nature, researcher Luis Parada from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and his colleagues decided to investigate how new tumors are able to re-grow after previous ones have been wiped out with chemotherapy. To do this, Parada and his team identified and genetically labeled cancer cells in brain tumors of mice before proceeding to treat the tumors with conventional chemotherapy.

    What they discovered was that, although chemotherapy appeared in many cases to successfully kill tumor cells and temporarily stop the growth and spread of cancer, the treatment ultimately failed to prevent new tumors from forming. And the culprit, it turns out, was cancer stem cells that persisted long after chemotherapy, which quietly prompted the re-growth of new tumors later down the road.

    A second study published in Nature found similar results using skin tumors, while a third published in the journal Science confirmed both of the other studies in research involving intestinal polyps. It appears as though, all across the board, cancer tumors possess an inherent ability to produce their own stem cells, which can circulate throughout the body and develop into tumors. And traditional cancer treatments do nothing to address them.

    Forward-thinking Cancer Experts Suggest Abandoning Chemotherapy, Radiation, and Surgery To Treat Cancer

    Researchers at the University of Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Center seem to agree with these conclusions as well, and are now suggesting, along with many others, a completely new approach to cancer treatment.

    Progressive cancer researchers believe it is now time to move forward with investigating new treatment approaches.

    "Traditional therapies like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation do not destroy the small number of cells driving the cancer's growth," says UM's Comprehensive Cancer Center. "Instead of trying to kill all the cells in a tumor with chemotherapy or radiation, we believe it would be more effective to use treatments targeted directly at these so-called cancer stem cells. If the stem cells were eliminated, the cancer would be unable to grow and spread to other locations in the body."Alternative cancer therapies like the Gerson therapy (www.gerson.org) and Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski's antineoplastons (www.burzynskiclinic.com), for instance, are already successfully treating cancers in this way. 

    But because of censorship issues and medical tyranny, these treatments are still not widely accepted, and are actually considered to be fraudulent by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and virtually all state and federal medical boards in the US.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    edited February 2019 #8
    Folks - [Content removed by CSN Moderation Team]

    Folks - [Content removed by CSN Moderation Team]

    I've now known a handful of well intnetioned people who listend to such quackery and either died as a result of it or have cancers now that are so far along that their days are numbered.


    The OP is a new poster with only 4 posts and all promote his deadly agenda and fear mongering. I'll take my chemo and radiation any day. 2-years out and I'm good as new.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,294 Member
    As I Said in my Earlier Post

    I am certainly glad for lkanter that they are cancer free. But cancer treatment today did not just come about. It has had years and much study and application as to the best way to treat and eradicate cancer in the human body and minimizing the side effects as much as possible. I feel that along the way as new possibilities of treatment are presented they are considered and studied and either find a place in the treatment lineup or are discarded. There are many doctors and their families that get cancer every year so I think if there were a better treatment or miracle treatment it would not be held back it would be advocated for and promoted by those same medical people for themselves and their families. Not too many years ago we had a medical doctor on here with H & N (longtermsurvivor)-I believe I'm correct on his handle who eventually passed June 5, 2015 but put up a great fight and helped many of us with his knowledge. My mother in laws heart doctor came down with pancreatic cancer and passed 9 months later several years ago. If there were anything better out there I think they would have had access to it and it would not have been held back. So I guess what I am trying to say is this is why the majority of us go with mainstream proven treatments even though it is a rough road at times we feel it is our best chance to beat the beast. God Bless all.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 319 Member
    So... copy-and-paste text of

    So... copy-and-paste text of a miracle treatment and accusations of a conspiracy is all you've got?  I should never have given you the benefit of the doubt.

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    the future of immunotherapy

    The future of cancer treatment IS changing, always has been.  BUT, everyone that has faught cancer knows, you must make the best choices for YOU at the time.  Between us, we have been fighting and recovering from cancer since 2001.

    Husband was not a candidate for surgery or chemotherapy at the time of his original diagnosis.  Hence, he had radiation alone. His carotid atery was involved and previous heart surgery.  He did eventually have chemo for his recurrence.  There have been huge changes in chemotherapy, more targeted with fewer side effects.

    We are fortunate to live in a city with a leading research group.  These are the most caring, generous, dedicated people I have ever met.  Immunotherapy is still in it's infancy, but the results are quite astounding.  THIS is the future of cancer treatment.  Unfortunately, even as the research is progressing, we are not there yet for many forms of cancer.  

    So, being the research minded person I am, I googled the quotes above and found:  the research he is quoting is on MICE.  It is true, SOME recurrence is from these new found stem cells, but most is still from cancer cells that are missed or unreachable during initial treatment.

    There are SEVERAL what I would call QUACK sites spouting word for word the above (the first one I found was in the Phillipines).  But, if you actually read the sources they are quoting, the NEW treatment is..... wait for it....  

    Immune Cell Biomarker Predicts Better Outcome in Head and Neck Cancer


  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 319 Member
    The future of cancer

    The future of cancer treatment is one thing, but the OP is touting that it has been 11 years since he was treated with hyperthermia and low dose radiation and he is "stronger than ever".  Was that type of treatment an option 11 years ago?

  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    ERomanO said:

    The future of cancer

    The future of cancer treatment is one thing, but the OP is touting that it has been 11 years since he was treated with hyperthermia and low dose radiation and he is "stronger than ever".  Was that type of treatment an option 11 years ago?

    Hyperthermia for head and neck cancer

    I found a 2014 report of a SINGLE study done in India about 2008.  No statistical difference of Radiation vs Radiation + Hyperthermia

    I found a report of improved results when using Radiation, Chemo, Hyperthermia AND Immunotherapy.

    The only research I found on hyperthermia and head and neck cancer 11 years ago was in MICE

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,294 Member
    lkantor could you Give More Information

    About your bout with cancer?

    Tell your story about your cancer journey

    Just wondering what type of cancer such as throat, tonsil, the base of tongue, etc.

    What were the first indications you had a problem that caused you to seek help?

    Was your cancer verified with a biopsy?

    Did you have a PET scan?

    What was your treatment regimen such as how many hyperthermia and low dose radiation treatments did you receive?

    Where did you receive your treatments? Hospital, cancer center, teaching hospital?

    If you can provide some details it would be helpful understanding your case.

    God Bless